


In 名古屋キャンパス

2月19日(日)から 3月4日(土)まで、名古屋キャンパス28期を予定通り開催しました。名古屋だけでなく横浜在住の受講生様も加わり、皆さん「一等無人航空機操縦士」の国家ライセンス取得に向けて頑張っておられました。

28th Nagoya Campus Meeting Held as Scheduled

The 28th session of the Nagoya Campus was held as scheduled from Sunday, February 19 to Saturday, March 4. Students living not only in Nagoya but also in Yokohama joined us, and all of them worked hard to obtain their “First Class Unmanned Aircraft Pilot” national licenses.



In 名古屋キャンパス


Nagoya Campus 27th Completion Ceremony was held.

On Wednesday, March 1, 2023, we held the 27th Graduation Ceremony at the Nagoya Campus. Since it was a Wednesday in the middle of the week, only some of the graduates attended the ceremony, but it was an intense completion ceremony where we heard detailed information about their activities after the course.



In ドローン大学院In 修了生

2023年2月11日(土)〜 12日(日)に開催しました、ドローン大学院イベント「SKYLINK × ドローン大学院 × DRONEY ビジネスマッチングミーティング & 農薬散布•空撮機操縦体験会」の動画が完成しました。撮影〜編集まで全てドローン大学院生が担当しました。



In 東京キャンパスIn 修了生

「Japan Drone 2018「Drone Business Challenge」にて優秀賞受賞」並びに「Japan Drone 2019 「Drone Business Challenge PLUS+」にて JUIDA奨励賞受賞」を受賞した東京キャンパス修了生木村美砂さん(三宅島ドローンパイロットクラブ所属)が朝日新聞の取材を受けました。


Tokyo Campus graduates were interviewed by Asahi Shimbun newspaper.
Ms. Misao Kimura, a Tokyo Campus alumnus (Miyakejima Island Drone Pilots Club member), was interviewed by Asahi Shimbun. Miyakejima Drone Pilots Club) was interviewed by Asahi Shimbun.



In 広島キャンパス


Hiroshima Campus 20th Semester Held as Scheduled

The 20th session of the Hiroshima Campus was held as scheduled from Sunday, February 5 to Saturday, February 18. Students from not only Hiroshima but also Osaka joined us, all working hard to obtain their “First Class Unmanned Aircraft Pilot” national licenses.



In 広島キャンパス


Hiroshima Campus 19th Term Completion Ceremony Held

On Tuesday, February 14, 2023, the Completion Ceremony for the 19th term was held at the Hiroshima Campus. Prior to the ceremony, Chancellor Nagura gave a lecture on how to prepare for the upcoming academic examination to obtain a national license as a “First Class Unmanned Aircraft Pilot,” to which all graduates listened with serious eyes.


「SkyLink × ドローン大学院 × Droney ビジネスマッチングミーティング & 農薬散布•空撮機操縦体験会」を開催しました。

In ドローン大学院

ドローン大学校修了生らで構成するドローン大学院のイベントとして「SkyLink × ドローン大学院 × Droney ビジネスマッチングミーティング & 農薬散布•空撮機操縦体験会」を2023年2月11日(土)〜 12日(日)に、大阪府四條畷市・奈良県生駒市にて開催しました。
京都府京都市北区に本社を置く日本を代表するドローン ソリューション カンパニーSkyLink Japanさんの代表取締役社長 須田信也氏にゲストスピーカーをお願いし、日本国内のドローンビジネス市場の動向を伺いました。

また、一眼レフ搭載空撮機 SONY Airpeak S1、農薬散布専用機 NTT e-Drone AC101、DJI Matrice 300 RTKなどの産業機の操縦体験もして頂きました。2日目には大阪キャンパス修了後に同期生で設立されたドロニー株式会社さんに農薬散布専用機DJI T30をお持ち頂き、実際の農薬散布のデモおよびご参加の皆さまに操縦体験をして頂きました。


SkyLink x Droney Business Matching Meeting & Pesticide Spraying – Aerial Photographer Operation Experience” was held.

SkyLink × Drone College × Droney Business Matching Meeting & Pesticide Spraying & Aerial Camera Operation Experience” was held in Shijonawate City, Osaka Prefecture, and Ikoma City, Nara Prefecture, on February 11 (Sat.) and 12 (Sun.), 2023, as an event of the Drone College Graduate School consisting of graduates of the Drone College. Shijonawate City, Osaka Prefecture and Ikoma City, Nara Prefecture on February 11-12, 2023.

Mr. Shinya Suda, President of SkyLink Japan, a leading Japanese drone solution company headquartered in Kita-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, was invited as a guest speaker to discuss the drone business market in Japan.

On the second day, Mr. Drony Corporation, a company established by the graduates of the Osaka Campus, brought a DJI T30, a drone for pesticide spraying. They brought a DJI T30, a specialized pesticide spraying machine, for a demonstration of actual pesticide spraying and for everyone in attendance to experience piloting the machine.
I want to do drone business on the big stage! I want to experience the latest pesticide sprayer! I want to see pesticide spraying in action! I want to fly an SLR-mounted aerial camera! I want to have a good time with graduate students from all over Japan on the theme of drone business! The event was a very lively gathering of about 50 people who were interested in the drone business.



In 大阪キャンパス

2022年12月25日(日)〜 2023年1月21日(土)まで、大阪キャンパス9期を開催しました。一等無人航空機操縦者技能証明の学科試験もスタートしたということで、これから国家資格にチャレンジする修了生ら、多方面に在住の方々も多数参加され賑やかな開講となりました。

The 9th term of Osaka Campus was held as scheduled.

The 9th term of the Osaka Campus was held from December 25, 2022 (Sun.) to January 21, 2023 (Sat.). The first class unmanned aircraft pilot proficiency test had just started, and many graduates who will challenge the national certification, as well as those who live in various areas, participated in the lively opening of the course.



In 大阪キャンパス

2022年11月6日(日)〜 20日(日)まで開講しました、大阪キャンパス8期の修了式を開講しました。コロナ感染が気になるということで、ご欠席された修了生が多く懇親会も中止しましたが、実際にご参加された修了生さんは、心待ちにしていた修了証を手にされご満足のご様子でした。今後は日本のドローン業界を牽引してゆく人材に成長していただきたいと思います。

Completion Ceremony Held at Osaka Campus

We held the graduation ceremony for the 8th term of the Osaka Campus, which started on November 6 (Sun.) and ended on November 20 (Sun.), 2022. Although we had to cancel the reception because many graduates were concerned about corona infection, those who actually attended the ceremony seemed satisfied with their certificates, which they had been waiting for. We hope that they will grow up to be leaders of the drone industry in Japan.



In すべて

2023年1月8日(日)〜 1月9日に千葉県長生郡で開催した「ドローン大学校修了生限定 無人航空機操縦士国家試験対策合宿@千葉(第2弾直前編)」の動画を公開しました。本合宿受講生全員が一等無人航空機操縦士技能証明を取得されることを祈念しております。

Video of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Pilot National Examination Preparation Camp @ Chiba (Second Last Minute Session) is now available.

A video of the “Unmanned Aircraft Pilot National Examination Preparation Camp @ Chiba (2nd Preparation)” held in Chousei-gun, Chiba Prefecture from January 8 (Sun.) to January 9, 2023, is now available. We hope that all participants of this camp will obtain the First Class Unmanned Aircraft Pilot Certificate of Competence.