In ドローン大学院
2023年 11月10日(金)~ 11日(土)に、ドローン大学院生で、回転翼航空機(マルチローター)一等無人航空機操縦士技能証明学科試験合格者を対象に実地(基本)講習および修了審査を行うイベントを千葉県で開催しました。残念ながら全員合格とは至りませんでしたが、多くの方々が合格され一等無人航空機操縦士になられました。これから日本のドローン産業を担う人材として活躍されることでしょう。
Drone graduate students held an event in Chiba Prefecture to provide hands-on (basic) training and a final examination for those who had passed the first class unmanned aircraft pilot skill certification course for rotary-wing aircraft (multirotor).
On November 10-11, 2023, the Drone Graduate School held a hands-on (basic) training and final examination event in Chiba Prefecture for students who had passed the practical examination for the first class unmanned aircraft pilot (multirotor) certification. Unfortunately, not all of them passed the exam, but many of them did and became first class unmanned aircraft pilots. We are sure that they will play an active role in the drone industry in Japan in the future.