In 名古屋キャンパス
Nagoya Campus 20th Term Completion Ceremony Held
Drone college Nagoya Campus 20th Term Completion Ceremony was held. Unfortunately, the number of participants was small because the state of emergency was being announced, but each graduate made a presentation about the activities after the course. I was happy to hear that each of them has begun to take on the challenge of the loan business.
In 東京キャンパス
The 30th term of the Tokyo campus is fully booked!
In the 30th term of the memorable Tokyo Campus, we received applications for more than the capacity and started the course with the capacity full. The bad weather made a big change to the original schedule, but we were able to finish the entire curriculum. It was the 30th term team of the Tokyo campus, which has the unique cohesiveness of Drone University, where unique members gather.
In 名古屋キャンパス
COVID-19感染拡大が懸念されている時期ですが、十分な感染予防を行い予定通り、予定通り名古屋キャンパス21期を開催しました。もちろん記念撮影もSocia ldistanceingを意識しました。
Nagoya Campus 21th semester to be held as scheduled.
In spite of the concern about COVID-19 infection, the 21th term of the Nagoya campus was held as scheduled with adequate prevention of infection. Of course, we also took commemorative photos with Socia ldistanceing in mind.
In 大阪キャンパス
Osaka Campus 02nd term starts with full capacity!
The 02nd term of Osaka Campus was held as scheduled. The course was only two months away from the memorable opening of the Osaka campus in the 01st term, but some people applied for more than the capacity and asked to enter the school in the 03rd term. The Osaka campus is the hottest campus of all the campuses.
DRONE.jpにてJAPAN DRONE 2012 ドローン大学校 ブースセミナーを告知
In プレスリリース
2021年6月14日~16日に幕張メッセ展示ホール8で開催されるJapan Drone 2021にてドローン大学校が開催する2時間無料ブースセミナー「ライセンス制度・機体認証制度・国産機推進後のドローンビジネスのはじめ方とは?」をDRONE.jpに事前告知していただきました。
Announcement of JAPAN DRONE 2012 Drone University booth seminar on DRONE.jp
A 2-hour free booth seminar held by Drone University at Japan Drone 2021 held at Makuhari Messe Exhibition Hall 8 from June 14 to 16, 2021 “License system, aircraft certification system, drone business after promotion of domestic aircraft” “How to get started?” Was announced to DRONE.jp in advance.
DRONE.jpが「ドローン大学校、Japan Drone 2021で「ドローンビジネスのはじめ方」無料2時間セミナー6回開講」と当校のイベントをピックアップ!
In プレスリリース
2021年6月14日~16日に幕張メッセ展示ホール8で開催されるJapan Drone 2021にて当校が開催する2時間の無料セミナー「ライセンス制度・機体認証制度・国産機推進後のドローンビジネスのはじめ方とは?」のことをDRONE.jpがピックアップして下さいました。
リンク▷ https://www.drone.jp/news/2021051717210145593.html
DRONE.jp picks up our event as “Drone University, Japan Drone 2021” How to start a drone business “free 2-hour seminar 6 times”!
A 2-hour free seminar held by our school at Japan Drone 2021 held at Makuhari Messe Exhibition Hall 8 from June 14th to 16th, 2021 “License system, aircraft certification system, beginning of drone business after promotion of domestic aircraft” DRONE.jp picked up “Who is it?”
Link▷ https://www.drone.jp/news/2021051717210145593.html
In 広島キャンパス
新型コロナウイルス感染拡大が心配される時期ながら、細心の注意をはらい「瀬戸内キャンパス13期」を開講しました。もちろん記念撮影もSocial distanceingを意識しました。
Setouchi Campus 13th term held
While we were worried about the spread of the new coronavirus infection, we took great care to hold the “Setouchi Campus 13th Term”. Of course, the commemorative photo was also conscious of Social l distanceing.
In 博多キャンパス
Hakata Campus 9th term held
Hakata Campus 9th term was held as scheduled. This time, we prepared a practical training venue by the sea and were able to practice in a wind-resistant manner. This time too, we welcomed a large number of new students and the course was lively.
ドローン大学院 Pix4Dmapperドローン測量モデリングプログラムを開催
In ドローン大学院
2021年3月27日(土)〜28日(日)、学校法人 嶋田学園 福岡国土建設専門学校敷地内と、学校法人 嶋田学園 飯塚高等学校校舎をドローンで撮影し、 Pix4Dソフトで解析することにより、測量データや3Dモデリングデータの生成ができるようになるためのセミナーを開催しました。東京・名古屋・大阪・瀬戸内・博多の全国キャンパス修了生であるドローン大学院生が一同に続い、精度の高い UAV測量を行うために必要な知識と技術を身に付けました。
Drone Graduate School Pix4Dmapper Drone Survey Modeling Program Held
From Saturday, March 27th to Sunday, March 28th, 2021, the school corporation Shimada Gakuen Fukuoka National Land Construction College premises and the school corporation Shimada Gakuen Iizuka High School building were photographed with a drone and analyzed with Pix4D software. , Held a seminar to be able to generate survey data and 3D modeling data. Drone graduate students who are graduates of the national campuses of Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Setouchi, and Hakata have all acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to perform his highly accurate UAV surveys.
In 大阪キャンパス
Osaka Campus 01 period will be held as scheduled
We held the memorable 01 term of “Osaka Campus”, the first drone college campus in the Kansai area. Although it was the 01st term, the school was opened lively with a large number of students applying. The hospitality of the Osaka campus has become a new trend for Drone college.