
今度は貴方がドローンショー!「ミニドローンHulaドローンショー レッスン」をドローン大学校修了生らで構成するドローン大学院で開催しました。

In ドローン大学院In メディアIn プレスリリースIn レポート

ドローンショーを企画・運営する株式会社レッドクリフが販売する教育用プログラミングドローン「Hula(フラ)」は、本体+バッテリー=99g以下の重量の機体で、ブロック(スクラッチ)プログラミングにより、2機〜20機で屋内から微風の屋外環境で、ミニドローンショーができる機体です。その Hula を購入いただき、レッドクリフ Hula 担当者を講師に迎え、アンボックス(開封作業)からブロック(スクラッチ)プログラミングを行えるところまでご指導するプログラムを、ドローン大学校修了生らで構成するドローン大学院で開催しました。

Now you are the drone show! Drone College graduates held a “Mini-Drone Hula Drone Show Lesson” at the Drone Graduate School.

The “Hula” is an educational programming drone sold by Red Cliff Corporation, which plans and operates drone shows. The Hula is a machine that can be used for mini-drone shows in indoor to light wind outdoor environments with 2 to 20 units. The program was held at the Drone College Graduate School, which consists of graduates of the Drone College, with a Red Cliff Hula representative as the instructor.
At the reception following the lecture, the 10 participants discussed the goal of developing the drone show as a business. We are looking forward to the future of this business, as we can expect potential demand, including in terms of price, for small-scale drone shows using aircraft that are not restricted by aviation laws….



In 東京キャンパス


The 45th session of the Tokyo Campus was held as scheduled.

The 45th session of the Tokyo Campus opened as scheduled from November 16 (Sat.) to December 22 (Sun.), 2024.
Once again, the Tokyo Campus was filled with a lively and cheerful atmosphere, with students coming from all over Japan. Many students from Sendai, Nagoya, Fukuoka, and other regions participated in the course, sharing their experiences and deepening their learning.
All were encouraged by each other as they worked toward their goal of becoming first class unmanned aircraft pilots. It was a valuable time for the participants to connect with others who share the same goal.



In ドローン大学院In メディアIn プレスリリース



Agri-Media, Inc. and General Incorporated Association Drone University launched a curriculum to study Smart Agriculture (Smart Farming) with the aim of DXing the agricultural sector!

Agrimedia Corporation, which creates outstanding platforms to revitalize and streamline agriculture with the mission of “making agriculture a fruitful business,” and Drone University (Kinko’s Future University Group), a drone school that creates drone businesses, have launched a curriculum for learning smart agriculture (smart farming), aiming to improve the efficiency and productivity of agricultural work by utilizing the latest technology. (Kinki Future University Group), a drone school that creates drone business, will develop a curriculum for learning smart agriculture (smart farming), aiming to improve the efficiency and productivity of agricultural work by utilizing the latest technology. We aim to develop a step-by-step learning system that includes free online seminars, paid online seminars, real experience events, and a real educational curriculum for farmers and agricultural corporations who want to learn smart agriculture from the basics, or for those who want to start farming.



In レポートIn セミナー


Our Chancellor Nagura speaks at the General Meeting of the Society for Research on Business Creators held at Mejiro University Shinjuku Campus

The Society for the Study of Business Creators is an academic society that seeks to contribute to the development of social science and society through academic studies by conducting comprehensive research on business and work, without setting boundaries between diverse academic fields.
At its general meeting, our Chancellor Nagura spoke on the theme of “A Study on the Possibility of Successful Business Startups in the Field of New Technology” with Dr. Keiichiro Hiramatsu (Jissen Women’s University) as a commentator.



In ドローン大学院In 修了生In レポート



FPV Simulator Operation Experience & University Schoolhouse Photography Internship” by a member of the Japan National Team for Drone Racing was opened.

The Drone University aims to open the “FPV Faculty of the Drone University,” where students can learn everything from making to operating FPV drones. As a pre-event of the event, participants experienced the site where members of the Japanese national drone race team used FPV drones to film on the university campus in Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo.

Shooting with a U99g drone, which is not subject to the Civil Aeronautics Law and does not require permission approval from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, was completely different from aerial photography with ordinary commercial aircraft, and participants were fascinated by the FPV operation at the level of Japan’s national team.



