ドローン大学校修了生が構成するドローン大学院生が「DRONE SHOW KOREA 2024」を視察
In ドローン大学院
来年で8回目を迎えるアジア最大のドローン展示会「DRONE SHOW KOREA 2024」が2024年03月06日(水)~ 08日(金)まで開催されました。昨年は172社の625ブース、17,600㎡規模の展示会と8ヶ国(米国•英国•ドイツ•スイス•日本•バングラデシュ•タンザニア•韓国)46人が講演者および座長として参加するカンファレンス、多様な体験イベントで構成されており、来年も同等のスケールで開催される模様です。最新技術が未来日常に適用される多様なドローンモデルを披露されます。特に今年大ブームになったドローンライトショーにも注目が集まっています。
Drone Graduate Students, consisting of Drone College graduates, visited DRONE SHOW KOREA 2024.
DRONE SHOW KOREA 2024, Asia’s largest drone exhibition, which will be held for the eighth time next year, was held from March 06 (Wed.) to 08 (Fri.), 2024. Last year, 172 companies with 625 booths, 17,600 square meters in size, and 46 exhibitors from 8 countries (USA – UK – Germany – Switzerland – Japan – Bangladesh – Tanzania – South Korea) took part in the exhibition. Tanzania, and South Korea), a conference with 46 speakers and chairpersons, and a variety of hands-on events. The latest technologies will be presented in a variety of drone models that will be applied to everyday life in the future. In particular, the Drone Light Show, which has seen a huge boom in popularity this year, is also attracting a lot of attention.
The Drone Graduate School, which consists of students who have completed the Drone College, has planned this tour in the hopes of providing an opportunity to think about the drone business in 2024 and beyond by gaining a feel for the drone industry in Asia. Interpreters (Korean and English) necessary for business talks at the local exhibition were also arranged, and during the three-day stay, participants were able to come up with new drone business concepts.
一般社団法人 防災安全協会とドローン大学校が新設した資格「防災ドローン操縦士」を取得するための第1期講習を開講しました。
In Landing Page BousaiIn 防災ドローン操縦士
一般社団法人 防災安全協会と一般社団法人 ドローン大学校が新設した資格「防災ドローン操縦士」を取得するための第1期講習を2024年2月25(日)〜 28(水)に
詳細サイト▷ https://bousai-anzen.com/?p=1122
The Association for Disaster Prevention and Safety and Drone College have opened the first term of a training course to obtain the newly established qualification of “Disaster Prevention Drone Pilot”.
The first term of a training course to acquire the qualification of “Disaster Prevention Drone Pilot” newly established by the Japan Disaster Prevention and Safety Association and Drone College was held from February 25 (Sun.) to 28 (Wed.), 2024.
The “Disaster Drone Pilot” course was held from February 25 (Sunday) to 28 (Wednesday), 2024.
The “disaster drone pilot” course is a training course to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to use drones at disaster prevention sites after obtaining the national qualification “Second Class Unmanned Aircraft Operator Certificate of Competence”. In response to the increasing use of drones by firefighters, fire brigade members, and others involved in disaster prevention, we have established the “Disaster Drone Pilot Training Course” to provide training in the use of drones. We plan to hold this seminar regularly, approximately five times a year.
Detailed website ▷https://bousai-anzen.com/?p=1122
In メディア
Ltd. and MEXT-designated “Seisa High School” Form Business Alliance to Establish New High School
Ltd., a group company of Drone College, has formed a business alliance with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-designated Seisa High School to establish a new high school for students to acquire knowledge and skills related to drones, flying cars, video shooting, video editing, and SNS operation. We will continue to make preparations for the opening of the school, and will post details on this website as soon as they are finalized.
In 依頼講演
既にドローンビジネスを活発に行われている九州電力株式会社様のドローンビジネス関係責任者様に向けて、今後同社がどの様な分野を目指して行くべきか?今後の日本国内のドローン業界の動向についてなどドローンビジネスの最新情報をドローン大学校 名倉代表理事が、約5時間にわたりお話をさせていただきました。
Our chairman gave a lecture on drone business at the head office of Kyushu Electric Power Co.
The drone business is already actively conducted by Kyushu Electric Power Company, and Mr. Nagura gave a lecture on the latest information on the drone business, including the future trend of the drone industry in Japan. Drone College President Nagura gave a 5-hour presentation on the latest information on the drone business, including future trends in the drone industry in Japan.
