

In 博多キャンパス

2023年10月 21日(土曜日)〜 11月 26日(日曜日)博多キャンパス19期を予定通り開講しました。今回は少ない人数での開講となりましたが、その分内容の濃い講義と実地が出来て、皆さん一等無人航空機操縦士になることができました。

The 19th term of Hakata Campus has started as scheduled.

The 19th session of the Hakata Campus was held from October 21 (Saturday) to November 26 (Sunday), 2023, as scheduled. Although the number of participants was small this time, we were able to provide rich lectures and practical training, and everyone was able to become a first class unmanned aircraft pilot.