ドローン大学校大同窓会 2023を開催しました
In すべて
ドローン大学校仙台・東京・名古屋・大阪・広島・博多キャンパス修了生を集めたドローン大学校最大イベント「ドローン大学校大同窓会」を今年も「JAPAN DRONE 2023」の開期に合わせて、2023年6月26日(月)に、浜幕張駅北口1分のHUB海浜幕張店を貸切り開催しました。
Drone College Reunion 2023 was held.
Drone College’s biggest event, “Drone College Alumni Reunion 2023,” was held on Monday, June 26, 2023 at HUB Kaihinmakuhari, located 1 minute from the north exit of Hamamakuhari Station, to coincide with the opening of “JAPAN DRONE 2023” again this year. The event was held on June 26, 2023 (Monday) in conjunction with the opening of “JAPAN DRONE 2023.
More than 100 alumni gathered from all over Japan for this year’s event, making it the largest Drone College event of the year!
In ドローン大学院
2023年6月25日(日)〜 26日(月)「【ドローン大学校修了生限定】一等無人航空機操縦士技能証明学科&実地(机上・口述)試験一夜漬けセミナー@幕張」を開催しました。
名古屋・千葉・広島に続く4回目の国家ライセンス対策合宿として、JAPAN DRONE 2023の開期に合わせて幕張メッセ会議室にて開催しました。
「一等無人航空機操縦者技能証明」取得に向け、”学科合格”の目標に一夜漬けで勉強し、直後ご参加者の多くが「一等無人航空機操縦者技能証明 学科試験 」に合格されました。
Overnight Seminar for First Class Aircraft Pilot Certification Course & Practical Test (On-the-Job and Oral) @ Makuhari
On June 25 (Sun.) – 26 (Mon.), 2023, “First Class Unmanned Aircraft Pilot Proficiency Certification Overnight Seminar @ Makuhari” was held for graduates of the Drone Academy.
This was the fourth national license preparation camp following Nagoya, Chiba, and Hiroshima, and was held at the Makuhari Messe Conference Room to coincide with the opening of JAPAN DRONE 2023.
Many of the participants studied overnight with the goal of “passing the coursework” to obtain the “First Class Unmanned Aircraft Pilot Certificate,” and many of them passed the coursework immediately afterwards.
In 仙台キャンパス
Sendai Campus 04th Period Held as Scheduled
The fourth term of the Sendai Campus was held from June 10 (Sat.) to 23 (Fri.), 2023. Although the schedule was difficult for the outdoor drone school, which is held just before the onset of the rainy season, we were able to hold the course as scheduled. Some students came from Tokyo to participate in the 120-hour course and did their best to complete it in order to obtain the “First Class Unmanned Aircraft Pilot Certificate”.
In 東京キャンパス
2023年5月27日(土)〜 6月9日(金)まで、東京キャンパス38期を予定通り開催しました。お陰様で今回の東京キャンパスも定員満員でキャンセル待ちを頂く状態で賑やかな開催となりました。
The 38th session of the Tokyo Campus was held as scheduled.
The 38th session of the Tokyo Campus was held as scheduled from Saturday, May 27 to Friday, June 9, 2023. Thanks to your support, the Tokyo Campus was again full to capacity, with a waiting list of participants.
In 修了生
Company Established by Five Drone College Graduates Introduced in Asahi Shimbun
Global Link Corporation, founded by five Drone College graduates, was featured in the May 31, 2023 edition of the Asahi Shimbun (Nagano Prefecture) regarding the SkyFarm ®︎ project in Shinano-cho, Nagano Prefecture.
In 修了生
The company established by five Drone College graduates was introduced in the Shinano Mainichi Newspaper.
On May 28, 2020, the Shinano Mainichi Newspaper reported on the activities of SkyFarm®︎, a company established by five Drone College graduates in Shinano-cho, Nagano Prefecture.
In 名古屋キャンパス
2023年5月13日(土)から 5月26日(金)まで、名古屋キャンパス29期を予定通り開催しました。名古屋だけでなく横浜在住の受講生様も加わり、皆さん「一等無人航空機操縦士」の国家ライセンス取得に向けて頑張っておられました。
Nagoya Campus 29th Session Held as Scheduled
The 29th session of the Nagoya Campus was held as scheduled from May 13 (Sat.) to May 26 (Fri.), 2023. Students from Nagoya as well as Yokohama joined us, all working hard to obtain their “First Class Unmanned Aircraft Pilot” national licenses.
In 修了生
Drone College Alumnus Appointed as a Community Development Cooperation Volunteer in Asahimachi, Yamagata Prefecture, as a Nigiwai Promoter in the Ootani Area
A Drone College graduate was appointed by the mayor of Asahi-machi, Yamagata Prefecture, as a member of the local development cooperation team for the Oya area, which was featured in today’s Yamagata Shimbun.
In 修了生
[Drone College Graduates Only] First Class Unmanned Aircraft Pilot Certificate Overnight Seminar for Classroom and Practical (Desktop and Oral) Examinations @ Hiroshima
As you may know, the Civil Aeronautics Law was revised on December 5, 2023, and a national license system for drones (unmanned aerial vehicles) was started. At present, it is possible to operate a drone up to Level 3 with permission and approval from the Civil Aviation Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism without a national license, but to operate a drone at Level 4, it is necessary to obtain a First Class Unmanned Aircraft Pilot Certificate. In the future, national licenses may become mandatory at all levels.
We sincerely hope that graduate students of the Drone Graduate School, a community of graduates of Drone College, will take the certification exam as soon as possible, and we sincerely hope that as many of you as possible will obtain a national license and enter the drone business. In the past, the Drone Graduate School has held similar events twice, and many graduate students have already passed the first-class unmanned aircraft operator skill certification course exam. And with 14 participants this time around, we are confident that all of them will become first class unmanned aircraft pilots.
In 広島キャンパス
21st Term of Hiroshima Campus Held as Scheduled
The 21st session of the Hiroshima Campus was held as scheduled from February 29 (Sat) to May 2 (Tue). Since the course was held during the Golden Week holidays, many students gathered from all over Japan, including two students who live not only in Hiroshima but also in Okinawa, and all were working hard to obtain their national licenses as “first class unmanned aircraft pilots.