

In すべて

Graduates of our school are in charge of the emergency fire assistance team Kanto block joint training drone LIVE relay pilot
Tenma Advisory Co., Ltd., a specialist in video compression and transmission technology, and Drone Lab Co., Ltd. were in charge of LIVE relay by drone of the Kanto Block Joint Training for Emergency Fire Relief Team in 2018. Drone University graduates and instructors acted as pilots, compressing the video being shot and sending high-quality images to the command center. In the future, this system will spread throughout the country.



In 広島キャンパス

Setouchi Campus 4th Opening
Drone University Setouchi Campus 4th term opened. Five graduates were born this term. In the future, it will be active mainly in aerial photography & video editing.



In 博多キャンパス

Hakata Campus Phase 1 completed successfully
The Hakata Campus opened, and the first term, which was opened with the first students, successfully completed. The completion rate of Hakata Campus Phase 1 was 75%, and 25% of the students could not complete it, but they will continue to strive for completion. I hope these graduates will lead the drone business in Kyushu in the future.



In 博多キャンパス

“City Information Fukuoka” Covers Hakata Campus Phase 1
A city information magazine “City Information Fukuoka” in the Fukuoka metropolitan area centering on Fukuoka City visited us for the first phase of the Hakata Campus. By the way, the magazine published the following article after coverage before the school opened.


ドローン大学校 博多キャンパス 第1期スタート

In 博多キャンパス

Drone college Hakata Campus Phase 1 start
Hakata Campus has opened as the fourth campus of Drone University. We welcomed the first generation of students, including three women, and it was a gorgeous start.



In すべて

Drone Lab Co., Ltd. is in charge of drone operation for the 2018 emergency fire support team Kanto block joint training
Drone Lab Co., Ltd., a drone college group company, will be responsible for drone operations in the joint drills for emergency fire assistance team regional blocks, and drone college graduates will serve as pilots. This training has been carried out once a year, dividing the nation into 6 blocks since 1996, with the aim of improving the skills and cooperation activities of emergency fire assistance teams during large-scale disaster activities. Kanagawa Prefecture belongs to Kanto Block (Ibaraki Prefecture, Tochigi Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, Saitama Prefecture, Chiba Prefecture, Tokyo, Kanagawa Prefecture, Yamanashi Prefecture, Nagano Prefecture, Shizuoka Prefecture). Block joint training will be conducted. (The company name is in cooperation)


葉色解析サービス「いろは」認定オペレーター資格取得講座”ドローン リモートセンシング プログラム”第1期 開催

In すべて

ドローン大学校が株式会社スカイマティクス社の認定校として”「いろは」認定オペレーター”の民間資格が取得できるカリキュラム”ドローン リモート センシング プログラム”の第1期を静岡県にて開催しました。今回の受講生は、ドローン大学校 修了生・受講生が対象であったが、来年2019年2月以降開催する第2期以降は、同校 修了生・受講生に関わらず、無人航空機による10時間以上の飛行経歴を有する方を対象に広く募る。本講座修了生のなかから、優秀なリモートセンシング パイロットが誕生することでしょう。
株式会社スカイマティクス社 HP ▶︎ skymatix.co.jp
ドローン リモート センシング プログラム リンク ▶︎ dronecollege.ac/リモートセンシング/
Leaf color analysis service “Iroha” Certified Operator Qualification Course “Drone Remote Sensing Program” held in Phase 1
The drone university held the first phase of the “Drone Remote Sensing Program” in Shizuoka Prefecture as a certified school of Skymatics Co., Ltd. Was for drone college graduates and students, but from the second term, which will be held after February 2019 next year, it will fly for more than 10 hours by unmanned aerial vehicles regardless of the graduates or students of the school. A wide range of people with backgrounds will be recruited, and among those who have completed this course, an excellent remote sensing pilot will be born.


株式会社ドローンラボが世界遺産である「日光山 輪王寺」のドローン空撮を担当

In すべて

一般社団法人ドローン大学校のグループ企業である株式会社ドローンラボが世界遺産である「日光山 輪王寺」の本堂(三仏堂)・大猷院・慈眼堂・常行堂・逍遥園などの昼夜にわたるドローン空撮を担当しました。ドローン大学校を修了したプロパイロット達による三日間に渡るロケでしたが、晴天に恵まれた最高のコンディションでの空撮となりました。撮影した動画は、今後CMやウェブサイトでの公開を予定しています。
Drone Lab Co., Ltd. is in charge of drone aerial photography of the world heritage “Nikkosan Rinnoji”
Drone aerial photography over the day and night of the main hall (Sanbudou), Daigoin, Jikodo, Jyodo, and Ryokuen of “Nikkozan Rinnoji”, a world heritage site, a drone lab, a group company of the general Drone college Was in charge. Although it was a three-day location by professional pilots who completed drone college, it was an aerial shot in the best condition blessed with fine weather. The recorded videos will be released on commercials and websites in the future.Drone college
日光山 輪王寺ウェブサイト▷ rinnoji.or.jp


2018年10月度 名古屋キャンパス修了式 開催

In 名古屋キャンパス

今月もドローン大学校 名古屋キャンパスから多くの修了生が誕生しました。JUIDA 操縦技能証明証、JUIDA 安全運航管理者証明証、ドローン大学校修了証を授与され、今後は名古屋地区を代表するドローンパイロットとしてご活躍されることでしょう。また、修了式後は懇親会も開催しました。
October 2018 Completion Ceremony for Nagoya Campus
Many graduates were born from Nagoya Campus this year as well. You will be awarded a JUIDA Maneuvering Skill Certificate, a JUIDA Safe Flight Manager Certificate, and a Drone college Completion Certificate. A social gathering was also held after the completion ceremony.



In プレスリリース

Drone college as a certified school of Skymatics Inc. & “Iroha” certified operator & started curriculum that can obtain private qualifications
Smart agriculture is attracting attention as a technology for accurately managing a large number of fields by reducing the number of people in the agricultural field, where the aging of workers and the shortage of personnel are serious. “Remote sensing by drone”, which is one of them, is attracting attention as a method for spatially measuring crop growth and soil information. As a certified school of Skymatics, Dr. University launches a curriculum that can acquire the private qualification of “Iroha” certified operator “, and fosters professional pilots who conduct business in remote sensing.
drone.jp リンク   dronetimes.jp リンク