
”AIR TAXI Will FLY IN 2023”Tシャツを制作

In すべて

2020年8月25日に愛知県豊田市で、高さ2m、幅・長さ4mで、8つのプロペラを擁した「空飛ぶクルマ= SD-03」の公開有人飛行実験に成功した株式会社SkyDriveは、2023年にユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパン(USJ)と海遊館などの間で空飛ぶクルマによるタクシーサービスを始める計画をしています。さらに2025年の大阪・関西万博では、都心と湾岸の万博会場を結んだタクシーサービスを計画しています。その活動を応援したいという想いで”AIR TAXI Will FLY IN 2023”Tシャツを制作しました。

Producing “AIR TAXI Will Fly in 2023” T-shirts

On August 25, 2020, in Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture, SkyDrive Corporation successfully conducted a public manned flight test of the SD-03 flying car, which is 2 meters high, 4 meters wide and long, and has eight propellers. SkyDrive Corporation, which has successfully completed a public manned flight test of the “SkyDrive 03,” is planning to start a cab service in 2023 between Universal Studios Japan (USJ) and Kaiyukan. Furthermore, for the Osaka-Kansai Expo in 2025, a cab service is planned to connect the city center with the Expo site on the bay. We created the “AIR TAXI Will Fly in 2023” T-shirt to support these activities.


1月26日(火)22:00 からのテレビ東京「日経スペシャル ガイアの夜明け」でドローンビジネスが放送予定

In メディア

2021年1月26日(火)22:00 〜 22:54 のテレビ東京「日経スペシャル ガイアの夜明け」で「勃発!”空”を制する闘い ~ドローン新時代がやってくる~」と題する番組が放送予定です。今後のドローンビジネスについて知りたい方は必見です。


On Tuesday, January 26, 2021, from 10:00 p.m. to 10:54 p.m., TV Tokyo’s “Nikkei Special: Dawn of Gaia” will air a program titled “The Battle for Control of the Skies: The New Age of Drones. A new era of drones is coming. If you want to know more about the future of the drone business, this is a must-see.



In すべて


Drone College’s website has been viewed 10 million times and clicked 100,000 times!

Since the completion of the Drone College website, it has been viewed 10 million times and clicked 100,000 times. We are happy that so many people have viewed our website. We are aiming to make our website even better so that it can be viewed 20 million times and clicked 200,000 times!



In 博多キャンパス


Held the 8th period of Hakata Campus

The 8th term of the Hakata Campus was held. We were blessed with clear skies for the entire period and were able to finish everything as planned. This time, two students from Osaka and one from Shikoku joined us, making for a lively opening period.



In 広島キャンパス

新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19)感染拡大が心配される時期ながら、細心の注意をはらい「瀬戸内キャンパス11期」を開講しました。今期も大勢の受講生が集い、賑やかな開講となりました。もちろん記念撮影もSocia ldistanceingを意識しました。

Setouchi Campus held its 11th term

Although there are concerns about the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19), the 11th semester of the Setouchi Campus has started with extreme caution. A large number of students gathered for this semester’s opening, and it was a lively event. Of course, the photo shoot was also taken with Socia ldistanceing in mind.



In 広島キャンパス


Setouchi Campus 9th and 10th semester Joint Graduation Ceremony & Drone Rule (Law) Seminar for Graduates

Due to the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, the graduation ceremony for the 9th semester on the Setouchi Campus and the 10th semester on the Setouchi Campus, which had been postponed, were jointly held. In addition, a drone rule seminar was held concurrently for the graduating students to explain the current status of the latest Civil Aeronautics Law, the Civil Aeronautics Law Enforcement Regulations, and the Small Unmanned Aircraft Flight Ban Act, as well as the outlook for legal amendments and deregulation in the coming year and beyond. A large number of students who completed the seminar gathered for a lively opening.



