

In ドローン大学院In 修了生In セミナー


「ライセンスを取得しないとドローンを飛ばせない」という誤った認識を持ち、ドローンを始めるのにハードルを感じていた方々や、これまで費用の問題でドローンに触れる機会が得られなかった中学生や高校生などに向け、ドローンに触れる機会を創ることも「手軽にドローンが始められる技能証明書不要の”ゼミ”」の目的です。入学前に入校金や受講料を一括して支払い、長期間の開講時間を確保するのではなく、自身の習熟度や各自のゴールに合わせて気軽に参加できるよう、あえて”スクール”ではなく”ゼミ”という名称で、❶ FPVドローン体験ゼミ ❷ FPVドローン製作ゼミ ❸ FPVドローン操縦ゼミの3ステップで、FPVドローンの製作・操縦・空撮が段階的に学べる構成になっています。

FPV hands-on seminar 01 was held on Saturday, July 20, 2024.

On Saturday, July 20, 2024, the first day of summer vacation, we held the “FPV hands-on seminar 01” including elementary school students.

The seminar was aimed at people who had a misconception that they could not fly a drone without a license, and who felt it was a hurdle to start flying drones, as well as junior high and high school students who had not had the opportunity to try drones due to cost issues. The purpose of the “seminar,” which does not require a certificate of proficiency, is to provide an opportunity for junior high and high school students and others who have not had the opportunity to experience drones due to cost. The name “seminar” is intended to allow students to easily participate according to their level of proficiency and their own goals, instead of paying an entrance fee and course fees in one lump sum before enrollment, and ensuring a long course time. The program consists of three steps: ❶ FPV drone experience seminar ❷ FPV drone production seminar ❸ FPV drone operation seminar, allowing students to learn FPV drone production, operation, and aerial photography step by step.