In 広島キャンパス
新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19)感染拡大が心配される時期ながら、細心の注意をはらい「瀬戸内キャンパス11期」を開講しました。今期も大勢の受講生が集い、賑やかな開講となりました。もちろん記念撮影もSocia ldistanceingを意識しました。
Setouchi Campus held its 11th term
Although there are concerns about the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19), the 11th semester of the Setouchi Campus has started with extreme caution. A large number of students gathered for this semester’s opening, and it was a lively event. Of course, the photo shoot was also taken with Socia ldistanceing in mind.