

In 名古屋キャンパス

COVID-19感染拡大が懸念されている時期ですが、十分な感染予防を行い予定通り、予定通り名古屋キャンパス20期を開催しました。もちろん記念撮影もSocia ldistanceingを意識しました。

Nagoya Campus 20th semester to be held as scheduled.

In spite of the concern about COVID-19 infection, the 20th term of the Nagoya campus was held as scheduled with adequate prevention of infection. Of course, we also took commemorative photos with Socia ldistanceing in mind.




In 名古屋キャンパス

COVID-19感染拡大が懸念されている時期ですが、十分な感染予防を行い予定通り、予定通り名古屋キャンパス19期を開催しました。もちろん記念撮影もSocia ldistanceingを意識しました。

Nagoya Campus 19th semester to be held as scheduled.

In spite of the concern about COVID-19 infection, the 19th term of the Nagoya campus was held as scheduled with adequate prevention of infection. Of course, we also took commemorative photos with Socia ldistanceing in mind.



In 名古屋キャンパス

COVID-19感染拡大と梅雨時期の悪天候が重なり、実技実習のスケジュールが延期になっていた名古屋キャンパス18期が予定より約1ヶ月遅れで修了しました。急遽講義会場を変更するなど、一時開催が危ぶまれましたが無事に開催できました。浜松で過去最高タイ気温41.1℃を記録した同日、浜松に近い場所での実技実習となりましたが、熱中症になる受講生もなく修了することができました。もちろん記念撮影もSocia ldistanceingを意識しました。

The 18th term of the Nagoya campus will be held as planned.

Due to the spread of COVID-19 infection and bad weather during the rainy season, the 18th term of the Nagoya campus was completed about a month later than scheduled, which had been postponed due to a combination of bad weather. The lecture venue was hurriedly changed and the event was briefly delayed, but it was successfully held. On the same day that the record high temperature of 41.1 degrees Celsius was recorded in Hamamatsu, the practical training was held in a place close to Hamamatsu, but we were able to complete the course without any students suffering from heat stroke. Of course, the photo shoot was also taken with Socia ldistanceing in mind.


新型コロナウイルス感染拡大に伴う 「愛知県緊急事態宣言」発出による 名古屋キャンパス第18期 順延のお知らせ

In 名古屋キャンパス

2020年4月10日、愛知県は新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大に伴う「愛知県緊急事態宣言」を発出しました。このことを踏まえ、4月24日(金)〜 4月30日(木)まで開講を予定しておりました「名古屋キャンパス第18期」を順延させていただくことに致しました。新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大を防ぐという主旨は当然のことながら、講義・実技に使用する予定でした施設の休園・休館、大幅な営業時間短縮なども順延の理由です。既にご入校お手続きをいただいた皆さまや、ご入校をご検討いただいておりました皆さまには、多大なご迷惑をお掛け致しますが、ご理解を頂きますよう、よろしくお願い致します。


Due to the spread of the new type coronavirus infection, the 18th term of Nagoya Campus has been postponed due to the “Aichi Prefecture Emergency Declaration”.

On April 10, 2020, Aichi Prefecture issued the “Aichi Prefecture Emergency Declaration” due to the spread of the new coronavirus. Due to this, the 18th term of the Nagoya Campus, which was scheduled to start from Friday, April 24 to Thursday, April 30, has been postponed. In addition to the main purpose of preventing the spread of the new coronavirus, the reason for the postponement was the closure of facilities that were scheduled to be used for lectures and practical training, as well as the drastic shortening of business hours. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to those who have already enrolled or are considering enrolling in our school.





In 名古屋キャンパス



Nagoya Campus 18th Entry Start!

Two entries have been entered for the 18th phase of the Nagoya Campus, which starts on Friday, April 24, 2020. Drone College will begin pre-school training for the opening of April. Perhaps by the end of April, a drone operator with the knowledge and skills needed to operate a drone safely will be born.



ドローン大学校+ドローン大学院 合同クリパ(クリスマスパーティー)@名古屋キャンパスを開催

In 名古屋キャンパス



Drone college + Drone Graduate School Joint Clipper (Christmas Party) @ Nagoya Campus

This year, the annual Drone College + Drone Graduate Joint Clipper (Christmas Party) @ Nagoya Campus, where drone college graduates and drone graduate students gather, was held again. This year, on the theme of “Kuripa that can fly drones”, everyone brought their own drones and proceeded with the party while flying the drones. I am grateful to the graduates and graduate students who gathered during the busy period of Shiwasu. The secretariat and instructors will continue to support you with all your abilities next year so that you can continue going forward.
* No drunk flights.




In 名古屋キャンパス

16th term of Nagoya Campus
This year's Nagoya Campus was also opened with many students. Both the department completion certificate and the safe operation management completion certificate were passed in one shot, and the practical skill completion certificate was passed in the shortest time since the drone university opened. In the future, I wish for the isolated island that will be active in the drone business.



In 名古屋キャンパス

Nagoya Campus 15th Completion Ceremony
The 15th graduation ceremony was held with many students. Also, during the graduation ceremony, a graduate who mainly worked as a business consultant gave a lecture on the theme of “entrepreneurship in drone business”. Another feature of the drone college is that there are many graduates with various skills.


ドローン大学校 名古屋キャンパス15期(NC15) 修了

In 名古屋キャンパス


  Drone college Nagoya Campus 15nd Term (NC15) Completion Ceremony It was the 15th term of the Nagoya Campus that started with an application for full capacity this term, but there were some students who carried over the completion to the next term, unfortunately not all of them completed, but the drone is safe It was a week in which all the students struggled to get the knowledge and skills necessary for operation.  


ドローン大学校 名古屋キャンパス15期(NC15) 開講

In 名古屋キャンパス



Drone college Nagoya Campus 15th term (NC15) opened The exciting Nagoya campus started with an application for full capacity this term. A wide range of people, from students in their 20s to managers in their 50s, gathered, and it has become a busier period than usual.