In すべて
COVID-19感染拡大による緊急事態宣言が全国で解除されました。最後まで宣言の対象だった東京など5都道県でも、日常の風景が少しずつ戻り始めました。当校も7月からの開校に向けて準備を進めております。しかしながら「マンガでわかるドローン セミナー」は、第二波の感染拡大を意識し、これまで通りアルコール消毒+マスク着用+少人数+開放空間での開講を続けて参ります。 *画像は当校修了生から寄贈された校章入りマスクです。
State of emergency declared nationwide due to spread of COVID-19 infection
A state of emergency has been lifted nationwide due to the spread of COVID-19 infection. Even in five prefectures, including Tokyo, which had been the target of the declaration until the end, everyday scenery has begun to slowly return. We are now preparing for the opening of our school in July. However, the “Drone Seminar in Manga” will continue to be held in an open space with alcohol disinfection, wearing masks, and a small number of people, as it has been in the past, with an awareness of the spread of the second wave of infection. The image is a mask with a school emblem donated by a graduate of the school.