

弊校 名倉理事長が客員教授として北海道科学大学 未来デザイン学部で講義を行いました。

In すべて

2022年4月より北海道科学大学 未来デザイン学部の客員教授に就任した弊校 名倉理事長がリアルで講義を行いました。多くの学生にキラキラした真剣な眼差しで聴講いただきました。

Chancellor Nagura of our school gave a lecture at the Faculty of Future Design, Hokkaido University of Science as a visiting professor.

Chancellor Nagura, who will become a visiting professor at the Faculty of Future Design, Hokkaido University of Science in April 2022, gave a lecture in real life. Many students listened to the lecture with sparkling and serious eyes.


JAPAN DRONE 2022視察ツアー・インフラ点検ドローン体験セミナー・ドローン大学校大同窓会 2022夏の動画を公開しました。

In ドローン大学院

ドローン大学校修了生で構成するコミュニティ「ドローン大学院」のイベントとして、2022年6月23日(金)〜24日(土)に開催した「JAPAN DRONE 2022視察ツアー・インフラ点検ドローン体験セミナー・ドローン大学校大同窓会 2022夏」の動画を公開しました。

JAPAN DRONE 2022 Inspection Tour, Infrastructure Inspection Drone Experience Seminar, and Drone University Alumni Association 2022 Summer Copper Coins are now available.

Copper coins from the JAPAN DRONE 2022 Inspection Tour, Infrastructure Inspection Drone Experience Seminar, and Drone University Alumni Association Summer 2022, held on June 23-24, 2022, as an event of the Drone Graduate School, a community comprised of Drone University graduates, are now available.



In ドローン大学院


Held “Infrastructure Inspection Drone Experience Seminar

The drone inspection market is expected to expand 277-fold from 71.9 billion yen in 2022 to 199.3 billion yen in 2027. (Reference: “Drone Business Research Report 2022,” Impress Research Institute) However, information on drone inspection work is scarce, and there are few opportunities to obtain information from business people involved in inspection work as a practical matter. a Japanese manufacturer of inspection and surveying drones, we have obtained the cooperation of Liberaware Corporation, a manufacturer of inspection and surveying drones, to conduct an inspection of boilers, chimneys, tanks, and incinerators that require safety and cooling before scaffolding and facility inspection using IBIS, an inspection drone specially designed for narrow spaces. After hearing about the contents of the inspection of the inside of facilities such as boilers, chimneys, tanks, incinerators, etc., which require safety assurance and cooling before equipment inspection, participants will experience piloting the IBIS inspection drone, which is specially designed for narrow spaces. The seminar was to consider participation in inspection work by dispatching pilots under the company’s “IBIS Inspection Service Plan. This was a great opportunity for graduates who are considering participating in the drone business, which requires little upfront investment.


「ドローン大学校大同窓会 2022夏」を開催

In 仙台キャンパスIn 東京キャンパスIn 名古屋キャンパスIn 大阪キャンパスIn 広島キャンパスIn 博多キャンパス

日本最大のドローン専門展示会&コンファレンスの単独イベント、Japan Drone 2022の開催最終日に合わせて会場近くの千葉県幕張にドローン大学校修了生が集結し「ドローン大学校大同窓会 2022夏」を開催しました。仙台・東京・名古屋・大阪・広島・博多の全キャンパスから総勢100名以上が集い盛大なビジネス交流会となりました。各自、各地でのドローンビジネスの成功を祈念して、また来年もこの場所に集うことを誓い結束を固めました。

Drone College Alumni Reunion Summer 2022″ Held in Makuhari, Chiba Prefecture

On the final day of Japan Drone 2022, the largest drone exhibition and conference in Japan, alumni of the Drone College gathered in Makuhari, Chiba Prefecture, near the venue to hold the “Drone College Alumni Association Summer 2022”. A total of more than 100 people from all campuses in Sendai, Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Hiroshima, and Hakata gathered for a grand business networking event. Each of us wished for the success of the drone business in our respective regions and vowed to gather here again next year to solidify our unity.



In 東京キャンパス

2022年3月6日(日)〜 20(日)まで開講しました、東京キャンパス33期の終了式を開講しました。オミクロン株の感染が気になるということで、ご欠席された修了生が多かったですが、実際にご参加された修了生さんは、心待ちにしていた修了証を手にされご満足のご様子でした。今後は日本のドローン業界を牽引してゆく人材に成長していただきたいと思います。

Completion Ceremony Held at Tokyo Campus

The closing ceremony for the 33rd term of the Tokyo Campus was held from March 6 (Sun.) to 20 (Sun.), 2022. Many of the graduates were not able to attend the ceremony because they were concerned about the Omicron strain, but those who were able to attend the ceremony seemed satisfied with their certificates, which they had been looking forward to receiving. We hope that they will grow up to be leaders of the drone industry in Japan.



