ドローンショースタッフ育成プログラム「ドローン大学校 Drone Show Staff Essentials(ドローンショースタッフエッセンシャルズ)」第2期を開講
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ドローン大学校修了生らで構成するドローン大学院と、日本最大のドローンショーを行う「レッドクリフ」とが協業し、ドローンショーのスタッフを育成するカリキュラム「ドローン大学校 Drone Show Staff Essentials(ドローンショースタッフエッセンシャルズ)」第2期を2024年12月29日〜2025年1月1日まで開講しました。
Drone College Drone Show Staff Essentials,” a drone show staff training program, launches its second term
The Drone Graduate School, consisting of graduates of the Drone College, and Red Cliff, the largest drone show in Japan, have collaborated to launch the second phase of “Drone College Drone Show Staff Essentials,” a curriculum for training drone show staff. The second term of the “Drone Show Staff Essentials” program was opened from December 29, 2024 to January 1, 2025.
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広島女学院大学 人間生活学部 生活デザイン学科の単位取得講座として、ドローン大学校が「二等無人航空機操縦士技能証明証取得講座」を開講しました。今回の受講学生は10名。全員合格を目標に学科1日、実地1日、審査1日の合計3日間のカリキュラムを皆さん全力受講されました。
Drone College offered “Second Class Unmanned Aircraft Pilot Certificate Course” as a credit acquisition course at Hiroshima Jogakuin University.
Drone College offered a “Second Class Aircraft Pilot Certificate Course” as a credit-earning course for the Department of Life Design, Faculty of Human Life Studies, Hiroshima Jogakuin University. Ten students took the course this time. The curriculum consisted of one day of study, one day of practical training, and one day of examination, with the goal of passing the exam for all students.
今度は貴方がドローンショー!「ミニドローンHulaドローンショー レッスン」をドローン大学校修了生らで構成するドローン大学院で開催しました。
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ドローンショーを企画・運営する株式会社レッドクリフが販売する教育用プログラミングドローン「Hula(フラ)」は、本体+バッテリー=99g以下の重量の機体で、ブロック(スクラッチ)プログラミングにより、2機〜20機で屋内から微風の屋外環境で、ミニドローンショーができる機体です。その Hula を購入いただき、レッドクリフ Hula 担当者を講師に迎え、アンボックス(開封作業)からブロック(スクラッチ)プログラミングを行えるところまでご指導するプログラムを、ドローン大学校修了生らで構成するドローン大学院で開催しました。
Now you are the drone show! Drone College graduates held a “Mini-Drone Hula Drone Show Lesson” at the Drone Graduate School.
The “Hula” is an educational programming drone sold by Red Cliff Corporation, which plans and operates drone shows. The Hula is a machine that can be used for mini-drone shows in indoor to light wind outdoor environments with 2 to 20 units. The program was held at the Drone College Graduate School, which consists of graduates of the Drone College, with a Red Cliff Hula representative as the instructor.
At the reception following the lecture, the 10 participants discussed the goal of developing the drone show as a business. We are looking forward to the future of this business, as we can expect potential demand, including in terms of price, for small-scale drone shows using aircraft that are not restricted by aviation laws….
In レポートIn セミナー
Our Chancellor Nagura speaks at the General Meeting of the Society for Research on Business Creators held at Mejiro University Shinjuku Campus
At its general meeting, our Chancellor Nagura spoke on the theme of “A Study on the Possibility of Successful Business Startups in the Field of New Technology” with Dr. Keiichiro Hiramatsu (Jissen Women’s University) as a commentator.
In ドローン大学院In 修了生In レポート
FPV Simulator Operation Experience & University Schoolhouse Photography Internship” by a member of the Japan National Team for Drone Racing was opened.
The Drone University aims to open the “FPV Faculty of the Drone University,” where students can learn everything from making to operating FPV drones. As a pre-event of the event, participants experienced the site where members of the Japanese national drone race team used FPV drones to film on the university campus in Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo.
Shooting with a U99g drone, which is not subject to the Civil Aeronautics Law and does not require permission approval from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, was completely different from aerial photography with ordinary commercial aircraft, and participants were fascinated by the FPV operation at the level of Japan’s national team.
