株式会社 全空警が愛知県日進市と「災害時における無人航空機による情報収集等に関する協定」を締結
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ドローン大学校修了生らが警備員を務める株式会社 全空警が、2025年1月21日、愛知県日進市と「災害時における無人航空機による情報収集等に関する協定」を締結しました。
株式会社 全空警は、平素よりドローンによる広域巡回警備を行っており、今回はその実績を評価され協定の締結に至りました。
Zenkoku Keisatsu Co., Ltd. and Nisshin City, Aichi Prefecture Sign “Agreement on Information Gathering by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles at the Time of Disaster
On January 21, 2025, Zenkoku Keisatsu, a company in which Drone College graduates serve as security guards, concluded an agreement with Nisshin City, Aichi Prefecture, regarding the use of unmanned aerial vehicles to gather information in the event of a disaster.
Nisshin City in Aichi Prefecture is located between Nagoya and Toyota Cities, and its population is growing and developing. In the event of a disaster, it is anticipated that a large number of people, including children, will be affected, making “information gathering by drone” important.
Zenkoku Keisatsu Co., Ltd. has been providing wide-area patrolling security services using drones for a long time, and the agreement was concluded in recognition of the company’s achievements in this area.