

In 名古屋キャンパス

2024年2月24日(土)〜 3月31日(日)まで、予定通り名古屋キャンパス32期を開講しました。今回は少人数の開校でしたが、個性豊かな受講生の面々が賑やかな開講にしてくださいました。

The 32nd session of the Nagoya Campus was held as scheduled

The 32nd session of the Nagoya Campus was held as scheduled from February 24 (Sat) to March 31 (Sun), 2024. Although the class size was small this time, the students were full of individuality and made the class a lively one.



In 名古屋キャンパス

2023年8月26日(土)から 9月8日(金)まで、名古屋キャンパス30期を予定通り開催しました。東京キャンパスが毎期定員満員という理由で、今回も名古屋だけでなく関東在住の受講生様も加わり、今期の名古屋キャンパスも「定員満員でキャンセル待ちを頂く状態」で賑やかな開催となり、皆さん「一等無人航空機操縦士」の国家ライセンス取得に向けて頑張っておられました。

Nagoya Campus 30th Session Held as Scheduled

The 30th session of the Nagoya Campus was held as scheduled from August 26 (Sat.) to September 8 (Fri.), 2023. Due to the fact that the Tokyo Campus is full every term, the Nagoya Campus was again filled to capacity with students not only from Nagoya but also from the Kanto region, and this time the Nagoya Campus was also busy with a waiting list.



In 名古屋キャンパス

2023年5月13日(土)から 5月26日(金)まで、名古屋キャンパス29期を予定通り開催しました。名古屋だけでなく横浜在住の受講生様も加わり、皆さん「一等無人航空機操縦士」の国家ライセンス取得に向けて頑張っておられました。

Nagoya Campus 29th Session Held as Scheduled

The 29th session of the Nagoya Campus was held as scheduled from May 13 (Sat.) to May 26 (Fri.), 2023. Students from Nagoya as well as Yokohama joined us, all working hard to obtain their “First Class Unmanned Aircraft Pilot” national licenses.



In 名古屋キャンパス

2月19日(日)から 3月4日(土)まで、名古屋キャンパス28期を予定通り開催しました。名古屋だけでなく横浜在住の受講生様も加わり、皆さん「一等無人航空機操縦士」の国家ライセンス取得に向けて頑張っておられました。

28th Nagoya Campus Meeting Held as Scheduled

The 28th session of the Nagoya Campus was held as scheduled from Sunday, February 19 to Saturday, March 4. Students living not only in Nagoya but also in Yokohama joined us, and all of them worked hard to obtain their “First Class Unmanned Aircraft Pilot” national licenses.



In 名古屋キャンパス


Nagoya Campus 27th Completion Ceremony was held.

On Wednesday, March 1, 2023, we held the 27th Graduation Ceremony at the Nagoya Campus. Since it was a Wednesday in the middle of the week, only some of the graduates attended the ceremony, but it was an intense completion ceremony where we heard detailed information about their activities after the course.



In 名古屋キャンパスIn 修了生

ドローン大学校名古屋キャンパス修了生が運航管理スタッフを務める、小沢 諒祐さん率いるドローンチームが愛知県江南市PR大使に任命されました。今後PR大使として江南市の魅力発信に協力されるそうです。


A team of Nagoya Campus alumni was appointed PR ambassadors for Konan City, Aichi Prefecture.

A drone team led by Ryosuke Ozawa, a graduate of the Nagoya Campus of the Drone College, has been appointed as the PR Ambassador of Konan City, Aichi Prefecture. The team will help promote the attractions of Konan City as PR ambassadors.




In 名古屋キャンパス

2022年8月28日(土)〜 9月10日(土)まで、名古屋キャンパス26期を開催しました。今期も多くの受講生が集い大変賑やかな開講となりました。暑い季節の開講でしたが、熱中症の方をお一人も出すこともなく、全員が予定していたプログラムを受講することができました。

The 26th session of the Nagoya Campus was held.

The 26th session of the Nagoya Campus was held from August 28 (Sat) to September 10 (Sat), 2022. This term was again a very lively one, with many students attending. Although the course started in the hot season, not a single student suffered from heat stroke, and all students were able to attend the scheduled program.



In 名古屋キャンパス

2022年5月15日(日)〜 28日(土)まで、開催しました、名古屋キャンパス25期の修了式を9月 7日(水)に開催しました。残念ながらお仕事の都合で欠席される方が多く寂しい修了式となりましたが、出席された方はご自身のドローンビジネスの展開について熱く語られていらっしゃって、今後の展開が楽しみです。

Nagoya Campus 25th Graduation Ceremony was held.

On Wednesday, September 7, we held the graduation ceremony for the 25th term of the Nagoya Campus, which was held from May 15 (Sun.) to 28 (Sat.), 2022. Unfortunately, many students were unable to attend the ceremony due to work commitments, making it a sad day for many. However, those who did attend spoke enthusiastically about their drone business development, and we look forward to future developments.



In 名古屋キャンパス


The activities of graduates of the Nagoya Campus of the Drone Academy were featured in the morning edition of the Chunichi Shimbun newspaper.

It is wonderful to see graduates actively engaged in activities that have social significance.


「ドローン大学校大同窓会 2022夏」を開催

In 仙台キャンパスIn 東京キャンパスIn 名古屋キャンパスIn 大阪キャンパスIn 広島キャンパスIn 博多キャンパス

日本最大のドローン専門展示会&コンファレンスの単独イベント、Japan Drone 2022の開催最終日に合わせて会場近くの千葉県幕張にドローン大学校修了生が集結し「ドローン大学校大同窓会 2022夏」を開催しました。仙台・東京・名古屋・大阪・広島・博多の全キャンパスから総勢100名以上が集い盛大なビジネス交流会となりました。各自、各地でのドローンビジネスの成功を祈念して、また来年もこの場所に集うことを誓い結束を固めました。

Drone College Alumni Reunion Summer 2022″ Held in Makuhari, Chiba Prefecture

On the final day of Japan Drone 2022, the largest drone exhibition and conference in Japan, alumni of the Drone College gathered in Makuhari, Chiba Prefecture, near the venue to hold the “Drone College Alumni Association Summer 2022”. A total of more than 100 people from all campuses in Sendai, Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Hiroshima, and Hakata gathered for a grand business networking event. Each of us wished for the success of the drone business in our respective regions and vowed to gather here again next year to solidify our unity.