

In ドローン大学院

東京の平均気温が5℃前後の新年早々の季節に、気温約20℃の沖縄で赤外線建物調査の現場を体験するツアーを開催しました。ドローン大学院生が所有するマンションを赤外線建物調査のプロ=いっちー先生( http://www.ichidoro.com/ )が持つ情報を余すことなく皆さんに提供しました。

Experience Aerial Photography and Infrared Building Survey in Warm Okinawa! Okinawa Drone Aerial Photography & Infrared Building Survey Tour” was held!

In the early New Year season when the average temperature in Tokyo is around 5 degrees Celsius, we held a tour to experience the site of infrared building survey in Okinawa where the temperature is around 20 degrees Celsius. Dr. Ichitaro (http://www.ichidoro.com/), a professional infrared building surveyor, provided everyone with all the information he had on condominiums owned by drone graduate students. We also offered aerial photography tours of sightseeing spots such as Uminchu Park and Manza-Mao, and those interested in aerial photography as well as building surveys were also able to participate in the tours. In addition, we enjoyed Okinawan cuisine every day and night.