

In ドローン大学院In 修了生In セミナー


「ライセンスを取得しないとドローンを飛ばせない」という誤った認識を持ち、ドローンを始めるのにハードルを感じていた方々や、これまで費用の問題でドローンに触れる機会が得られなかった中学生や高校生などに向け、ドローンに触れる機会を創ることも「手軽にドローンが始められる技能証明書不要の”ゼミ”」の目的です。入学前に入校金や受講料を一括して支払い、長期間の開講時間を確保するのではなく、自身の習熟度や各自のゴールに合わせて気軽に参加できるよう、あえて”スクール”ではなく”ゼミ”という名称で、❶ FPVドローン体験ゼミ ❷ FPVドローン製作ゼミ ❸ FPVドローン操縦ゼミの3ステップで、FPVドローンの製作・操縦・空撮が段階的に学べる構成になっています。

FPV hands-on seminar 01 was held on Saturday, July 20, 2024.

On Saturday, July 20, 2024, the first day of summer vacation, we held the “FPV hands-on seminar 01” including elementary school students.

The seminar was aimed at people who had a misconception that they could not fly a drone without a license, and who felt it was a hurdle to start flying drones, as well as junior high and high school students who had not had the opportunity to try drones due to cost issues. The purpose of the “seminar,” which does not require a certificate of proficiency, is to provide an opportunity for junior high and high school students and others who have not had the opportunity to experience drones due to cost. The name “seminar” is intended to allow students to easily participate according to their level of proficiency and their own goals, instead of paying an entrance fee and course fees in one lump sum before enrollment, and ensuring a long course time. The program consists of three steps: ❶ FPV drone experience seminar ❷ FPV drone production seminar ❸ FPV drone operation seminar, allowing students to learn FPV drone production, operation, and aerial photography step by step.




In ドローン大学院In 修了生

毎年Japna Droneの会期初日に合わせて開催している「ドローン大学校大同窓会」を今年も2024年6月5日(水)に、HUB幕張本郷店を貸切って開催しました。仙台・新潟・東京・名古屋・大阪・広島・博多の各キャンパス修了生が100名以上集い、今年も賑やかな開催となりました!

Drone College Grand Reunion 2024 was held on

The “Drone School Reunion,” held every year on the first day of the Japna Drone Congress, was held again this year on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, at the HUB Makuhari Hongo. More than 100 alumni from Sendai, Niigata, Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Hiroshima, and Hakata campuses gathered for another lively event!


「SKYLINK HANGAR 福島」視察&国産機体見学ツアーを開催しました。

In ドローン大学院

2024年5月18日(土)〜 19日(日)に、ドローン大学校修了生らで構成するドローン大学院にて「SKYLINK HANGAR 福島」視察&国産機体見学ツアーを開催しました。

令和3年4月26日、双葉町とSKYLINK JAPANが立地協定を締結し新社屋「SKYLINK HANGAR 福島」を建設し、2024年1月から稼働を開始しました。


このツアーを通し、新設開業したばかりの「SKYLINK HANGAR 福島」を見学し、数々の国産ドローンのご紹介をいただきドローンビジネスの起点を探ることができました。

On May 18 (Sat.) – 19 (Sun.), 2024, “SKYLINK HANGAR Fukushima” Inspection Tour & Tour of Domestic Aircraft was held.

On May 18 (Sat.) – 19 (Sun.), 2024, the Drone Graduate School, consisting of Drone College graduates, held a tour of “SKYLINK HANGAR Fukushima” and a tour of domestically produced aircrafts.

On April 26, 2021, Futaba-machi and SKYLINK JAPAN signed a location agreement and constructed a new company building, “SKYLINK HANGAR Fukushima,” which started operation in January 2024.

The town of Futaba is located on the Pacific Ocean, with the Pacific Ocean to the east and the Abukuma Mountains to the west, and is rich in nature.

Through this tour, we visited the newly opened “SKYLINK HANGAR Fukushima” and were introduced to a number of domestic drones, allowing us to explore the starting point of the drone business.


