

In 博多キャンパス

2023年10月 21日(土曜日)〜 11月 26日(日曜日)博多キャンパス19期を予定通り開講しました。今回は少ない人数での開講となりましたが、その分内容の濃い講義と実地が出来て、皆さん一等無人航空機操縦士になることができました。

The 19th term of Hakata Campus has started as scheduled.

The 19th session of the Hakata Campus was held from October 21 (Saturday) to November 26 (Sunday), 2023, as scheduled. Although the number of participants was small this time, we were able to provide rich lectures and practical training, and everyone was able to become a first class unmanned aircraft pilot.



In 博多キャンパス

2023年4月1日(土)〜 2023年4月13日(木)まで、博多キャンパス17期を開催しました。今回は国土交通省登録講習機関として博多キャンパス初の一等無人航空機操縦者技能証明書取得講座でした。受講生さん全員が、一等無人航空機操縦者技能証明書取得を目指し、全力で学科と実地に努力されていました。

The 17th term of Hakata Campus was held.

The Hakata Campus 17th Course was held from April 1, 2023 (Sat.) to April 13, 2023 (Thu.). This was the first course to be held at the Hakata Campus as a registered training institute of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism for the acquisition of the First Class Unmanned Aircraft Pilot Certificate. All the participants made their best efforts in the course and practical training to obtain the First Class Aircraft Pilot’s Certificate of Competence.



In 博多キャンパス

2022年10月12日(水)〜 10月22日(土)に博多キャンパス第15期を予定通り開講しました。ドローンのライセンス制度目前と云う理由で、例期に増して多くの受講生さんをお迎えし、コロナ感染拡大にも十分配慮しつつ賑やかな開講となりました。

The 15th Hakata Campus Opens as Scheduled

October 12, 2022 (Wed) – October 22, 2022 (Sat) The 15th session of the Hakata Campus opened as scheduled on Saturday, October 22. The opening of the course was more lively than in previous years due to the drone licensing system, and we were careful to avoid the spread of corona infection.



In 博多キャンパス

2022年7月18日(月)〜 7月30日(土)まで開講しました、博多キャンパス14期の修了式を開講しました。コロナ感染が気になるということで、ご欠席された修了生が多く懇親会を中止しましたが、実際にご参加された修了生さんは、心待ちにしていた修了証を手にされご満足のご様子でした。今後は日本のドローン業界を牽引してゆく人材に成長していただきたいと思います。

Completion Ceremony Held at Hakata Campus

The Hakata Campus 14th Term Completion Ceremony was held from July 18 (Mon.) to July 30 (Sat.), 2022. The completion ceremony for the 14th term was held at the Hakata Campus. Although we had to cancel the reception because many graduates did not attend due to concerns about corona infection, those who did attend were very happy to receive their certificates, which they had been looking forward to. We hope that they will grow up to be leaders of the drone industry in Japan in the future.



In 博多キャンパス

2022年7月18日(月)〜 7月30日(土)に博多キャンパス第14期を予定通り開講しました。今回も多くの入校生と多くの講師陣により、賑やかな開講となりました。

The 14th Hakata Campus Opens

The 14th term of the Hakata Campus was held from July 18 (Mon.) to July 30 (Sat.), 2022, as scheduled. The opening of the 14th term of the Hakata Campus was once again lively, with many new students and instructors.



In 博多キャンパス

2022年4月10日(日)〜 4月23日(土)まで開講しました、博多キャンパス13期の修了式を開講しました。オミクロン株感染が気になるということで、ご欠席された修了生が多かったのは残念でしたが、実際にご参加された修了生さんは、心待ちにしていた修了証を手にされご満足のご様子でした。今後は日本のドローン業界を牽引してゆく人材に成長していただきたいと思います。

Hakata Campus 13th Term Completion Ceremony Held

We held the graduation ceremony for the 13th term of the Hakata Campus, which started on April 10 (Sun.), 2022 and ended on April 23 (Sat.), 2022. It was regrettable that many of the graduates were not able to attend the ceremony due to concerns about Omicron infection, but those who did attend the ceremony seemed to be satisfied with their certificates, which they had been looking forward to receiving. We hope that they will grow to become leaders in the Japanese drone industry in the future.


「ドローン大学校大同窓会 2022夏」を開催

In 大阪キャンパスIn 仙台キャンパスIn 東京キャンパスIn 名古屋キャンパスIn 広島キャンパスIn 博多キャンパス

日本最大のドローン専門展示会&コンファレンスの単独イベント、Japan Drone 2022の開催最終日に合わせて会場近くの千葉県幕張にドローン大学校修了生が集結し「ドローン大学校大同窓会 2022夏」を開催しました。仙台・東京・名古屋・大阪・広島・博多の全キャンパスから総勢100名以上が集い盛大なビジネス交流会となりました。各自、各地でのドローンビジネスの成功を祈念して、また来年もこの場所に集うことを誓い結束を固めました。

Drone College Alumni Reunion Summer 2022″ Held in Makuhari, Chiba Prefecture

On the final day of Japan Drone 2022, the largest drone exhibition and conference in Japan, alumni of the Drone College gathered in Makuhari, Chiba Prefecture, near the venue to hold the “Drone College Alumni Association Summer 2022”. A total of more than 100 people from all campuses in Sendai, Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Hiroshima, and Hakata gathered for a grand business networking event. Each of us wished for the success of the drone business in our respective regions and vowed to gather here again next year to solidify our unity.



In 博多キャンパス


The 13th Hakata Campus was held as scheduled.

The 13th session of the Hakata Campus, which is always hot, was held as scheduled. The 13th session was held as scheduled at the Hakata Campus, which is always a hot spot.



In 博多キャンパス

2022年1月10日(日)〜 1月22日(土)まで開講しました、博多キャンパス12期の終了式を開講しました。オミクロン株感染が気になるということで、ご欠席された修了生が多かったのは残念でしたが、実際にご参加された修了生さんは、心待ちにしていた修了証を手にされご満足のご様子でした。今後は日本のドローン業界を牽引してゆく人材に成長していただきたいと思います。

Hakata Campus 12th Term Completion Ceremony Held

The closing ceremony for the 12th term of the Hakata Campus, which ran from January 10 (Sun.) to January 22 (Sat.), 022, was held. It was regrettable that many of the graduates were not able to attend the ceremony due to concerns about Omicron infection, but those who did attend the ceremony seemed to be satisfied with their certificates, which they had been looking forward to receiving. We hope that they will grow to become leaders in the Japanese drone industry in the future.



In 博多キャンパス

2022年1月11日(火)、博多キャンパス11期終了式を開催しました。オミクロン株(SARS-CoV-2)の感染拡大には注意を払い、集合写真撮影時のみマスクを外させて頂きました。今期も多くの優秀な修了生が誕生し、九州のドローン シーンを牽引してくれることに期待をしています。

End of 11th term ceremony held at Hakata Campus

On Tuesday, January 11, 2022, we held the closing ceremony for the 11th term of Hakata Campus. We were careful not to spread the Omicron strain (SARS-CoV-2) and took off our masks only for the group photo. We hope that many excellent graduates will be born this term and lead the drone scene in Kyushu.