In 広島キャンパス
2024年7月8日(月)〜 9月6日(金)まで、予定通り広島キャンパス24期を開講しました。少人数での開講となりましたが、その分、受講生同士の深い絆が生まれました。共に過ごす時間が増え、互いに励まし合いながら「一等無人航空機操縦士」取得に向かって取り組む姿勢が印象的でした!
The 24th session of the Hiroshima Campus was held as scheduled from July 8 (Mon.) to September 6 (Fri.), 2024.
Although the class size was small, the students formed a deep bond with each other. The students spent more time together, and it was impressive to see how they encouraged each other as they worked toward their “First Class Unmanned Aircraft Pilot” certification!