

In 名古屋キャンパス

2022年5月15日(日)〜 28日(土)まで、開催しました、名古屋キャンパス25期の修了式を9月 7日(水)に開催しました。残念ながらお仕事の都合で欠席される方が多く寂しい修了式となりましたが、出席された方はご自身のドローンビジネスの展開について熱く語られていらっしゃって、今後の展開が楽しみです。

Nagoya Campus 25th Graduation Ceremony was held.

On Wednesday, September 7, we held the graduation ceremony for the 25th term of the Nagoya Campus, which was held from May 15 (Sun.) to 28 (Sat.), 2022. Unfortunately, many students were unable to attend the ceremony due to work commitments, making it a sad day for many. However, those who did attend spoke enthusiastically about their drone business development, and we look forward to future developments.