

In 依頼講演In レポート

2024年5月23日(木)、北海道科学大学E棟にて未来デザイン学部 人間社会学科の名倉 真悟客員教授(弊校 理事長)による公開講座「『起業家』という選択」を開催しました。


Chancellor Nagura held a public lecture entitled “The Entrepreneurial Choice” at Hokkaido University of Science.

On Thursday, May 23, 2024, Shingo Nagura, Visiting Professor of the Department of Human and Social Studies, Faculty of Future Design (Chancellor), Hokkaido University of Science held a public lecture entitled “The Entrepreneurial Choice” in Building E of Hokkaido University of Science. Company Employee or Business Owner? What is the right choice for the next era, as told by an MBA entrepreneur who successfully sold his company three times. The lecture was open to students and working adults who aim to start their own businesses.