


In 東京キャンパス

Tokyo Campus completion ceremony held in September
The Tokyo campus completion ceremony was held in September. More than a month, many excellent graduates were born. At the same time, special lectures will be held at 6 branches nationwide and at 2 overseas locations. Laser and photogrammetry using drones will be conducted in Japan and overseas, and high-precision 3D drawings will be created in a short time. Mr. Takamasa Yoshimoto of Terradrone Co., Ltd., which provides useful services for the lecture, gave a lecture on the company’s original technology and in-house developed software.


北海道旭川ドローン農薬散布実務実習 第1期修了

In すべて

2018年春から始まった北海道旭川ドローン農薬散布実務実習 第1期が修了しました。北海道旭川を中心とした農業事業者が所有する農地で、実際に農薬散布を3班に分け、農薬散布専用機「DJI Agras MG-1」の安全な運航に必要な知識と技術を習得していただくことに加え、価格交渉や業務受注、農薬購入の方法、農薬希釈の方法、実際の散布作業、迅速な農薬充填やバッテリー交換方法、散布後の手続き、機体や農薬の適切な運搬方法など、ドローン農薬散布の実務に必要な知識と技術を習得していただきました。
Hokkaido Asahikawa drone pesticide application practice first phase completion
Hokkaido Asahikawa drone pesticide application practical training that began in the spring of 2018 has been completed. Agricultural land owned by farmers in Asahikawa, Hokkaido, where the agricultural chemical spraying is actually divided into three groups, and the knowledge and technology necessary for safe operation of the dedicated agricultural chemical spraying machine “DJI Agras MG-1” In addition to price negotiations, business orders, pesticide purchase methods, pesticide dilution methods, actual spraying operations, quick pesticide filling and battery replacement methods, post-spraying procedures, appropriate transport methods for aircraft and pesticides, etc. Acquired the knowledge and skills necessary for practicing drone pesticide application.


ドローン大学校 名古屋キャンパス11期・東京キャンパス18期修了!

In 東京キャンパスIn 名古屋キャンパス

ドローン大学校 名古屋キャンパスと東京キャンパス、それぞれのキャンパスで開講して来ました名古屋キャンパス11期・東京キャンパス18期が修了いたしました。今回はそれぞれのキャンパスでの入校生が定員満員で、大勢の受講生が集う実技実習を行いました。猛暑の季節の講習でしたが、受講生と講師陣が一丸となり、笑いあり、涙ありのドラマチックな充実した実技実習となりました。修了試験に合格された皆さまは、これでドローンビジネスのスタートラインに立てたわけですから、今後日本のドローンビジネスを牽引するドローンパイロットやドローンビジネスマンに飛躍していただきたいと思います。
Drone college Nagoya Campus 11th term & Tokyo Campus 18th term completed!
Drones college Nagoya Campus and Tokyo Campus have completed their respective courses in Nagoya Campus 11th and Tokyo Campus 18th. This time, the students at each campus were full, and practical training was held where many students gathered. Although it was a season of intense heat, the students and the instructors joined together, and it became a dramatic and practical practical training with laughter and tears. Those who have passed the final exam have now set the starting line for the drone business, so I would like the drone pilots and drone businessmen who will lead the drone business in Japan to leap forward.


ドローン大学校 名古屋キャンパス11期開講!

In 名古屋キャンパス

Drone college Nagoya Campus 11th term!
Since drone college opened “Nagoya Campus” in booming Nagoya, we have reached the 11th term this term. This time, we were able to welcome full-time students, and some of them were dispatched from surveying companies that our graduates served. The number of enrollment students from the company is now four. In our school, it is not uncommon to have 3 to 4 students enrolled from one company, but the reason is that “excellent graduates are successful in the drone business”. I thank the students who attended this time and also thank the students who have completed so far.


ドローン大学校 東京キャンパス18期開講!

