

In ドローン大学院In 修了生In メディア


Drone Graduate School Dispatches On-Site Staff for Drone Show

The Drone Graduate School, consisting of Drone College graduates, dispatched on-site staff for the Drone Show. The event was also covered by the media.



In ドローン大学院In 修了生In レポートIn セミナー

また「起業家支援コンサル 金丸 裕佑さん」をゲスト講師として、「5分間ビジネスピッチ」を行い、最優秀賞を発表しました。

The final lecture camp and completion ceremony for the second term of “Chancellor Nagura’s Business Startup Seminar” were held.

The final lecture camp and completion ceremony for the second term of “Chancellor Nagura’s Business Startup Seminar,” which has been held once a month from March 2024 to February 2025, was held with eight participants from all over Japan.
As in the previous year, the seminar was held for two days in Tokyo, where each student reported on his or her achievements over the past year and also presented a business plan for the next term.
In addition, a “5-minute business pitch” was held with Mr. Yusuke Kanemaru, an entrepreneur support consultant, as a guest lecturer, and the grand prize winner was announced.
After two days of heated discussions, the participants concluded the final lecture camp and completion ceremony by pledging to meet again at “Chancellor Nagura’s Startup Seminar 3rd Term,” which will begin in March.



BASFジャパン × ドローン大学院 ザルビオフィールドマネージャーによるスマートアグリ(農業)ハイブリットセミナーを開催

In ドローン大学院In 修了生In メディアIn レポート

ドローン大学校修了生らで構成するドローン大学院が、BASF JAPAN社の協力を得て「BASFジャパン × ドローン大学院 ザルビオフィールドマネージャーによるスマートアグリ(農業)ハイブリットセミナー」を2025年1月12日(日)に開催しました。
ザルビオフィールドマネージャー(xarvio® FIELD MANAGER)は、JA全農とBASF社が共同で開発した、作物や品種、気象情報、人工衛星画像などのデータを解析し、最適な栽培管理を提案するアプリケーションです。
主な機能には、① 生育ステージ予測(品種や播種日(移植日)などを入力すると、AIが地域の気象条件などを解析し、生育ステージの推移を予測)、② 最適な防除を支援(水稲や大豆の病害発生リスクや雑草種、耕種条件を予測し、適切な防除時期や散布時期、耕起のタイミングなどを提案)、③ 衛星画像で生育状況を把握(衛星画像を自動で取得して解析し、圃場ごとの生育量(バイオマス)を算出)があり、パソコンやスマートフォンから利用できます。
さらに、ザルビオフィールドマネージャー(xarvio® FIELD MANAGER)で得た情報をDJIやNTT e – drone technologyの機体にセットするだけで自動飛行による空中散布が可能になります。
今回は、ザルビオフィールドマネージャー担当者のBASFジャパン株式会社 池町 健太 氏を講師に迎え、ザルビオフィールドマネージャー×ドローンによるスマートアグリ(農業)のセミナーを東京都中央区のBASFジャパン株式会社にて開催しました。また、ZOOMによるLIVE中継も行いました。
また、セミナー終了後はドローン大学院新年会を兼ねて「ドローン大学院×BASF JAPAN社 懇親新年会」も開催いたしました。

BASF Japan x Drone Graduate School Hosts Smart Agri (Agriculture) Hybrid Seminar by Zarubio Field Manager

The Drone Graduate School, comprised of graduates of the Drone College, held the “BASF Japan x Drone Graduate School Smart Agri (Agriculture) Hybrid Seminar with Xarvio Field Manager” on Sunday, January 12, 2025, in cooperation with BASF Japan.
xarvio® FIELD MANAGER, jointly developed by JA Zen-Noh and BASF, is an application that analyzes data on crops, varieties, weather information, and satellite images to propose optimal cultivation management.
The main functions include: (1) growth stage prediction (enter the variety, sowing date (transplant date), etc., and the AI will analyze local weather conditions and predict the transition of growth stages), (2) support for optimal pest control (predict disease risk, weed species, and tillage conditions for rice and soybeans, and suggest appropriate pest control timing, spraying timing, tillage timing, etc.), and (3) satellite images for optimal management. (2) Assessing growth conditions using satellite images (automatically acquires and analyzes satellite images and calculates the amount of growth (biomass) for each field), which can be used from a PC or smartphone.
Furthermore, simply by setting the information obtained by xarvio® FIELD MANAGER on a DJI or NTT e – drone technology aircraft, aerial spraying by automatic flight becomes possible.
This seminar on Smart Agriculture with xarvio® FIELD MANAGER and drones was held at BASF Japan K.K. in Chuo-ku, Tokyo, with Mr. Kenta Ikemachi, the person in charge of xarvio® FIELD MANAGER from BASF Japan, as the lecturer. The seminar was also broadcast live via ZOOM.
After the seminar, a “Drone Graduate School x BASF Japan New Year’s Party” was held in conjunction with the Drone Graduate School New Year’s Party.