「二等無人航空機操縦者技能証明書」を取得するための講習”MACH!”の第1期を2月17日(土)〜 18日(日)に開講しました。これまで弊校では「一等無人航空機操縦者技能証明書」を取得するための講習のみ開講して来ましたが「一等の登竜門として二等を取得したい」というご意見を多くいただき今回の開講に至りました。今後は年間5回程度、定期的に開催する予定です。
The first period of the course “MACH!” to obtain the “Second Class Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Operator Proficiency Certificate” has begun.
The first period of the course “MACH!” to obtain the “Second Class Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Operator Proficiency Certificate” was held from February 17th (Saturday) to February 18th (Sunday). Up until now, our school has only offered courses to obtain the “First Class Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Operator Proficiency Certificate,” but we have received many feedback from people who say, “I would like to obtain the Second Class as a gateway to the First Class.” The lecture has begun. We plan to hold this event regularly, about five times a year.
In 依頼講演
2025年に開催される大阪・関西万博で運航予定の「空飛ぶクルマ」について、ドローン大学校 名倉理事長が富田林ロータリークラブで卓話(講義)を行いました。
Our Chancellor gave a lecture on drones at the Tondabayashi Rotary Club.
Drone College President Nagura gave a lecture to the Tondabayashi Rotary Club about “flying cars” scheduled to operate at the Osaka-Kansai Expo to be held in 2025.
What kind of economic effect will flying “flying cars” have on Osaka and the Kansai region? It was an interesting content for executives in Osaka.
泣きの最終回!Mavic 3じゃないよPhantom 4PV2だよ!ドローン大学院生+学科・実地(基本)修了審査合格者限定 回転翼航空機(マルチローター)一等無人航空機操縦士技能証明 夜間・目視外講習&修了審査@姫路
In ドローン大学院
The last time I cried! It’s not the Mavic 3, it’s the Phantom 4PV2! Drone graduate students only + those who have passed the practical (basic) and practical course completion examinations.
First Class Unmanned Aircraft Pilot Certificate Nighttime and Out-of-sight Training & Final Examination @ Himeji
Drone Graduate School, consisting of graduates of Drone College, held a practical (basic) examination for the First Class Unmanned Aircraft Pilot Certificate for Rotorcraft (multirotor), nighttime and out-of-sight training, and final examination in Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture. All participants were able to pass the basic, visual, and nighttime examinations, and they all put their all into the two days of training and examinations with no regrets. Congratulations to everyone who passed.
In 依頼講演
Chairman of Seisa High School gives a lecture at Seisa High School in Yokohama, Japan
At Seisa High School, a designated school by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) in Yokohama, our school president gave a 90-minute lecture on drone-related rules and drone business, and Drone College instructors gave a 90-minute drone piloting experience. Not only male students but also female students were interested in the drone operation and took it very seriously. We will continue similar activities in the future to encourage young people to enter the drone business industry.
In ドローン大学院
東京の平均気温が5℃前後の新年早々の季節に、気温約20℃の沖縄で赤外線建物調査の現場を体験するツアーを開催しました。ドローン大学院生が所有するマンションを赤外線建物調査のプロ=いっちー先生( http://www.ichidoro.com/ )が持つ情報を余すことなく皆さんに提供しました。
Experience Aerial Photography and Infrared Building Survey in Warm Okinawa! Okinawa Drone Aerial Photography & Infrared Building Survey Tour” was held!
In the early New Year season when the average temperature in Tokyo is around 5 degrees Celsius, we held a tour to experience the site of infrared building survey in Okinawa where the temperature is around 20 degrees Celsius. Dr. Ichitaro (http://www.ichidoro.com/), a professional infrared building surveyor, provided everyone with all the information he had on condominiums owned by drone graduate students. We also offered aerial photography tours of sightseeing spots such as Uminchu Park and Manza-Mao, and those interested in aerial photography as well as building surveys were also able to participate in the tours. In addition, we enjoyed Okinawan cuisine every day and night.
In メディア
2023年12月25日drone.jpの「2023年振り返り企画!注目する企業・団体から集まった熱いコメントをまとめて公開!- DRONE編集部が注目する企業・団体と一緒に2023年を振り返って、来年2024年の展望を予想しよう」に名倉理事長のコメントが掲載されました。
drone.jp’s “2023 Year in Review Project! A compilation of passionate comments from notable companies and organizations! Chairman Nagura’s comment was published in “Looking Back at 2023!
December 25, 2023. drone.jp’s “2023 Year in Review Project! A compilation of passionate comments gathered from notable companies and organizations is now available to the public! – DRONE editorial staff and the companies and organizations of interest look back on the year 2023 and predict the outlook for the year 2024” on drone.jp.