In 東京キャンパス

2022年6月4日(土)〜 12(日)まで、東京キャンパス34期を予定通り開講しました。新型コロナ感染拡大も落ち着いてきたものの、開講前の問診票提出、講義・実技前のアルコール消毒、マスク着用など新型コロナ感染拡大には十分注意を払いつつ、集合写真撮影時のみマスクを外して撮影をさせていただきました。今回も幅の広いカテゴリーの方々にご入校いただき、定員満員でとても賑やかな開講となりました。

Tokyo Campus 34th Session Opens with Full Enrollment

The 34th term of the Tokyo Campus was held from June 4 (Sat.) to 12 (Sun.), 2022, as scheduled. Although the spread of the new corona infection has settled down, we still took sufficient precautions against the spread of the new corona infection, such as submitting medical questionnaires before the start of the course, disinfection with alcohol before lectures and practical training, and wearing masks, and we took off masks only when taking group photos. The course was again filled to capacity with participants from a wide range of categories, making it a very lively event.



In 名古屋キャンパス

2022年5月15日(日)〜 5月28日 (土)まで、名古屋キャンパス25期を予定通り開講しました。新型コロナ感染拡大も落ち着いてきたものの、開講前の問診票提出、講義・実技前のアルコール消毒、マスク着用など新型コロナ感染拡大には十分注意を払いつつ、集合写真撮影時のみマスクを外して撮影をさせていただきました。今回も幅の広いカテゴリーの方々にご入校いただき賑やかな開講となりました。

Nagoya Campus 25th Semester Opens as Scheduled

The 25th semester of the Nagoya Campus was held from May 15 (Sun.) to May 28 (Sat.), 2022, as scheduled. Although the spread of the new corona infection has settled down, we still took precautions against the spread of the new corona infection, such as submitting medical questionnaires before the start of classes, disinfection with alcohol before lectures and practical training, and wearing masks, and only when taking group photos, we took off masks. The course was again lively, with participants from a wide range of categories enrolling.



In 東京キャンパス

株式会社フルハートジャパン&株式会社ハーベストジャパン 代表取締役であり、ドローン大学校東京キャンパス修了生の國廣愛彦氏のビジネスが日本経済新聞にてご紹介されました。ドローン隣接分野からドローン分野との融合を模索し新たなビジネスを創造さてれいる姿が素晴らしいです。ドローン分野に留まらず多分野へ展開し、ご成功されることを期待しています。

Businesses of Tokyo Campus alumni were featured in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun.

The Nihon Keizai Shimbun introduced the business of Mr. Akihiko Kunihiro, President of Full Heart Japan Inc. and Harvest Japan Inc. and a graduate of the Tokyo Campus of the Drone Academy. It is wonderful to see how he is creating a new business by exploring the fusion of the drone field with the adjacent field of drones. We hope that he will be successful not only in the drone field but also in other fields.



In ドローン大学院

ドローン大学校修了生らで構成する”ドローンビジネス オンラインサロン”「ドローン大学院」のイベント「ドローン3Dモデリング・ドローン360°動画撮影Camp@マウンテンサイド白馬」を5月21日(土)〜 22日(日)に予定通り開催しました。ドローン大学院ではこれまでドローンでの写真測量セミナーを複数回開催し、ドローンで撮影した画像から点群・地表面モデル・オルソモザイクなどを作成するカリキュラムを進めて来ましたが「モデリングに関するセミナーをやって欲しい」という声が多く、また前回参加できなかった方や、最近ご入校された院生からリクエストが多数あったので「Pix4D mapper」を使った3Dモデリングのノウハウを学べる講習を今年も開催することとなりました。今回は起伏豊かな長野県白馬村で開催し、またVRゴーグルでの視聴を前提とした360°動画をドローンに搭載した360°カメラで撮影したいというご要望にもご対応しました。

Drone Graduate School “Drone 3D Modeling and Drone 360°Video Shooting Camp at Mountainside Hakuba” was held as scheduled.

Drone 3D Modeling and Drone 360° Video Shooting Camp @ Mountainside Hakuba” was held as scheduled on May 21 (Sat.) and 22 (Sun.) by the “Drone Graduate School,” an online salon for drone business consisting of graduates of the Drone University. The Drone Graduate School has held several seminars on photogrammetry using drones, and has been promoting a curriculum to create point clouds, ground surface models, orthomosaics, etc. from images taken by drones. However, we have received many requests for a seminar on modeling, and many of those who were not able to participate in the previous seminar and recently enrolled graduate students have requested a seminar on modeling, so we have decided to hold another seminar this year to teach 3D modeling know-how using “Pix4D mapper. This year’s seminar was held in Hakuba Village in Nagano Prefecture, which is rich in rugged terrain, and we also responded to requests to shoot 360° videos with a 360° camera mounted on a drone, which are intended to be viewed with VR goggles.



In 大阪キャンパス

2022年2月6日(日)〜 2月19日(土)まで開講しました、大阪キャンパス05期の終了式を開講しました。オミクロン株感染が気になるということで、ご欠席された修了生が多かったですが、実際にご参加された修了生さんは、心待ちにしていた修了証を手にされご満足のご様子でした。今後は日本のドローン業界を牽引してゆく人材に成長していただきたいと思います。

Completion Ceremony Held at Osaka Campus

The closing ceremony for the 05th term of the Osaka Campus, which ran from February 6 (Sun.) to February 19 (Sat.), 2022, was held. Many of the graduates were not able to attend the ceremony due to concerns about Omicron infection, but those who were able to attend the ceremony seemed satisfied with their certificates, which they had been looking forward to receiving. We hope that they will grow up to be leaders of the drone industry in Japan.