

In 東京キャンパス

2022年3月6日(日)〜 20(日)まで開講しました、東京キャンパス33期の終了式を開講しました。オミクロン株の感染が気になるということで、ご欠席された修了生が多かったですが、実際にご参加された修了生さんは、心待ちにしていた修了証を手にされご満足のご様子でした。今後は日本のドローン業界を牽引してゆく人材に成長していただきたいと思います。

Completion Ceremony Held at Tokyo Campus

The closing ceremony for the 33rd term of the Tokyo Campus was held from March 6 (Sun.) to 20 (Sun.), 2022. Many of the graduates were not able to attend the ceremony because they were concerned about the Omicron strain, but those who were able to attend the ceremony seemed satisfied with their certificates, which they had been looking forward to receiving. We hope that they will grow up to be leaders of the drone industry in Japan.