弊校 名倉理事長が徳島県 後藤田知事と「ドローン操縦士の育成」について意見交換を行いました
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2025年1月20日、弊校 名倉理事長が徳島県 後藤田知事と徳島県危機管理部の幹部とドローン操縦士の育成について意見交換を行いました。今後の政府の方針や徳島県の現状と将来に向けた方針など長時間に渡ってお話をさせていただきました。
Chancellor Nagakura exchanged opinions with Governor Goto of Tokushima Prefecture regarding “Training of Drone Pilots
On January 20, 2025, our school’s Chancellor, Mr. Nagura, exchanged opinions with Governor Goto of Tokushima Prefecture and executives of the Tokushima Prefecture Emergency Management Department regarding the training of drone pilots. We talked for a long time about the future policy of the government and the current situation of Tokushima Prefecture and its policy for the future.
Tokushima Prefecture’s official Facebook page↓↓.
弊校 名倉 理事長が尼崎西ロータリクラブにて講演しました。
In 依頼講演
2025年1 月14日(火)にドローン大学校 名倉真悟理事長が「ドローンの聖地 大阪関西で2025年に始まる未来」と題した講義を行いました。まもなく開催される大阪関西万博を前に、ご参加いただいた皆様には興味深く聞いていただきました。
Dr. Shingo Nagura, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Academy, gave a lecture at the Amagasaki Nishi Rotary Club.
On Tuesday, January 14, 2025, Drone College Chancellor Shingo Nagura gave a lecture titled “The Future that Begins in 2025 in Osaka Kansai, the Mecca of Drones”. Ahead of the Osaka-Kansai Expo to be held soon, the audience listened to the lecture with great interest.
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2024年5月23日(木)、北海道科学大学E棟にて未来デザイン学部 人間社会学科の名倉 真悟客員教授(弊校 理事長)による公開講座「『起業家』という選択」を開催しました。
Chancellor Nagura held a public lecture entitled “The Entrepreneurial Choice” at Hokkaido University of Science.
On Thursday, May 23, 2024, Shingo Nagura, Visiting Professor of the Department of Human and Social Studies, Faculty of Future Design (Chancellor), Hokkaido University of Science held a public lecture entitled “The Entrepreneurial Choice” in Building E of Hokkaido University of Science. Company Employee or Business Owner? What is the right choice for the next era, as told by an MBA entrepreneur who successfully sold his company three times. The lecture was open to students and working adults who aim to start their own businesses.
In 依頼講演
既にドローンビジネスを活発に行われている九州電力株式会社様のドローンビジネス関係責任者様に向けて、今後同社がどの様な分野を目指して行くべきか?今後の日本国内のドローン業界の動向についてなどドローンビジネスの最新情報をドローン大学校 名倉代表理事が、約5時間にわたりお話をさせていただきました。
Our chairman gave a lecture on drone business at the head office of Kyushu Electric Power Co.
The drone business is already actively conducted by Kyushu Electric Power Company, and Mr. Nagura gave a lecture on the latest information on the drone business, including the future trend of the drone industry in Japan. Drone College President Nagura gave a 5-hour presentation on the latest information on the drone business, including future trends in the drone industry in Japan.
In 依頼講演
2025年に開催される大阪・関西万博で運航予定の「空飛ぶクルマ」について、ドローン大学校 名倉理事長が富田林ロータリークラブで卓話(講義)を行いました。
Our Chancellor gave a lecture on drones at the Tondabayashi Rotary Club.
Drone College President Nagura gave a lecture to the Tondabayashi Rotary Club about “flying cars” scheduled to operate at the Osaka-Kansai Expo to be held in 2025.
What kind of economic effect will flying “flying cars” have on Osaka and the Kansai region? It was an interesting content for executives in Osaka.
In 依頼講演
Chairman of Seisa High School gives a lecture at Seisa High School in Yokohama, Japan
At Seisa High School, a designated school by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) in Yokohama, our school president gave a 90-minute lecture on drone-related rules and drone business, and Drone College instructors gave a 90-minute drone piloting experience. Not only male students but also female students were interested in the drone operation and took it very seriously. We will continue similar activities in the future to encourage young people to enter the drone business industry.
学校法人広島女学院 広島女学院大学で弊校理事長が講義をしました。
In 依頼講演
2023年11月14日(火)学校法人広島女学院 広島女学院大学で、弊校理事長がドローンについて講義ををさせていただきました。はじめて聞くドローンの情報に女子大生の皆さんも驚いておられました。
Our Chancellor gave a lecture at Hiroshima Jogakuin University.
On Tuesday, November 14, 2023, the president of our school gave a lecture on drones at Hiroshima Jogakuin University. The students were surprised to hear about drones for the first time.
In 依頼講演
The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Drone College gave a lecture within Hyoshin Equipment Co.
On September 29, 2023, the President gave a 90-minute lecture on drone business in the company of Hyoshin Seiki, an industrial pump manufacturer involved in the transfer, filling, dosing, and application of various liquids. About 100 employees attended the lecture with serious eyes from start to finish. We hope that the technology of Hyoshin Equipment Co., Ltd. will be utilized in the drone industry.