In 東京キャンパス

東京大手町にあるドローン大学校 東京キャンパスでは、18期を開講しました。今回も定員を超える入校申込をいただき、定員満員の入校生を迎えることができ、その中には瀬戸内キャンパスと東京キャンパスに2名入校いただいた運送会社さまもいらっしゃいます。物流、点検、測量、空撮・・・と、入校生がめざす進路は違いますが、安全な運航に必要な知識と技術の習得という目標は、どの入校生にとっても同様です。暑い季節の講習ですが、受講生と講師陣が一丸となって充実した講習になるように全力で取組みます。
Drone college Tokyo Campus 18th Period!
Drone college in Tokyo’s Otemachi Tokyo Campus opened in the 18th term. This time, we can apply for more than the maximum number of students, and we can welcome students full of capacity. Among them, there are some transportation companies that entered the Setouchi Campus and Tokyo Campus. The courses that students aim for are different from logistics, inspection, surveying, aerial photography, etc., but the goal of acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for safe navigation is the same for all students. Although it is a hot season class, we will do our best to ensure that the students and instructors come together as a full course.


ドローン大学校 瀬戸内キャンパス 2期開講

In 広島キャンパス

Drone college Setouchi Campus 2nd term
From the 28th of June to the 8th of July, we pray for the well-being of those who died due to the torrential rain recorded over a wide area, mainly in western Japan, and to those who have suffered damage, I would like to express my sincere condolences. With this in mind, the second term of the Setouchi Campus was started from “Silence”. Because the seminar (school briefing session) before the opening of the course was canceled, the second term of the Setouchi Campus was opened this fiscal year with a smaller number of students than the capacity, but the opening in the disaster areas Okayama and Hiroshima Prefectures With the purpose of aiming to “use drones”, the instructors and students worked together to conduct severe training and lectures amidst the heat of the day.



In すべて

一般社団法人ドローン大学校のグループ企業である株式会社ドローンラボと米インテル社が「Intel® Falcon™ 8+ UAV RESELLER TRANING IN USA FOR DRONE LAB 」を共同開催しました。ドローン大学校の講師および有志修了生が参加し、米国アリゾナ州にあるIntel Chandler Campusにて一週間のカリキュラムにて、米インテル社認定”Intel UAS Operator”の資格を取得しました。
Drone Lab Co., Ltd., a group company of Drone college, and Intel Corp. jointly held “Intel® Falcon ™ 8+ UAV RESELLER TRANING IN USA FOR DRONE LAB”. Dr. college of Drone college and volunteer graduates participated, and at the Intel Chandler Campus in Arizona, USA, a one-week curriculum earned the Intel-certified “Intel UAS Operator”



In 東京キャンパス

また、同時開催の特別講義には、ドローン専門メディア『DRONE MEDIA』編集長 岩崎覚史氏(プロフィールは以下ご参照ください)にご講演をお願いし、著書『ドローンビジネス参入ガイド』の内容に沿って、ドロービジネスへの参入をテーマにお話いただきました。実践的なお話に修了生も目を輝かせ、これからドロービジネスに参入するイメージが湧いたようです。
慶應義塾大学で哲学、東京造形大学でデザインマネジメントを学ぶ。2015年2月に日本初のドローン専門メディア『DRONE MEDIA』を立ち上げ、編集長に就任。国内外のドローン関連情報の発信を行うと同時に、空撮、コンサルティング、イベントプロデュースなども手掛ける。
規模としては日本最大級のドローン交流会「DRONE MEETUP」を主催。Best of Japan Drone Award審査員。
Tokyo Campus completion ceremony held in June
Tokyo Campus completion ceremony was held in June. More than a month, many excellent graduates were born.
In addition, for the special lecture held at the same time, we asked Dr. Satoshi Iwasaki, Editor-in-Chief of DRONE MEDIA, the profile of drone media (see below for the profile), and the book “ Drone Business Entry Guide ” We talked about the theme of entry. It seems that graduates also shined in the practical story and the image of entering the draw business from now on has emerged.
Satoshi Iwasaki
Studied philosophy at Keio University and design management at Tokyo Zokei University. In February 2015, he launched Japan’s first drone media “DRONE MEDIA” and assumed the position of editor-in-chief. At the same time as sending domestic and overseas drone-related information, he also handles aerial photography, consulting, event production and so on.
Organized Japan’s largest drone exchange meeting “DRONE MEETUP”. Best of Japan Drone Award judge.



In 広島キャンパス

Held a drone seminar in Fukuyama as the Setouchi Campus second term started.
The Setouchi Campus has just opened and we have just completed the first period with a capacity of 15 people. A drone seminar was held in Fukuyama to meet the recruitment. There were many people who came to introduce the first term students, and already half of the capacity was applied for.
Click here for details of the Setouchi Campus Second Term Application Guidelines and the next drone seminar ▼



In 東京キャンパスIn 名古屋キャンパス
