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広島女学院大学 人間生活学部 生活デザイン学科の単位取得講座として、ドローン大学校が「二等無人航空機操縦士技能証明証取得講座」を開講しました。今回の受講学生は10名。全員合格を目標に学科1日、実地1日、審査1日の合計3日間のカリキュラムを皆さん全力受講されました。
Drone College offered “Second Class Unmanned Aircraft Pilot Certificate Course” as a credit acquisition course at Hiroshima Jogakuin University.
Drone College offered a “Second Class Aircraft Pilot Certificate Course” as a credit-earning course for the Department of Life Design, Faculty of Human Life Studies, Hiroshima Jogakuin University. Ten students took the course this time. The curriculum consisted of one day of study, one day of practical training, and one day of examination, with the goal of passing the exam for all students.