ドローン大学校修了生コミュニティ”ドローン大学院”が「ドローン大学院生限定 DJI 新製品購入&アンボックス&ファーストフライト 1泊キャンプ」を開催しました。

In ドローン大学院

ドローン大学校修了生コミュニティ”ドローン大学院”が「ドローン大学院生限定 DJI 新製品購入&アンボックス&ファーストフライト 1泊キャンプ」を開催しました。

2024年4月28日(日)〜 29日(祝)に、ドローン大学校修了生コミュニティ”ドローン大学院”が「ドローン大学院生限定 DJI 新製品購入&アンボックス&ファーストフライト 1泊キャンプ」を開催しました。

日本未発売だった DJI AVATA。世界デビューのあと多くの日本在住の方がが待ち望んでいましたが、2024年4月11日、DJI AVATA 2 となって国内販売をスタートしました。


また、院生でもあり、ドローンコンプライアンスアドバイザーの尾関 健さんから、機体登録や許可承認申請の手続きに関するセミナーも受講しました。

Drone College Alumni Community “Drone Graduate School” Held “Overnight Camp for Drone Graduate Students to Purchase, Unbox, and First Flight of New DJI Products

On April 28 (Sun.) – 29 (Holiday), 2024, Drone College alumni community “Drone Graduate School” held “Overnight Camp for Drone Graduate Students Only: Purchase, Unboxing, and First Flight of New DJI Products”. The DJI AVATA, which had not been released in Japan, has been eagerly awaited by many Japanese residents since its global debut, and on April 11, 2024, it will be available in Japan as the DJI AVATA 2. It is equipped with FPV goggles with an external output terminal while also having two cameras that can pass through to operate the camera, a motion controller that can be controlled with just a flick of the wrist, a 3-inch small drone with a sturdy propeller guard integrated frame, three batteries, a quick charger, and a carrying case, all for 200,000 yen. The 11 participants spent the two days in the gymnasium practicing their unfamiliar FPV skills under the guidance of a Japanese drone racing team member. They also attended a seminar by Mr. Ken OZEKI, a graduate student and drone compliance advisor, on procedures for aircraft registration and permit approval applications. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)


4月20日(土)・ 4月27日(土)に、ドローン大学校修了生らで構成するドローン大学院にて起業家支援コンサル 金丸 裕佑 講師「資料作成スキル」4時間オンライン無料セミナーを開催しました。

In ドローン大学院


ビジネスをスタートする際に避けては通れないPowerPointやkeynoteと云ったプレゼン資料をプロレベルで作成できるスキルを、2時間のZOOMオンライン講座 × 2回を通して習得いただきました。

On April 20 (Sat) and 27 (Sat), a free 4-hour online seminar on “Document Preparation Skills” was held by Yusuke Kanemaru, an entrepreneur support consultant, at the Drone Graduate School, which consists of Drone College graduates.

The seminar was a 2-hour x 2 online intensive seminar for acquiring document creation skills, one of the “basic skills” that are essential for a businessperson’s operating system. Mr. Yusuke Kanemaru, who was a guest lecturer at the “Chancellor Nagura’s Business Startup Lesson Phase 1 Final Lecture Camp & Graduation Ceremony” held on February 23.

The seminar was a 2-hour ZOOM online course, which provided participants with the skills to create professional-level presentation materials, such as PowerPoint and keynote, which are essential for starting a business.


ドローン大学校修了生コミュニティ”ドローン大学院”が「DJI JAPAN 品川本社オフィス視察ツアー&懇親会」を開催しました。

In ドローン大学院

2024年4月25日(木)に、ドローン大学校修了生コミュニティ”ドローン大学院”が「DJI JAPAN 品川本社オフィス視察ツアー&懇親会」を開催しました。

日本のドローン業界を牽引するDJI JAPANの本社オフィスを視察し、DJIの最新コンシューマー用ドローンのセミナーを受講したり、DJI MINI 4 PRO による緊急停止体験や、DJI AVATA 2 によるFPV+モーションコントロール体験など盛り沢山の内容の視察に加え見学後は、芝浦に移動し、名倉理事長が講師となり国産機体とDJI機体の比較などの内容のセミナーを行いました。


Drone College Alumni Community “Drone Guraduate School” Held “DJI JAPAN Shinagawa Head Office Tour and Reception

On April 25, 2024, Drone College alumni community “Drone Guraduate School” held “DJI JAPAN Shinagawa Head Office Tour & Reception”. The tour included a visit to the headquarters office of DJI JAPAN, a leader in the Japanese drone industry, a seminar on DJI’s latest consumer drones, an emergency stop experience with the DJI MINI 4 PRO, FPV + motion control experience with the DJI AVATA 2, and much more. After the tour, the participants moved to Shibaura for a seminar led by Chairman Nagura, which included a comparison of domestic and DJI drones. In the evening, a reception was held for the graduate drone students who participated in the tour.


