

In 博多キャンパス


The 12th term of Hakata Campus was held

The first class of 2022 started at Hakata Campus. The number of students was smaller than usual due to the early start of the year, but thanks to the motivated students, we had a lively opening. It was the time of year when there was concern about the spread of the Omicron strain, so we opened the course with great care. We also celebrated the birthdays of students and instructors who celebrated their birthdays around the time of the opening.



In 東京キャンパスIn 名古屋キャンパスIn 大阪キャンパスIn 広島キャンパスIn 博多キャンパス


Happy New Year!

The year 2021 was a breakthrough year for Drone Academy.
2021 was a year of great strides for Drone College, and 2022 will be a year of great strides for Japan’s drone industry due to the revision of the Civil Aeronautics Act. The year 2022 will be a big leap forward for the drone industry in Japan due to the revision of the Civil Aeronautics Act.



In 博多キャンパス

2021年7月17日(土)〜 8月1日(日)まで開校しました博多キャンパス10期の修了式および懇親会を2021年11月24日(水)に開催しました。新型コロナ感染拡大も落ち着いてきたものの、開講前のアルコール消毒やマスク着用など新型コロナ感染拡大には十分注意を払いつつ、集合写真撮影時のみマスクを外して撮影をさせていただきました。


Graduation Ceremony Held for 10th Term of Hakata Campus

On Wednesday, November 24, 2009, we held a graduation ceremony and reception for the 10th term of Hakata Campus, which was held from July 17 (Sat.) to August 1 (Sun.), 2009. Although the spread of the new corona infection has calmed down, we took precautions to prevent the spread of the new corona infection, such as disinfecting with alcohol and wearing masks before the start of the course, and only took group photos without masks. As a school, we were very happy to hear stories of people who have already started their own drone businesses, such as those who have changed jobs to companies that are developing drone businesses, those who have started new businesses using draws at their companies, and those who have started drone aerial photography businesses.



In 博多キャンパス



The 11th term of Hakata Campus starts as scheduled!


The spread of the new coronavirus has finally begun to subside, but we are still paying close attention to the situation and opened the 11th term of Hakata Campus as scheduled. It was not too hot and not too cold, but it was the perfect season to welcome a lot of new students.




In 博多キャンパス


Hakata Campus 10th term starts with full capacity!

The 10th term of Hakata Campus was held at full capacity. Even though it was fine after the rainy season, it was hot every day, and while paying close attention to heat stroke and the spread of the new coronavirus infection, we were able to start the course without leaving one person in poor physical condition. Most of the practical training at Drone University is conducted outdoors, so it will be a tough practical training in midsummer and midwinter, but you will acquire practical skills such as managing batteries that get hot and dealing with low voltage caused by low temperatures. I was able to do a rigorous but fulfilling lesson.



In 博多キャンパス


Hakata Campus 9th term held

Hakata Campus 9th term was held as scheduled. This time, we prepared a practical training venue by the sea and were able to practice in a wind-resistant manner. This time too, we welcomed a large number of new students and the course was lively.




In 博多キャンパス


Held the 8th period of Hakata Campus

The 8th term of the Hakata Campus was held. We were blessed with clear skies for the entire period and were able to finish everything as planned. This time, two students from Osaka and one from Shikoku joined us, making for a lively opening period.



In 博多キャンパス


The 7th term of the Hakata Campus was held.

Due to the spread of Covid-19 infection, the 7th term of the Hakata Campus was postponed, but was completed. It seems that all the students were tired from the practical training in the extreme heat of the late summer, but we were able to finish the term as planned without anyone suffering from heat stroke. However, we were able to complete the course as planned without any heat stroke.


新型コロナウイルス感染拡大に伴う 「緊急事態宣言」発令による 博多キャンパス第07期 順延のお知らせ

In 博多キャンパス

2020年4月7日、政府は福岡県に対し新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大に伴う「緊急事態宣言」を発令しました。このことを踏まえ、5月2日(土)〜 5月8日(金)まで開講を予定しておりました「博多キャンパス第06期」を順延させていただくことに致しました。新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大を防ぐという主旨は当然のことながら、講義・実技に使用する予定でした施設の休園・休館、大幅な営業時間短縮なども順延の理由です。既にご入校お手続きをいただいた皆さまや、ご入校をご検討いただいておりました皆さまには、多大なご迷惑をお掛け致しますが、ご理解を頂きますよう、よろしくお願い致します。


The 07th term of Hakata campus has been postponed due to the declaration of a state of emergency due to the spread of new coronavirus infection.

On April 7, 2020, the government issued a “State of Emergency Declaration” for Fukuoka Prefecture due to the spread of the new coronavirus. Due to this, we have decided to postpone the 06th term of the Hakata Campus, which was scheduled to start from May 2 (Sat.) to May 8 (Fri.). In addition to the main purpose of preventing the spread of the new coronavirus, the reason for the postponement was the closure of facilities that were scheduled to be used for lectures and practical training, as well as the drastic shortening of business hours. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to those who have already enrolled or are considering enrolling in our school.





In 博多キャンパス





Hakata Campus 06th entry started!

Entries have started for students entering the 26th Tokyo Campus, which starts on Saturday, May 2, 2020. Drone College will begin pre-entry training for the opening of April. Perhaps in mid-April, a drone operator with the knowledge and skills needed to operate a drone safely will be born.