In すべて
COVID-19感染拡大による緊急事態宣言が全国で解除されました。最後まで宣言の対象だった東京など5都道県でも、日常の風景が少しずつ戻り始めました。当校も7月からの開校に向けて準備を進めております。しかしながら「マンガでわかるドローン セミナー」は、第二波の感染拡大を意識し、これまで通りアルコール消毒+マスク着用+少人数+開放空間での開講を続けて参ります。 *画像は当校修了生から寄贈された校章入りマスクです。
State of emergency declared nationwide due to spread of COVID-19 infection
A state of emergency has been lifted nationwide due to the spread of COVID-19 infection. Even in five prefectures, including Tokyo, which had been the target of the declaration until the end, everyday scenery has begun to slowly return. We are now preparing for the opening of our school in July. However, the “Drone Seminar in Manga” will continue to be held in an open space with alcohol disinfection, wearing masks, and a small number of people, as it has been in the past, with an awareness of the spread of the second wave of infection. The image is a mask with a school emblem donated by a graduate of the school.
新型コロナウイルス感染拡大に伴う「広島県感染拡大警戒宣言」発出による 瀬戸内キャンパス第10期 順延のお知らせ
In 広島キャンパス
2020年4月13日、広島県は新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大に伴う「広島県感染拡大警戒宣言」を発出しました。このことを踏まえ、4月15日(水)〜 4月21日(火)まで開講を予定しておりました「瀬戸内キャンパス第10期」を順延させていただくことに致しました。新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大を防ぐという主旨は当然のことながら、講義・実技に使用する予定でした施設の休園・休館、大幅な営業時間短縮なども順延の理由です。既にご入校お手続きをいただいた皆さまや、ご入校をご検討いただいておりました皆さまには、多大なご迷惑をお掛け致しますが、ご理解を頂きますよう、よろしくお願い致します。
Postponement of 10th Setouchi Campus due to the “Hiroshima Prefecture Warning Declaration for the Spread of Infections due to the Spread of the New Coronavirus
On April 13, 2020, Hiroshima Prefecture issued a “Hiroshima Prefecture Infection Spread Alert” due to the spread of the new coronavirus. For this reason, we have decided to postpone the 10th term of the Setouchi Campus, which was scheduled to start from April 15 (Wed) to April 21 (Tue). In addition to the main purpose of preventing the spread of the new coronavirus, the reason for the postponement was the closure of facilities that were scheduled to be used for lectures and practical training, as well as the drastic shortening of business hours. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to those who have already enrolled or are considering enrolling in our school.
In 東京キャンパス
Tokyo Campus 26th Term
With the spread of the “new type of coronavirus infection,” the seminar was held in a closed, dense, and close environment, and alcohol disinfection and mask wearing were strictly adhered to. Once again, we were able to welcome a large number of students to the seminar, which was very lively and positive.
In メディア
In 広島キャンパス
ドローン大学校 瀬戸内キャンパス09期を開講しました。今回も多くの受講生にお集まりいただき、賑やかに開講することができました。「極寒シーズン」と覚悟をしていましたが、さすがの瀬戸内!東京と比べて暖かく、降雨もなく、ベストコンディションでした。
Setouchi Campus 9th Class
Drone College Setouchi CampusThe 9th term has started. This time, many students gathered and the class was opened lively. I was prepared for the “Fresh Cold Season”, but it was truly Setouchi! It was warmer than Tokyo, without rainfall, and in the best condition.
In 博多キャンパス
Hakata Campus 06th entry started!
Entries have started for students entering the 26th Tokyo Campus, which starts on Saturday, May 2, 2020. Drone College will begin pre-entry training for the opening of April. Perhaps in mid-April, a drone operator with the knowledge and skills needed to operate a drone safely will be born.
In 東京キャンパス
Tokyo Campus 26th Entry Start!
Entries for students entering the Tokyo Campus 26th Period, which starts on Friday, April 3, 2020, have begun. Drone College will begin pre-entry training for the opening of April. Perhaps in mid-April, a drone operator with the knowledge and skills needed to operate a drone safely will be born.
In すべて
技術経営戦略を学ぶ講座である、専修大学経営学部特殊講義(技術経営戦略入門) にて、当校理事長がゲスト講師として講義を行いました。日頃、若い学部生にとって、ドローンの情報に触れることは少ないようで、多くの学部生に興味を持って聴講していただきました。
The president of the school gave a lecture at Senshu University School of Business.
The president of the school gave a lecture as a guest lecturer in a special lecture (Introduction to Technology Management Strategy), a course for studying technology management strategy, which is a special lecture at Senshu University College of Business Administration. It seems that young undergraduate students rarely touch the information on drones, and many undergraduate students listened with interest.
In すべて
Happy new year
ドローン大学校+ドローン大学院 合同クリパ(クリスマスパーティー)@名古屋キャンパスを開催
In 名古屋キャンパス
Drone college + Drone Graduate School Joint Clipper (Christmas Party) @ Nagoya Campus
This year, the annual Drone College + Drone Graduate Joint Clipper (Christmas Party) @ Nagoya Campus, where drone college graduates and drone graduate students gather, was held again. This year, on the theme of “Kuripa that can fly drones”, everyone brought their own drones and proceeded with the party while flying the drones. I am grateful to the graduates and graduate students who gathered during the busy period of Shiwasu. The secretariat and instructors will continue to support you with all your abilities next year so that you can continue going forward.
* No drunk flights.