In 名古屋キャンパス

2024年10月05日(土)〜 2024年11月10日(日)まで、予定通り名古屋キャンパス34期を開講しました。

The 34th session of the Nagoya Campus was held as scheduled

The 34th session of the Nagoya Campus was held as scheduled from October 05, 2024 (Sat.) to November 10, 2024 (Sun.).
This year’s Nagoya Campus attracted many members not only from Nagoya but also from Yamaguchi, Hiroshima, and other regions.
One of the students this time was the son of a father who had previously completed the Nagoya Campus of the Drone Academy, and he successfully obtained his “First Class Unmanned Aircraft Pilot Certificate.
We look forward to seeing the success of both father and son together in the future.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)



In ドローン大学院In 修了生

ドローン大学校修了生らで構成するドローン大学院が、日本最大のドローンショーを行う「レッドクリフ」と協業し、ドローンショーのスタッフを育成するカリキュラム「ドローン大学校 Drone Show Staff Essentials(ドローンショースタッフエッセンシャルズ)」を2024年11月5日より開始しました。


Drone Graduate School Hosts “Drone Show Staff Training Program

The Drone Graduate School, consisting of graduates of the Drone University, in collaboration with Red Cliff, the largest drone show in Japan, has launched the “Drone University Drone Show Staff Essentials” curriculum to train drone show staff. The first cohort of eight students will participate in the program on November 5, 2024.

Eight students participated in the first term of the program, all of whom became “assistants. We plan to increase the number of “assistants” by holding this program on a regular basis in the future.



In ドローン大学院In メディアIn プレスリリース

世界のドローンライトショー市場規模は、2022年に2億1,920万米ドルで、2031年までに16億7,270万米ドルに達し、予測期間中に25.3%のCAGRを示します。*1 また、日経トレンディ「2024年ヒット予測ベスト30」では、堂々の第一位に「ドローンショー&空中QR」が選ばれるなど、急成長を遂げるドローンビジネスとして注目を浴びています。

「ドローンのビジネススクール」をタグラインとするドローン大学校では、同校修了生の雇用を創造する目的で、株式会社レッドクリフとの協業により、ドローンショーで活躍するスタッフを育成するカリキュラム「ドローン大学校 Drone Show Staff Essentials(ドローン ショー スタッフ エッセンシャルズ)」を、ドローン大学校修了生に向けて2024年11月からスタートします。

Drone University Launches Training Program for Drone Show Staff

The global drone light show market size was US$219.2 million in 2022 and will reach US$1,672.7 million by 2031, representing a CAGR of 25.3% during the forecast period. *1 In addition, “Drone Show & Aerial QR” was selected as the number one in Nikkei Trendy’s “Top 30 Best Hit Predictions for 2024,” and is attracting attention as a fast-growing drone business.

With the aim of creating employment for graduates of the school, Drone College, whose tagline is “a business school for drones,” has collaborated with Red Cliff Inc. to develop a curriculum for training staff who will be active in drone shows called “Drone Show Staff Essentials (Drone College Drone Show Staff Essentials). Drone Show Staff Essentials” will begin in November 2024 for graduates of Drone College.


ドローン大学院が「TOMPLA 新川崎テクニカルセンター訪問&屋内点検ドローン「Small Doctor02」操縦体験ツアー」を開催

In ドローン大学院In 修了生

TOMPLA株式会社が、非GNSS狭小空間点検ドローンのエントリーモデル「Small Doctor02」の予約販売を開始されたことを受け、ドローン大学校修了生らで構成するドローン大学院が、TOMPLA株式会社新川崎テクニカルセンターを訪問する「TOMPLA × ドローン大学院 新川崎テクニカルセンター訪問&屋内点検ドローン「Small Doctor02」操縦体験ツアー」を2024年10月12日(土)に開催しました。


Drone Graduate School holds “Visit to TOMPLA Shinkawasaki Technical Center & Indoor Inspection Drone ‘Small Doctor02’ Operation Experience Tour

In response to the start of pre-order sales of TOMPLA’s entry-level non-GNSS narrow-space inspection drone model “Small Doctor02,” the Drone Graduate School, consisting of graduates of the Drone University, will hold the “TOMPLA x Drone Tour” to visit TOMPLA’s Shin-Kawasaki Technical Center. The Drone Graduate School, consisting of graduates of the Drone University, held the “TOMPLA × Drone Graduate School Shin-Kawasaki Technical Center Visit & Indoor Inspection Drone ‘Small Doctor02’ Operation Experience Tour” on Saturday, October 12, 2024, visiting the Shin-Kawasaki Technical Center of TOMPLA Corporation.

The Drone Graduate School will continue to create such opportunities for our graduates to introduce drone business in the future.



In 合宿

2024年9月28日(土), 9月29日(日)に、予定通り、D期の限定変更合宿を開講しました。合宿では、全員が目視外飛行の試験に見事合格しました。新潟、東京、博多キャンパスのみなさんが集まり、大いに盛り上がりました。キャンパスを越えて仲間たちと交流しながら、楽しく学べる合宿の雰囲気は、まさにドローン大学校の醍醐味です。

On September 28 (Sat.) and 29 (Sun.), 2024, the limited change camp for the D term was held as scheduled.

At the camp, all the participants successfully passed the out-of-sight flight examinations. Everyone from Niigata, Tokyo, and Hakata campuses gathered together and had a great time. The atmosphere of the camp, where students can enjoy learning while interacting with their peers across campuses, is truly the best part of the Drone Academy.
We will continue to cherish our relationships with you and support you in your endeavors!