In 修了生
2022年9月25日に「ドローンのいまがわかる!ドローンで遊べるパーク!ドロパッ!第2回」をドローン大学校修了生が開催しました。この「ドロパッ!」では最新の法律等に基づくドローンの安全な操縦方法のレクチャーを受けたあと、トイドローンの操縦体験ができ、操縦体験だけじゃ物足りない!という方に、操縦し放題のプランも用意。子供も大人も楽しい「ドロパッ!」で しっかり知識を身に着けて、ドローンの操縦を楽しもう!というイベントでした。
【主催者】高円寺工房 水野二千翔
Drone College Alumni to Host Event for Elementary School Students
On September 25, 2022, the “Drone Now! Park where you can play with drones! Doroppa! 2nd” was held by graduates of the Drone University. This “Doropass! After a lecture on how to safely operate drones based on the latest laws and regulations, participants were able to try their hand at flying a toy drone. For those who want more than just a hands-on experience, an all-you-can-pilot plan is also available. Children and adults alike will have fun at the “Doropappa! to acquire a solid knowledge and enjoy flying a drone! The event was held at the Koenji Kobo. Organizer: Michisho Mizuno, Koenji Workshop
In 東京キャンパス
2022年9月11日(日)〜 24日(土)まで、開催予定の東京キャンパス35期を開校以来最多の受講生さんをお迎えして開催しました。2022年9月24日(土)の最終日に、弊校講師が新型コロナの濃厚接触者となり、残念なが最終日の修了検定を延期しました。そして10月に最終日の修了検定を実施することになり、弊校開講以来はじめて開講期間延期となりました。
The 35th session of the Tokyo Campus was held.
The 35th session of the Tokyo Campus was held from September 11 (Sun.) to 24 (Sat.), 2022, with the largest number of students since the opening of the school. The final exam will be held in October, and for the first time since the opening of the school, the course duration has been postponed. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to the students, but it was fortunate that the outbreak of the disease did not spread. Although it seems that the new corona outbreak has come to an end, we will continue to operate our school with a strong awareness of the need to prevent the spread of infection.
In 東京キャンパス
2022年5月29日(日)〜 12日(土)まで、開催しました東京キャンパス34期修了式を9月 21日(水)に開催しました。東京キャンパスは、全国のキャンパスのなかでも毎期大勢の受講生さんをお迎えして開催していますが、この34期も大勢の修了生を育成させていただくことができました。既にドローンビジネスに着手されている方も多く、修了生さんの未来が楽しみです。
Completion Ceremony for the 34th Graduation Class was held at the Tokyo Campus.
The Tokyo Campus 34th Completion Ceremony, which was held from May 29 (Sun.) to 12 (Sat.), 2022, was held on September 21 (Wed.). The Tokyo Campus welcomes more students each term than any other campus in Japan, and we were able to nurture a large number of graduates for the 34th term as well. Many of them have already started drone businesses, and we look forward to their future.
In 名古屋キャンパス
2022年8月28日(土)〜 9月10日(土)まで、名古屋キャンパス26期を開催しました。今期も多くの受講生が集い大変賑やかな開講となりました。暑い季節の開講でしたが、熱中症の方をお一人も出すこともなく、全員が予定していたプログラムを受講することができました。
The 26th session of the Nagoya Campus was held.
The 26th session of the Nagoya Campus was held from August 28 (Sat) to September 10 (Sat), 2022. This term was again a very lively one, with many students attending. Although the course started in the hot season, not a single student suffered from heat stroke, and all students were able to attend the scheduled program.
In 修了生
UAVOOM(ユーエーブーム)のリンクはコチラ▷ uavoom.com
Drone College graduates were interviewed by “UAVOOM,” a comprehensive platform for drone enthusiasts, drone business operators, and creators.
A graduate of the Drone College, who specializes in undertaking work that requires advanced piloting skills, was interviewed by “UAVOOM,” a comprehensive platform for drone enthusiasts, drone business operators, and creators. This platform provides its members with useful information from procurement of drones/UAVs and camera gear to operation and business development.
