

In ドローン大学院

ドローン大学校の修了生で構成するオンライサロン「ドローン大学院」が座学で学ぶ空中散布@東京を開催しました。ドローンを使った空中(農薬)散布の基礎知識と手続きの流れを座学で学んでいただくセミナーで、空中(農薬)散布には興味があるけど、いきなり高額なセミナーや民間資格取得講座に行くのは躊躇してしまう・・・ と、いうビギナー(初心者)に向けた空中(農薬)散布セミナーでした。このセミナーを受講いただくことで今後、空中(農薬)散布をやるか?やらないか?をご判断いただけることでしょう。

Drone Graduate School, an online salon consisting of graduates of the Drone College, held a classroom-based aerial spraying @ Tokyo.

The “Drone Graduate School,” an online salon consisting of graduates of the Drone College, held a classroom-based aerial spraying @ Tokyo. The seminar was designed for those who are interested in aerial (pesticide) spraying using drones, but are hesitant to go to expensive seminars or private certification courses. The seminar was designed for beginners in aerial (pesticide) spraying. This seminar was designed for beginners who are interested in aerial (pesticide) spraying. To do or not to do? We are sure that you will be able to make the right decision.