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“Drone college drone aerial camp @ Hokkaido”Held
We were able to successfully complete “Drone University Drone Aerial Camp @ Hokkaido” without any accidents.
The camp was not blessed with the weather, but the content was changed to a location tour for commercials and drone business seminars, and it became a rich camp.
Thank you very much for your participation.
In すべて
Awarded certificate of completion to 2 graduates in June 2017
The completion ceremony for June 2017 was already held in Japan, but two people who were unable to attend the ceremony for the sake of convenience visited and received a certificate of completion.
The two who completed this time are both conceived to develop a drone business and look forward to their future success in the drone industry.
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Our school president is on stage at a conference sponsored by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
The president of the school gave a talk about the future of drone business at a conference sponsored by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism held at Nihon University. This drone is often used for flashy applications such as home delivery and boarding, but we talked about the use of a magnificent drone that is rarely reported, and received high evaluation from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
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世界159カ国に180,000人のスタッフを擁する世界最大級のプロフェッショナルサービスファームであるPwC(PricewaterhouseCoopers)グループは、企業のドローン活用推進を企画、開発から運用設計、データ分析まで多面的にサポートを行っています。そのPwCスタッフに向けたドローンセミナーをドローン大学校 東京キャンパスで行いました。最近ではこのような企業様からのご依頼でセミナーを開催することも増えました。
Held seminar for PwC group on Tokyo campus
The PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) group, the world’s largest professional service farm with staff of 180,000 people in 159 countries around the world, provides multifaceted support from planning, development to operational design and data analysis for the promotion of drone utilization by companies. . A drone seminar for the PwC staff was held at the Tokyo campus of Drone college. Recently, seminars have been held at the request of such companies.
CAPA 別冊付録「ドローン撮影ガイド」(Gakken発行)2017年6月号にドローン大学校が掲載されました。
In メディア
CAPA 別冊付録「ドローン撮影ガイド」(Gakken発行)2017年6月号で”ドローンが本格的に学べるスクール”というタイトルでドローン大学校をご紹介いただきました。
Drone college was published in the June 2017 issue of the CAPA separate volume “Drone Shooting Guide” (issued by Gakken).
CAPA separate volume appendix “Drone Shooting Guide” (published by Gakken) introduced the drone college in the June 2017 issue titled “School where drones can learn in earnest”.
ドローン空撮キャンプ@北海道 説明会開催
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『私くらいになると』沖縄にいるはずの 請川 博一 講師を一瞬で東京キャンパスにお呼びして、最高に盛上がる説明会を開催することができます。(笑)
Drones Aerial Camp @ Hokkaido Information Session
“About me” Hirokazu Tokugawa, who should be in Okinawa, can be invited to the Tokyo campus in an instant to hold the most exciting briefing. (Lol)
In メディア
デジタル時代のメディアビジネスマガジン「B-maga」2017年4月号 【特集】ドローン活用の現在地 に見開き2ページでドローン大学校の紹介記事を掲載していただきました。
Drone college was published in the April 2017 issue of B-maga (published by Satemaga Bi Co., Ltd.).
Digital Business Media Business Magazine “B-maga” April 2017 Issue [Special Feature] An introduction to the drone university was posted on the current page of drone utilization on two pages.
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Drone college completion ceremony held in June 2017
Many graduates were born in June 2017. All of the graduates are all those who have completed with excellent results in both departments and practical skills, so it will be the people who will lead the future drone business in Japan. I look forward to your future.
In メディア
ロボコンマガジン(株式会社オーム社発行)2017年5月号の「News Report Japan Drone 2017」のページにドローン大学校のブース写真を掲載いただきました。
Drone college was featured in the May 2017 issue of Robocon Magazine (issued by Ohm Corporation).
Robocon Magazine (issued by Ohm Co., Ltd.) The May 2017 issue of “News Report Japan Drone 2017” posted a drone college booth photo.
ドローン大学校×DMG MORI×東京大学大学院
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過日「DMG森精機株式会社」の若手社員さまと、「東京大学大学院 俯瞰経営学ゼミ」の方々を対象に、ドローン大学校東京キャンパスにて”0.5日ドローンセミナー”を開催しました。ご参加者全員がドローンの操縦を体験したのち、最新ドローンビジネスについてセミナーを行いました。質疑応答でも活発に質問をいただき、新たなドローンビジネス創造の機会が生まれました。
Drone University × DMG MORI × The University of Tokyo Graduate School
A “0.5-day drone seminar” was held at the Tokyo Campus of Drone University for young employees of “DMG MORI SEIKI CO., LTD.” And people from “The University of Tokyo Graduate School Overview Management Seminar”. After all the participants experienced the drone operation, a seminar was held on the latest drone business. Questions and questions were actively asked, and a new drone business creation opportunity was born.