Click here for the UAVOOM link.▷ uavoom.com
In 名古屋キャンパス
2022年5月15日(日)〜 28日(土)まで、開催しました、名古屋キャンパス25期の修了式を9月 7日(水)に開催しました。残念ながらお仕事の都合で欠席される方が多く寂しい修了式となりましたが、出席された方はご自身のドローンビジネスの展開について熱く語られていらっしゃって、今後の展開が楽しみです。
Nagoya Campus 25th Graduation Ceremony was held.
On Wednesday, September 7, we held the graduation ceremony for the 25th term of the Nagoya Campus, which was held from May 15 (Sun.) to 28 (Sat.), 2022. Unfortunately, many students were unable to attend the ceremony due to work commitments, making it a sad day for many. However, those who did attend spoke enthusiastically about their drone business development, and we look forward to future developments.
In ドローン大学院
ドローン大学校修了生らで構成する”ドローンビジネス オンラインサロン”「ドローン大学院」のイベント「ドローン夏休み2022@仙台」を2022年9月2日(金)〜 4日(日)に予定通り開催しました。このイベントは「ドローンによる空中撮影」と「水中ドローンによる水中撮影」を体験していただくことを目標としたイベントで、東日本大震災の被災地のひとつである「日本三景 松島」のインバウンド向け観光PR動画を撮影し、被災地復興に貢献することを目指します。 2泊3日のカリキュラムを通して、デジタルカメラ・スマートフォン・360°カメラ・ドローンで撮影し、さらに撮影素材をiMovie (apple)で動画編集することにもチャレンジしました。合わせて水中ドローンによる津波被災地海底の撮影や、船上からのドローンの離着陸、熱気球への乗船と、乗船した熱気球のドローン撮影も経験しました。
Drone Graduate School “Drone Summer Vacation 2022@Sendai
Drone Graduate School, an online salon for drone business consisting of graduates of the Drone College, held the event “Drone Summer Vacation 2022@Sendai” from September 2 to 4, 2022, as scheduled. The event was held as scheduled from September 2 (Fri.) to 4 (Sun.), 2022. The goal of this event was to have participants experience “aerial photography by drone” and “underwater photography by underwater drone,” and to contribute to the reconstruction of Matsushima, one of the areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake, by shooting a PR video for inbound tourism to Matsushima, one of the three most scenic spots in Japan. Through the 3-day/2-night curriculum, the participants filmed with digital cameras, smart phones, 360° cameras, and drones, and also took on the challenge of editing the video using iMovie (apple). In addition, they also experienced underwater drone photography of the seafloor in the tsunami-affected areas, drone takeoff and landing from a ship, and boarding a hot-air balloon and taking drone photos of the hot-air balloon aboard.
In 大阪キャンパス
2022年8月14日(土)〜 27日(土)まで、大阪キャンパス7期を開催しました。今回の大阪キャンパス7期は、若干受講生さんが少なかったですが、個性豊かな受講生さんが集い楽しい開講となりました。暑い季節の開講でしたが熱中症の方を出すこともなく、全員が予定していたプログラムを受講することができました。
Osaka Campus held its 7th term.
The 7th term of the Osaka Campus was held from August 14 (Sat) to 27 (Sat), 2022. Although the number of students for the 7th term at the Osaka Campus was a little small, it was a very enjoyable class with many unique students. Although the classes were held during the hot season, no one suffered from heat stroke, and everyone was able to attend the scheduled programs.
In 大阪キャンパス
2022年5月6日(金)〜 2月14日(土)まで開講しました、大阪キャンパス6期の終了式を開講しました。オミクロン株感染が気になるということで、ご欠席された修了生が多かったですが、実際にご参加された修了生さんは、心待ちにしていた修了証を手にされご満足のご様子でした。今後は日本のドローン業界を牽引してゆく人材に成長していただきたいと思います。
Completion Ceremony Held at Osaka Campus
The closing ceremony for the 6th term of the Osaka Campus, which ran from May 6, 2022 (Friday) to February 14, 2022 (Saturday), was held. Many of the graduates were not able to attend the ceremony due to concerns about Omicron infection, but those who were able to attend the ceremony seemed satisfied with their certificates, which they had been looking forward to receiving. We hope that they will grow up to be leaders of the drone industry in Japan.
In 名古屋キャンパス
The activities of graduates of the Nagoya Campus of the Drone Academy were featured in the morning edition of the Chunichi Shimbun newspaper.
It is wonderful to see graduates actively engaged in activities that have social significance.