In 東京キャンパス

COVID-19感染拡大が懸念されている時期ですが、十分な感染予防を行い予定通り、予定通り東京キャンパス28期を開催しました。もちろん記念撮影もSocia ldistanceingを意識しました。

Tokyo Campus 28th semester to be held as scheduled

Although there is a concern about the spread of COVID-19 infection, the 28th term of the Tokyo Campus was held as scheduled with adequate prevention of infection. Of course, we also took commemorative photos with Socia ldistanceing in mind.



In 名古屋キャンパス

COVID-19感染拡大が懸念されている時期ですが、十分な感染予防を行い予定通り、予定通り名古屋キャンパス19期を開催しました。もちろん記念撮影もSocia ldistanceingを意識しました。

Nagoya Campus 19th semester to be held as scheduled.

In spite of the concern about COVID-19 infection, the 19th term of the Nagoya campus was held as scheduled with adequate prevention of infection. Of course, we also took commemorative photos with Socia ldistanceing in mind.


当校代表理事の著書「マンガでわかるドローン 」が Best of Japan Drone Award 2020 オーディエンスアワード&サービス部門最優秀賞のW受賞

In すべて

「Best of Japan Droneアワード」は、ドローン産業の発展を奨励することを目的として、製品・技術、サービスの開発や販路開拓を促進し、その優れた製品やサービスを国内外に発信するために行われているアワードです。そのBest of Japan Drone Award 2020のサービス部門最優秀賞と最高位であるオーディエンスアワードのW受賞をいただきました。すでに世界4ヵ国での販売が決定し、現在4カ国語に翻訳中です。また本書の内容を多くの方に伝えることを目的に4時間にわたるリアルセミナー「マンガでわかるドローンセミナー」を東京・名古屋・岡山・広島・福岡で開催中です。



Drone College’s book “Manga de Drones” wins Best of Japan Drone Award 2020 Audience Award & Best Service Category

Drone College of Japan’s Representative Director’s book “Manga de Drones” won the Best of Japan Drone Award 2020 Audience Award & Best of Service Category.
The Best of Japan Drone Award is an award program with the goal of encouraging the development of the drone industry, promoting the development of products, technologies and services, developing sales channels, and disseminating these excellent products and services both domestically and internationally. We were awarded both the Best of Japan Drone Award 2020 in the service category and the Audience Award, the highest award. The book has already been sold in four countries and is currently being translated into four languages. In addition, we are holding real seminars on “Drone Seminars in Manga” in Tokyo, Nagoya, Okayama, Hiroshima and Fukuoka to share the contents of this book with many people.


当校修了生で構成される瀬戸内ドローンプロジェクトが Drone Movie Contest 2020 グランプリ&審査員特別賞W受賞

In 広島キャンパス

「Drone Movie Contest」は、安全ガイドラインに則った、ドローンによる優れた映像作品を生み出すことを目的に、JUIDAとデジタルハリウッドが主催するドローンを使った空撮コンテストです。その「Drone Movie Contest 2020」グランプリ&審査員特別賞に一般社団法人ドローン大学校修了生で構成される瀬戸内ドローンプロジェクトがW受賞をしました。タイトルは「ASAKUCHI Fireworks display 2019」。夜間での高高度運航と難しい撮影に加えて、画像とBGMがシンクロする素晴らしい作品です。


The Setouchi Drone Project, composed of graduates of the Drone Academy, won the Grand Prix and the Special Jury Prize in the “Drone Movie Contest 2020”.

The “Drone Movie Contest” is an aerial photography contest sponsored by JUIDA and Digital Hollywood with the aim of creating excellent films using drones in accordance with the safety guidelines. The Setouchi Drone Project, composed of graduates of the Drone Academy, won the Grand Prix and the Special Jury Prize in the “Drone Movie Contest 2020”. The title is “ASAKUCHI Fireworks display 2019”. It is a wonderful work with high altitude operations at night, difficult shooting, and synchronized images and background music.

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