In ドローン大学院In 修了生In メディアIn レポート
ドローン大学校修了生らで構成する株式会社全空警と兵庫県加西市との間で締結された「災害合意書」に基づき、① 災害時における緊急物資のドローン物流、② 加西市民に災害状況を衛星中継することを想定した「花火大会の衛星LIVE中継」③ サイサイまつり(加西市最大の夏祭)のPR動画制作、の3つの実証実験および動画撮影を、2024年8月2日(金)〜5日(月)に、株式会社全空警スタッフ(ドローン大学校修了生)が行いました。
Ltd., a company comprised of graduates of the Drone Academy, and Kasai City, Hyogo Prefecture, conducted three demonstration experiments and filmed videos based on the “Disaster Agreement” signed between the two cities.
td. and Kasai City, Hyogo Prefecture, based on the “Disaster Agreement” concluded between Zenkokei Corporation, which consists of graduates of the Drone University, and Kasai City, Hyogo Prefecture. Ltd. staff members (graduates of the Drone Academy) conducted the following three demonstrations and filmed videos from August 2 (Fri.) to 5 (Mon.), 2024.
「 DJI AVATA 2 FIRST FLIGHT CAMPsupported by SYSTEM5」を開講しました。
In レポート
2024年7月27日(土)〜 28日(日)に「 DJI AVATA 2 FIRST FLIGHT CAMPsupported by SYSTEM5」を開講しました。少ない人数の開講でしたが、その分マンツーマンで充実した講習を行うことができました。しかし、重要なカリキュラムなので今後も定期的に開講を続けて行きます。
DJI AVATA 2 FIRST FLIGHT CAMPsupported by SYSTEM5” was held.
DJI AVATA 2 FIRST FLIGHT CAMP supported by SYSTEM5” was held on July 27 (Sat.) – 28 (Sun.), 2024. Although the number of participants was small, we were able to provide a full one-on-one training course. However, we will continue to offer this course regularly in the future, as it is an important curriculum.
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ドローン大学校、伊藤忠商事株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長COO:石井 敬太)、株式会社竹山(本社:北海道札幌市、代表取締役社長:土田 拓也)、AIR WINGS合同会社(本社:東京都江戸川区、代表社員:林 賢太)が協力し、ドローンによって北海道・内浦湾を横断し、医療機器を輸送する実証実験を実施しました。この内浦湾をドローンが横断することは本邦初となりました。
日本では、2022年12月の改正航空法によりレベル4(有人地帯における目視外飛行)が解禁され、ドローンの活用領域が大きく拡大しています。また、医療機器はその性質から、輸送にあたって緊急性及び定時性の両方が求められる一方で、その物流を担うインフラ及び輸送人員の維持、並びに離島・山間・ BCP対応での安定供給が課題となっています。ドローンによって、全自動かつ高速で医療機器を搬送することは、このような社会課題に大きく寄与する可能性を秘めています。
今回の実証実験は、株式会社竹山(本社:北海道札幌市、代表取締役社長:土田 拓也、以下「竹山」)、一般社団法人ドローン大学校(本社:東京都港区、代表理事:名倉 真悟、以下「ドローン大学校」)を共同実施者、AIR WINGS合同会社(本社:東京都江戸川区、代表社員:林 賢太、以下「AIR WINGS」)を協力企業とした共同実験として実施しました。実験内容としては、伊藤忠商事が2022年3月に資本業務提携・販売代理店契約を締結したドイツのWingcopter GmbH社製のeVTOL型ドローン「W198」を使い、竹山が提供する急性期脳梗塞血栓回収に用いる医療機器等を輸送しました。また、室蘭市潮見公園(イタンキ浜)から茅部郡森町(森漁協)まで、陸路だと2時間以上かかる距離を、内浦湾を空路で横断することで、最短約28分で輸送することができました。
Demonstration Experiment to Transport Medical Equipment by Drone Across Uchiura Bay, Hokkaido, Japan
Drone College, ITOCHU Corporation (headquartered in Minato-ku, Tokyo; Keita Ishii, President and COO), Takeyama Corporation (headquartered in Sapporo, Hokkaido; Takuya Tsuchida, President and CEO), and AIR WINGS LLC (headquartered in Edogawa-ku, Tokyo; Kenta Hayashi, Representative Director) have collaborated to conduct a demonstration experiment using drones to transport medical equipment across Uchiura Bay in Hokkaido. (headquartered in Edo-ku, Tokyo; Kenta Hayashi, CEO), conducted a demonstration experiment in which drones were used to transport medical equipment across Uchiura Bay in Hokkaido. This was the first time in Japan for a drone to cross Uchiura Bay. In Japan, the ban on Level 4 (unsighted flights in manned areas) will be lifted in December 2022 under the revised Civil Aeronautics Law, greatly expanding the scope of drone applications. In addition, the nature of medical equipment requires