
広島16期修了式 & 広島キャンパス同窓会を開催

In 広島キャンパス

ようやく新型コロナウイルスに関する緊急事態措置・まん延防止等重点措置も一段落し、広島16期修了式開催に合わせて、 広島キャンパス同窓会を開催しました。福山〜笠岡で受講された修了生さんにも大勢集まっていただき、大変賑やかな宴会となりました。受講時期や居住地が異なる修了生さんの間で、新たな出逢いも生まれここから新たなドローンビジネスが創造されることに期待しています。

Hiroshima 16th Graduation Ceremony & Hiroshima Campus Alumni Reunion Held

The emergency measures and priority measures to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus have finally been completed, and the Hiroshima Campus Alumni Reunion was held in conjunction with the Hiroshima 16th Graduation Ceremony. Many of the graduates who had taken courses in Fukuyama and Kasaoka gathered at the reunion, making it a very lively party. We hope that new encounters will be born among the graduates who took the course at different times and in different places, and that new drone businesses will be created here.



In 博多キャンパス


The 13th Hakata Campus was held as scheduled.

The 13th session of the Hakata Campus, which is always hot, was held as scheduled. The 13th session was held as scheduled at the Hakata Campus, which is always a hot spot.



In 博多キャンパス

2022年1月10日(日)〜 1月22日(土)まで開講しました、博多キャンパス12期の終了式を開講しました。オミクロン株感染が気になるということで、ご欠席された修了生が多かったのは残念でしたが、実際にご参加された修了生さんは、心待ちにしていた修了証を手にされご満足のご様子でした。今後は日本のドローン業界を牽引してゆく人材に成長していただきたいと思います。

Hakata Campus 12th Term Completion Ceremony Held

The closing ceremony for the 12th term of the Hakata Campus, which ran from January 10 (Sun.) to January 22 (Sat.), 022, was held. It was regrettable that many of the graduates were not able to attend the ceremony due to concerns about Omicron infection, but those who did attend the ceremony seemed to be satisfied with their certificates, which they had been looking forward to receiving. We hope that they will grow to become leaders in the Japanese drone industry in the future.



In すべて

ドローン大学校の代表理事 名倉真悟が2022年4月1日より北海道科学大学 未来デザイン学部の客員教授に就任しました。今後は若者の未来デザインにも貢献できるよう精進します。

Our representative director has been appointed as a visiting professor at Hokkaido University of Science.

Dr. Shingo Nagura, President of the Drone Academy, has been appointed as a visiting professor at the Faculty of Future Design, Hokkaido University of Science, effective April 1, 2022. He will devote himself to contribute to the future design of young people.



In 仙台キャンパス

2022年3月21日 春分の日に記念すべき仙台キャンパス01期を予定通り開講しました。3月16日23:36に発生した福島県沖M7.4の地震により東北新幹線は不通となり、急遽クルマで東京より備品を輸送し、また予定した講義場所も被災した企業から使用したいとの申し出があり、講義会場を変更するなど予想していなかったことが続発しましたが、東北の方々は日々そんな環境で日常を過ごしておられる訳で、弊校も仙台に拠点を置いたということでこの環境に順応していくべきと新たな決意を持って開講しました。新天地での01期でしたが多くの受講生を迎えることができ、賑やかに開講するすることができました。残念ながら全員修了とはなりませんでしたが、仙台キャンパス01期修了生が東北地方のドローンカルチャーを形成して行ってくれることでしょう。

Sendai Campus 01 Classes Open as Scheduled

On March 21, 2022, the memorable 01st semester of the Sendai Campus opened as scheduled on the day of the Spring Equinox. However, people in the Tohoku region are living in such an environment on a daily basis, and we opened the course with a renewed determination to adapt to this environment now that we have established a base in Sendai. We were able to welcome many students in the first term at the new location, and the course was lively and lively. Unfortunately, not all of the students completed the course, but we are sure that the graduates of the Sendai Campus 01st semester will go on to form the drone culture of the Tohoku region.;



In ドローン大学院

ドローン大学校 修了生126名で構成するオンラインサロン”ドローン大学院”が「メタバースセミナー@東京」を開催しました。


・メタバースとは何か? ・メタバース分野のビジネスやサービスのご紹介 ・NFTとは何か? ・Oculus Quest 2(オキュラス クエスト 2)によるhorizon work rooms、clusterなどのアプリケーションによるVR体験


Drone Graduate School Hosts “Metaverse Seminar @ Tokyo

Drone Graduate School, an online salon consisting of 126 graduates of Drone College, held a “Metaverse Seminar @ Tokyo”.

