

In 東京キャンパス


Tokyo Campus 46th meeting was held as scheduled.

The 46th session of the Tokyo Campus was held as scheduled from January 12 (Sun.) to February 9 (Sun.), 2025.
Thanks to your support, this term’s Tokyo Campus was again full of students and full of energy. Despite the cold weather, students were enthusiastic in their pursuit of the “First Class Unmanned Aircraft Pilot” national license.



In 東京キャンパス


The 45th session of the Tokyo Campus was held as scheduled.

The 45th session of the Tokyo Campus opened as scheduled from November 16 (Sat.) to December 22 (Sun.), 2024.
Once again, the Tokyo Campus was filled with a lively and cheerful atmosphere, with students coming from all over Japan. Many students from Sendai, Nagoya, Fukuoka, and other regions participated in the course, sharing their experiences and deepening their learning.
All were encouraged by each other as they worked toward their goal of becoming first class unmanned aircraft pilots. It was a valuable time for the participants to connect with others who share the same goal.



In 東京キャンパス


The 43rd session of the Tokyo Campus was held as scheduled from July 6 (Sat) to August 18 (Sun), 2024.

The Tokyo Campus, which is always filled to capacity, was once again filled with a large number of students, and the entire campus was filled with energy and vitality. Despite the heat, the students worked passionately toward their “First Class Unmanned Aircraft Pilot Certificate”.



In 東京キャンパス

2024年4月20日(土)〜 5月6日(月)まで、予定通り東京キャンパス42期を開講しました。常に店員満員の東京キャンパスは、今回も定員満員の開講で、常に賑やかなワイワイ笑いの絶えない開講となりました。

Tokyo Campus 42nd Semester Opens as Scheduled

The 42nd session of the Tokyo Campus was held as scheduled from April 20 (Sat.) to May 6 (Mon.), 2024. The Tokyo Campus, which is always packed with customers, was again filled to capacity, and the classes were always lively and full of laughter.



In 東京キャンパス

2024年3月9日(土)〜 4月14日(日)まで、予定通り東京キャンパス41期を開講しました。今回も東京キャンパスは定員満員の開講で、常に賑やかなワイワイ笑いの絶えない開講となりました。

Tokyo Campus 41st Semester Opens as Scheduled

The 41st session of the Tokyo Campus was held as scheduled from March 9 (Sat) to April 14 (Sun), 2024. Once again, the Tokyo Campus was filled to capacity, and the classes were always lively and full of laughter.



In 東京キャンパス

2023年9月9日(土)〜 9月22日(金)まで、東京キャンパス39期を予定通り開催しました。お陰様で今期の東京キャンパスも「定員満員でキャンセル待ちを頂く状態」で賑やかな開催となり、皆さん「一等無人航空機操縦士」の国家ライセンス取得に向けて頑張っておられました。

The 39th Tokyo Campus Meeting Held as Scheduled

The 39th session of the Tokyo Campus was held as scheduled from September 9 (Sat.) to September 22 (Fri.), 2023. Thanks to everyone’s support, this term’s Tokyo Campus was again busy with a full house and a waiting list, and everyone worked hard toward obtaining a first-class unmanned aircraft pilot license.



In 東京キャンパス

2023年5月27日(土)〜 6月9日(金)まで、東京キャンパス38期を予定通り開催しました。お陰様で今回の東京キャンパスも定員満員でキャンセル待ちを頂く状態で賑やかな開催となりました。

The 38th session of the Tokyo Campus was held as scheduled.

The 38th session of the Tokyo Campus was held as scheduled from Saturday, May 27 to Friday, June 9, 2023. Thanks to your support, the Tokyo Campus was again full to capacity, with a waiting list of participants.



In 東京キャンパス

2023年3月5日(日)〜 18日(土)まで、東京キャンパス37期を開催しました。今回は国土交通省登録講習機関として一等無人航空機操縦者技能証明書取得講座開講の直前ということで、少ない人数での開講となりましたが、受講された皆さんは全員、一等無人航空機操縦者技能証明書取得を目指し、全力で学科と実地に努力されていました。

The 37th session of the Tokyo Campus was held.

The 37th session of the Tokyo Campus was held from March 5 (Sun.) to 18 (Sat.), 2023. The number of participants was small this time because it was just before the opening of the first class unmanned aircraft pilot certificate course as a registered training institute of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, but all participants made every effort to study and practice to obtain the first class unmanned aircraft pilot certificate.



In 東京キャンパスIn 修了生

「Japan Drone 2018「Drone Business Challenge」にて優秀賞受賞」並びに「Japan Drone 2019 「Drone Business Challenge PLUS+」にて JUIDA奨励賞受賞」を受賞した東京キャンパス修了生木村美砂さん(三宅島ドローンパイロットクラブ所属)が朝日新聞の取材を受けました。


Tokyo Campus graduates were interviewed by Asahi Shimbun newspaper.
Ms. Misao Kimura, a Tokyo Campus alumnus (Miyakejima Island Drone Pilots Club member), was interviewed by Asahi Shimbun. Miyakejima Drone Pilots Club) was interviewed by Asahi Shimbun.



In 東京キャンパス

2022年9月11日(日)〜 24日(土)まで、開催予定の東京キャンパス35期を開校以来最多の受講生さんをお迎えして開催しました。2022年9月24日(土)の最終日に、弊校講師が新型コロナの濃厚接触者となり、残念なが最終日の修了検定を延期しました。そして10月に最終日の修了検定を実施することになり、弊校開講以来はじめて開講期間延期となりました。


The 35th session of the Tokyo Campus was held.

The 35th session of the Tokyo Campus was held from September 11 (Sun.) to 24 (Sat.), 2022, with the largest number of students since the opening of the school. The final exam will be held in October, and for the first time since the opening of the school, the course duration has been postponed. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to the students, but it was fortunate that the outbreak of the disease did not spread. Although it seems that the new corona outbreak has come to an end, we will continue to operate our school with a strong awareness of the need to prevent the spread of infection.