ドローン大学校修了生が構成するドローン大学院生が「DRONE SHOW KOREA 2024」を視察

In ドローン大学院

来年で8回目を迎えるアジア最大のドローン展示会「DRONE SHOW KOREA 2024」が2024年03月06日(水)~ 08日(金)まで開催されました。昨年は172社の625ブース、17,600㎡規模の展示会と8ヶ国(米国•英国•ドイツ•スイス•日本•バングラデシュ•タンザニア•韓国)46人が講演者および座長として参加するカンファレンス、多様な体験イベントで構成されており、来年も同等のスケールで開催される模様です。最新技術が未来日常に適用される多様なドローンモデルを披露されます。特に今年大ブームになったドローンライトショーにも注目が集まっています。


Drone Graduate Students, consisting of Drone College graduates, visited DRONE SHOW KOREA 2024.

DRONE SHOW KOREA 2024, Asia’s largest drone exhibition, which will be held for the eighth time next year, was held from March 06 (Wed.) to 08 (Fri.), 2024. Last year, 172 companies with 625 booths, 17,600 square meters in size, and 46 exhibitors from 8 countries (USA – UK – Germany – Switzerland – Japan – Bangladesh – Tanzania – South Korea) took part in the exhibition. Tanzania, and South Korea), a conference with 46 speakers and chairpersons, and a variety of hands-on events. The latest technologies will be presented in a variety of drone models that will be applied to everyday life in the future. In particular, the Drone Light Show, which has seen a huge boom in popularity this year, is also attracting a lot of attention.

The Drone Graduate School, which consists of students who have completed the Drone College, has planned this tour in the hopes of providing an opportunity to think about the drone business in 2024 and beyond by gaining a feel for the drone industry in Asia. Interpreters (Korean and English) necessary for business talks at the local exhibition were also arranged, and during the three-day stay, participants were able to come up with new drone business concepts.


泣きの最終回!Mavic 3じゃないよPhantom 4PV2だよ!ドローン大学院生+学科・実地(基本)修了審査合格者限定 回転翼航空機(マルチローター)一等無人航空機操縦士技能証明 夜間・目視外講習&修了審査@姫路

In ドローン大学院


The last time I cried! It’s not the Mavic 3, it’s the Phantom 4PV2! Drone graduate students only + those who have passed the practical (basic) and practical course completion examinations.
First Class Unmanned Aircraft Pilot Certificate Nighttime and Out-of-sight Training & Final Examination @ Himeji

Drone Graduate School, consisting of graduates of Drone College, held a practical (basic) examination for the First Class Unmanned Aircraft Pilot Certificate for Rotorcraft (multirotor), nighttime and out-of-sight training, and final examination in Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture. All participants were able to pass the basic, visual, and nighttime examinations, and they all put their all into the two days of training and examinations with no regrets. Congratulations to everyone who passed.



In ドローン大学院

東京の平均気温が5℃前後の新年早々の季節に、気温約20℃の沖縄で赤外線建物調査の現場を体験するツアーを開催しました。ドローン大学院生が所有するマンションを赤外線建物調査のプロ=いっちー先生( http://www.ichidoro.com/ )が持つ情報を余すことなく皆さんに提供しました。

Experience Aerial Photography and Infrared Building Survey in Warm Okinawa! Okinawa Drone Aerial Photography & Infrared Building Survey Tour” was held!

In the early New Year season when the average temperature in Tokyo is around 5 degrees Celsius, we held a tour to experience the site of infrared building survey in Okinawa where the temperature is around 20 degrees Celsius. Dr. Ichitaro (http://www.ichidoro.com/), a professional infrared building surveyor, provided everyone with all the information he had on condominiums owned by drone graduate students. We also offered aerial photography tours of sightseeing spots such as Uminchu Park and Manza-Mao, and those interested in aerial photography as well as building surveys were also able to participate in the tours. In addition, we enjoyed Okinawan cuisine every day and night.


「ドローン大学校 × ドローン大学院 × ドロパッ!クリパ2023」を開催!

In ドローン大学院


Drone College x Drone Graduate School x Droppa! Kuripa 2023″ was held!

Drone College alumni, Drone Graduate students, and Doroppa! We had a fun time looking back on the year 2023 and talking about our aspirations for 2024. Each person brought a gift worth about 2,000 yen, which was exchanged among everyone.