both urgency and punctuality in transportation, while maintaining the infrastructure and personnel for logistics, as well as a stable supply to remote islands, mountainous areas, and BCPs are also issues. The fully automated, high-speed transport of medical equipment by drone has the potential to make a significant contribution to addressing these social issues. (headquartered in Sapporo, Hokkaido; Takuya Tsuchida, President; hereinafter “Takeyama”), Drone College (headquartered in Minato-ku, Tokyo; Shingo Nagura, President; hereinafter “Drone College”), and AIR WINGS LLC (headquartered in Edogawa-ku, Tokyo; Kenta Hayashi, President; hereinafter “AIR WINGS LLC”) as the joint implementers of this verification experiment. (headquartered in Edogawa-ku, Tokyo; Kenta Hayashi, President; hereinafter “AIR WINGS”) as a cooperating company. The experiment involved the use of the W198 eVTOL drone manufactured by Wingcopter GmbH of Germany, with whom ITOCHU concluded a capital and business alliance and sales agency agreement in March 2022, to transport medical equipment and other items used for acute stroke thrombus recovery provided by Takeyama. In addition, the distance from Shiomi Park in Muroran City (Itanki Beach) to Mori Town in Kayabe County (Mori Fisheries Cooperative Association), which would have taken more than two hours by land, was transported in as little as 28 minutes by crossing Uchiura Bay by air.
In レポート
北海道を拠点とされる医療関連総合商社 株式会社竹山様とドローン大学校が協力をし「ドローンによる医療関連品の物流を行うためのプロジェクト」がスタートし、株式会社竹山様の社員様に対し「一等無人航空機操縦士技能証明取得に向けた講習」を北海道にて2024年5月13日(月)〜 6月20日(木)まで開講しました。
Training Course for First Class Unmanned Aircraft Operator Certificate of Competence” was held in Hokkaido.
Takeyama Corporation, a general medical trading company based in Hokkaido, and the Drone Academy have started a project for the distribution of medical supplies by drone. The course was held in Hokkaido from May 13 (Mon.) to June 20 (Thu.), 2024.
株式会社全空警主催 警備員新任教育20時間セミナー02期を幕張メッセで開催しました。
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ドローン大学校は、大阪キャンパス修了生らと「株式会社 全空警」を2023年8月に設立しました。
今回2024年6月6日(木)10:00 〜 7日(金)21:00 のうち20時間を第1号警備業務(施設警備業務)の新任教育講習として開催し、受講いただいた方に、今後必要に応じて「自動操縦による無人航空機を使った上空警備」を行なっていただけます。
20-hour seminar for new security guard education 02 held at Makuhari Messe, sponsored by All Nippon Airways Security Services Co.
Drone College established “Zenkoku Kei Co., Ltd.” with graduates of the Osaka Campus in August 2023. Under the Security Services Law, it is an obligation for employees to take a 20-hour or more training course for new employees in No. 1 security services (facility security services) based on the Security Services Law in order to belong to the company (registered as a sideline operator) and perform “over-the-air security services using unmanned aircraft with automatic pilot control”. The 20-hour training course for new employees will be held from 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, June 6 to 9:00 p.m. on Friday, June 7, 2024, and those who have taken the course will be able to perform “over-the-air security using an unmanned aircraft with automatic pilot control” as needed in the future. Many graduates of the Drone College who are interested in over-the-air security using unmanned aerial vehicles participated in the course.