今度は貴方がドローンショー!「ミニドローンHulaドローンショー レッスン」をドローン大学校修了生らで構成するドローン大学院で開催しました。

In ドローン大学院In メディアIn プレスリリースIn レポート

ドローンショーを企画・運営する株式会社レッドクリフが販売する教育用プログラミングドローン「Hula(フラ)」は、本体+バッテリー=99g以下の重量の機体で、ブロック(スクラッチ)プログラミングにより、2機〜20機で屋内から微風の屋外環境で、ミニドローンショーができる機体です。その Hula を購入いただき、レッドクリフ Hula 担当者を講師に迎え、アンボックス(開封作業)からブロック(スクラッチ)プログラミングを行えるところまでご指導するプログラムを、ドローン大学校修了生らで構成するドローン大学院で開催しました。

Now you are the drone show! Drone College graduates held a “Mini-Drone Hula Drone Show Lesson” at the Drone Graduate School.

The “Hula” is an educational programming drone sold by Red Cliff Corporation, which plans and operates drone shows. The Hula is a machine that can be used for mini-drone shows in indoor to light wind outdoor environments with 2 to 20 units. The program was held at the Drone College Graduate School, which consists of graduates of the Drone College, with a Red Cliff Hula representative as the instructor.
At the reception following the lecture, the 10 participants discussed the goal of developing the drone show as a business. We are looking forward to the future of this business, as we can expect potential demand, including in terms of price, for small-scale drone shows using aircraft that are not restricted by aviation laws….



In ドローン大学院In メディアIn プレスリリース



Agri-Media, Inc. and General Incorporated Association Drone University launched a curriculum to study Smart Agriculture (Smart Farming) with the aim of DXing the agricultural sector!

Agrimedia Corporation, which creates outstanding platforms to revitalize and streamline agriculture with the mission of “making agriculture a fruitful business,” and Drone University (Kinko’s Future University Group), a drone school that creates drone businesses, have launched a curriculum for learning smart agriculture (smart farming), aiming to improve the efficiency and productivity of agricultural work by utilizing the latest technology. (Kinki Future University Group), a drone school that creates drone business, will develop a curriculum for learning smart agriculture (smart farming), aiming to improve the efficiency and productivity of agricultural work by utilizing the latest technology. We aim to develop a step-by-step learning system that includes free online seminars, paid online seminars, real experience events, and a real educational curriculum for farmers and agricultural corporations who want to learn smart agriculture from the basics, or for those who want to start farming.



In ドローン大学院In 修了生In レポート



FPV Simulator Operation Experience & University Schoolhouse Photography Internship” by a member of the Japan National Team for Drone Racing was opened.

The Drone University aims to open the “FPV Faculty of the Drone University,” where students can learn everything from making to operating FPV drones. As a pre-event of the event, participants experienced the site where members of the Japanese national drone race team used FPV drones to film on the university campus in Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo.

Shooting with a U99g drone, which is not subject to the Civil Aeronautics Law and does not require permission approval from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, was completely different from aerial photography with ordinary commercial aircraft, and participants were fascinated by the FPV operation at the level of Japan’s national team.



In ドローン大学院In 修了生

ドローン大学校修了生らで構成するドローン大学院が、日本最大のドローンショーを行う「レッドクリフ」と協業し、ドローンショーのスタッフを育成するカリキュラム「ドローン大学校 Drone Show Staff Essentials(ドローンショースタッフエッセンシャルズ)」を2024年11月5日より開始しました。


Drone Graduate School Hosts “Drone Show Staff Training Program

The Drone Graduate School, consisting of graduates of the Drone University, in collaboration with Red Cliff, the largest drone show in Japan, has launched the “Drone University Drone Show Staff Essentials” curriculum to train drone show staff. The first cohort of eight students will participate in the program on November 5, 2024.

