

In すべて

The president of our school gives a lecture on the theme of drone business at Suzuka National College of Technology (Suzuka National College of Technology)
At the Robocon (National College of Technology Robot Contest) and Suzuka National College of Technology (Suzuka National College of Technology), a regular school of Procon (National College of Technology Programming Contest), our school president becomes more than 300 future engineers Gave a lecture on the theme of drone business. The lecturer on the same stage where Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro of the Graduate School of Engineering Science at Osaka University, a researcher of Android (humanoid robot), gave a lecture in the same stage.



In 博多キャンパス

Drone college Hakata Campus 1st Student Completion Ceremony and New Year Party
Happy new year everyone. The opening of 2019 was the “Hakata Campus 1st Student Completion Ceremony and New Year Party” in Hakata. From here, Hakata was able to create graduates who inherited the drone university philosophy and promised the start of a new drone business.


東京キャンパス クリパ2018開催

In 東京キャンパス

今年2018年、3回目の開催となった「東京キャンパス クリパ2018」。名古屋キャンパス クリパ2018に続き、博多キャンパス1期生の修了生がたくさんの差入を手にご参加いただき、またクリスマスプレゼント抽選会も名古屋キャンパス クリパ2018同様、トイドローン、ドローン Tシャツ、ドローンの操縦に最適なハット、写真集などの品が並び、30名以上の修了生に加え、2019年にご入校される新入校生にもご参加いただき、2018年を締め括るに相応しい賑やかなパーティーとなりました。
Tokyo Campus CLIPA 2018
“Tokyo Campus Clipa 2018” was held for the third time this year in 2018. Following the Nagoya Campus CLIPA 2018, many graduates of the first-year students of the Hakata Campus participated in many hands, and the Christmas present lottery is the same as the Nagoya Campus CLIPA 2018, making it ideal for toy drones, drone T-shirts, and drone operations In addition to more than 30 graduates, new students entering in 2019 participated in a lively party suitable for closing 2018.


名古屋キャンパス クリパ2018開催

In 名古屋キャンパス

今年2018年、2回目の開催となった「名古屋キャンパス クリパ2018」。博多キャンパス1期生の修了生がたくさんの差入を手にご参加いただき、またクリスマスプレゼント抽選会では、トイドローン、ドローン Tシャツ、ドローンの操縦に最適なハット、写真集などの品が並び、大賑わいのパーティーとなりました。
Nagoya Campus CLIPA 2018
This year, the “Nagoya Campus Clipa 2018” was held for the second time in 2018. Hakata Campus 1st year graduates participated in a lot of insertions, and at the Christmas gift lottery, goods such as toid drones, drone T-shirts, hats suitable for drone maneuvering, photo books etc. lined up and crowded Became a party.


ドローン大学校 瀬戸内キャンパス 3期生修了式開催!

In 広島キャンパス

早いものでドローン大学校 瀬戸内キャンパスも3期生の修了式を迎えました。雨風が少なく、山間部や離島などの地形に富んだ瀬戸内エリアで、優秀なドローンパイロットが誕生したことで、日本に於けるドローン物流の実現への歩みが加速することを祈念しています。修了生の皆さま、ご修了おめでとうございます!
Drone college Setouchi Campus 3rd year graduation ceremony held!
Drone college Setouchi Campus also celebrated the 3rd year graduation ceremony. I hope that the excellent drone pilots were born in the Setouchi area, where there is little rain and wind, and where the mountainous areas and remote islands are abundant. Congratulations to all graduates!


瀬戸内キャンパス クリパ2018開催

In 広島キャンパス

今年2018年、初開催となった「瀬戸内キャンパス クリパ2018」。地元の方はもとより、四国地方や山陰地方、遠くは関東地方・埼玉からご参加していただいた修了生もいらして、初開催ながら30名以上の修了生が集う、大変賑やかなビジネスマッチングの場となりました。
Setouchi Campus CLIPA 2018
This year, “Setouchi Campus Clipa 2018” was held for the first time in 2018. There are graduates from Shikoku and San’in, as well as the Kanto and Saitama regions, as well as local people. It became a place.


当校 代表理事が、無人航空機産業勉強会・広島大学フェニックス協力会事業のカンファレンスに登壇

In 広島キャンパス

ドローン大学校 代表理事 名倉真悟が、広島県府中市で開催された無人航空機産業勉強会・広島大学フェニックス協力会事業のカンファレンスに登壇しました。備後地区の業界関係者70名以上を集めた本カンファレンスは、府中地区では過去最大規模で開催されました。株式会社AileLinX 代表取締役 北川 慶祐氏がファシリテーターを務め、広島大学大学院工学研究所 高木 健 准教授やをはじめ無人航空機業界を牽引するメンバーたちと、今後の日本国内におけるドローンビジネスの発展についてパネルディスカッション行いました。
The representative director of our school gave a presentation at the conference of the Unmanned Aircraft Industry Study Group and Hiroshima University Phoenix Association
Dr. Shingo Nakura, President of Drone University, gave a presentation at the conference of the Unmanned Aircraft Industry Study Group / Hiroshima University Phoenix Partnership Project held in Fuchu City, Hiroshima Prefecture. This conference, which gathered more than 70 people from industry in the Bingo area, was the largest ever in the Fuchu area. AileLinX Co., Ltd. Representative Director Keisuke Kitagawa was a facilitator and held a panel discussion with Dr. Takeshi Takagi, Associate Professor at Hiroshima University, and other leaders in the unmanned aerial vehicle industry, regarding future drone business development in Japan. It was.



東京キャンパス20期+名古屋キャンパス13期 合同実技実習開催

In 東京キャンパスIn 名古屋キャンパス

Tokyo Campus 20th + Nagoya Campus 13th Joint practical training
The last practical training in 2018 was a joint practical training in the 20th term of the Tokyo campus and the 13th term in the Nagoya campus. Although it was a warm drone in December, we were able to create many people who passed the practical skill completion test.



In すべて

Graduates of our school are in charge of the emergency fire assistance team Kanto block joint training drone LIVE relay pilot
Tenma Advisory Co., Ltd., a specialist in video compression and transmission technology, and Drone Lab Co., Ltd. were in charge of LIVE relay by drone of the Kanto Block Joint Training for Emergency Fire Relief Team in 2018. Drone University graduates and instructors acted as pilots, compressing the video being shot and sending high-quality images to the command center. In the future, this system will spread throughout the country.



In 広島キャンパス

Setouchi Campus 4th Opening
Drone University Setouchi Campus 4th term opened. Five graduates were born this term. In the future, it will be active mainly in aerial photography & video editing.