

In 大阪キャンパス

2022年11月6日(日)〜 20日(日)まで、大阪キャンパス8期を開催しました。航空法改正間近ということで、他のキャンパスで未修了になった方や、これから国家資格にチャレンジする修了生らと、仙台〜博多と多方面に在住の方々も多数参加され、大阪キャンパスとしては過去最多の受講生を集めた賑やかな開講となりました。

The 8th term of the Osaka Campus was held as scheduled.

The 8th term of the Osaka Campus was held from November 6 (Sun.) to 20 (Sun.), 2022. As the revision of the Civil Aeronautics Law was just around the corner, many students who had not completed the course at other campuses and those who were about to challenge the national certification, as well as those who lived in Sendai, Hakata, and many other areas, participated in the course.