Eight students participated in the first term of the program, all of whom became “assistants. We plan to increase the number of “assistants” by holding this program on a regular basis in the future.



In ドローン大学院In メディアIn プレスリリース

世界のドローンライトショー市場規模は、2022年に2億1,920万米ドルで、2031年までに16億7,270万米ドルに達し、予測期間中に25.3%のCAGRを示します。*1 また、日経トレンディ「2024年ヒット予測ベスト30」では、堂々の第一位に「ドローンショー&空中QR」が選ばれるなど、急成長を遂げるドローンビジネスとして注目を浴びています。

「ドローンのビジネススクール」をタグラインとするドローン大学校では、同校修了生の雇用を創造する目的で、株式会社レッドクリフとの協業により、ドローンショーで活躍するスタッフを育成するカリキュラム「ドローン大学校 Drone Show Staff Essentials(ドローン ショー スタッフ エッセンシャルズ)」を、ドローン大学校修了生に向けて2024年11月からスタートします。

Drone University Launches Training Program for Drone Show Staff

The global drone light show market size was US$219.2 million in 2022 and will reach US$1,672.7 million by 2031, representing a CAGR of 25.3% during the forecast period. *1 In addition, “Drone Show & Aerial QR” was selected as the number one in Nikkei Trendy’s “Top 30 Best Hit Predictions for 2024,” and is attracting attention as a fast-growing drone business.

With the aim of creating employment for graduates of the school, Drone College, whose tagline is “a business school for drones,” has collaborated with Red Cliff Inc. to develop a curriculum for training staff who will be active in drone shows called “Drone Show Staff Essentials (Drone College Drone Show Staff Essentials). Drone Show Staff Essentials” will begin in November 2024 for graduates of Drone College.


ドローン大学院が「TOMPLA 新川崎テクニカルセンター訪問&屋内点検ドローン「Small Doctor02」操縦体験ツアー」を開催

In ドローン大学院In 修了生

TOMPLA株式会社が、非GNSS狭小空間点検ドローンのエントリーモデル「Small Doctor02」の予約販売を開始されたことを受け、ドローン大学校修了生らで構成するドローン大学院が、TOMPLA株式会社新川崎テクニカルセンターを訪問する「TOMPLA × ドローン大学院 新川崎テクニカルセンター訪問&屋内点検ドローン「Small Doctor02」操縦体験ツアー」を2024年10月12日(土)に開催しました。


Drone Graduate School holds “Visit to TOMPLA Shinkawasaki Technical Center & Indoor Inspection Drone ‘Small Doctor02’ Operation Experience Tour

In response to the start of pre-order sales of TOMPLA’s entry-level non-GNSS narrow-space inspection drone model “Small Doctor02,” the Drone Graduate School, consisting of graduates of the Drone University, will hold the “TOMPLA x Drone Tour” to visit TOMPLA’s Shin-Kawasaki Technical Center. The Drone Graduate School, consisting of graduates of the Drone University, held the “TOMPLA × Drone Graduate School Shin-Kawasaki Technical Center Visit & Indoor Inspection Drone ‘Small Doctor02’ Operation Experience Tour” on Saturday, October 12, 2024, visiting the Shin-Kawasaki Technical Center of TOMPLA Corporation.

The Drone Graduate School will continue to create such opportunities for our graduates to introduce drone business in the future.



In ドローン大学院In 修了生In メディアIn レポート

ドローン大学校修了生らで構成する株式会社全空警と兵庫県加西市との間で締結された「災害合意書」に基づき、① 災害時における緊急物資のドローン物流、② 加西市民に災害状況を衛星中継することを想定した「花火大会の衛星LIVE中継」③ サイサイまつり(加西市最大の夏祭)のPR動画制作、の3つの実証実験および動画撮影を、2024年8月2日(金)〜5日(月)に、株式会社全空警スタッフ(ドローン大学校修了生)が行いました。

Ltd., a company comprised of graduates of the Drone Academy, and Kasai City, Hyogo Prefecture, conducted three demonstration experiments and filmed videos based on the “Disaster Agreement” signed between the two cities.

td. and Kasai City, Hyogo Prefecture, based on the “Disaster Agreement” concluded between Zenkokei Corporation, which consists of graduates of the Drone University, and Kasai City, Hyogo Prefecture. Ltd. staff members (graduates of the Drone Academy) conducted the following three demonstrations and filmed videos from August 2 (Fri.) to 5 (Mon.), 2024.