After Facebook, Inc. changed its name to Meta on the night of November 24, 2021, interest in the Metaverse is rapidly growing around the world. With signs of the potential scale of the metaverse economy already emerging, how should drones, which have synergy with the metaverse (AR and VR), be utilized in the future? The seminar was held to learn the basics of metaverse, AR, and VR in order to explore the

・What is the metaverse?
・Introduction of business and services in the metaverse field
・What is NFT?
・Experience VR with applications such as horizon work rooms and cluster by Oculus Quest 2

In addition to the above, a reception by graduate students from Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Hiroshima, and Hakata was held to discuss the growing metaverse (AR and VR) as a drone business. Discussions on how to enter the field continued late into the night.



In 東京キャンパス

2021年11月18日(木)〜 29日(日)まで開講しました、東京キャンパス32期の終了式を開講しました。オミクロン株の感染が拡大で、まん延防止等重点措置が実施する時期ということで、ご欠席された修了生が多かったですが、実際にご参加された修了生さんは心待ちにしていた修了証を手にされご満足のご様子でした。

Completion Ceremony Held at Tokyo Campus

The closing ceremony for the 32nd term of the Tokyo Campus, which ran from Thursday, November 18 to Sunday, November 29, 2021, was held. Many of the graduates were unable to attend the ceremony due to the spread of the Omicron strain and the implementation of priority measures to prevent the spread of the disease, but those who did attend the ceremony seemed satisfied with their certificates, which they had been looking forward to receiving.



In 東京キャンパス

2022年3月6日(日)〜 20(日)まで、東京キャンパス33期を予定通り開講しました。新型コロナ感染拡大も落ち着いてきたものの、開講前の問診票提出、講義・実技前のアルコール消毒、マスク着用など新型コロナ感染拡大には十分注意を払いつつ、集合写真撮影時のみマスクを外して撮影をさせていただきました。今回も幅の広いカテゴリーの方々にご入校いただき、定員満員でとても賑やかな開講となりました。

Tokyo Campus 33rd Session Opens with Full Enrollment

The 33rd session of the Tokyo Campus was held from March 6 (Sun.) to 20 (Sun.), 2022, as scheduled. Although the spread of the new corona infection has settled down, we took sufficient precautions against the spread of the new corona infection, such as submitting medical questionnaires before the start of the course, disinfection with alcohol before lectures and practical training, and wearing masks, and only when taking group photos were we able to take off our masks. The course was again filled to capacity with participants from a wide range of categories, making it a very lively event.



In ドローン大学院

ドローン大学校の修了生で構成するオンライサロン「ドローン大学院」が座学で学ぶ空中散布@東京を開催しました。ドローンを使った空中(農薬)散布の基礎知識と手続きの流れを座学で学んでいただくセミナーで、空中(農薬)散布には興味があるけど、いきなり高額なセミナーや民間資格取得講座に行くのは躊躇してしまう・・・ と、いうビギナー(初心者)に向けた空中(農薬)散布セミナーでした。このセミナーを受講いただくことで今後、空中(農薬)散布をやるか?やらないか?をご判断いただけることでしょう。

Drone Graduate School, an online salon consisting of graduates of the Drone College, held a classroom-based aerial spraying @ Tokyo.

The “Drone Graduate School,” an online salon consisting of graduates of the Drone College, held a classroom-based aerial spraying @ Tokyo. The seminar was designed for those who are interested in aerial (pesticide) spraying using drones, but are hesitant to go to expensive seminars or private certification courses. The seminar was designed for beginners in aerial (pesticide) spraying. This seminar was designed for beginners who are interested in aerial (pesticide) spraying. To do or not to do? We are sure that you will be able to make the right decision.





In ドローン大学院


Drone Graduate School, an online salon consisting of graduates of the Drone College, holds an electric kickboard (M04) distributor staff training curriculum.

The “Drone Graduate School,” an online salon consisting of graduates of the Drone College, held an electric kickboard (M04) distributor staff training curriculum. The two-part training course was designed to develop human resources who can operate driving schools, sell and maintain the electric kickboard (M04), a next-generation personal mobility vehicle being developed by Fujii Engineering, a manufacturer of racing cars and other products. The two-day program trains driving school instructors, advisors for sales, and engineers for maintenance through the two-day program. Those who have taken this curriculum will be asked to work as electric kickboard (M04) distributors in the future.