
ドローン大学校修了生が中日新聞朝刊 総合面に登場!

In 修了生

ドローン大学校名古屋キャンパス修了生の「Re:フライトコンサルティング 尾関 健 代表」が2023年8月5日(土)の中日新聞朝刊 総合面に掲載されました。写真にはドローン大学校の校章と「一等無人航空機操縦士」という文字が輝いています。

Drone College Alumnus Appears on the Chunichi Shimbun’s Morning Edition, General Section!

Drone College Nagoya Campus alumnus Ken OZEKI, Representative of Re: Flight Consulting, was featured in the August 5, 2023 edition of the Chunichi Shimbun’s morning edition. In the photo, the Drone College emblem and the words “First Class Unmanned Aircraft Pilot” shine brightly.



In メディアIn 修了生


The Mainichi Newspaper reported on an event held in cooperation with Drone College alumni.

The Mainichi Newspaper’s June 27th edition, page 16, Tokai Wide, featured the drone club activities that have been underway since 2021 at Taki Junior and Senior High School (Konan City, Aichi Prefecture). Drone College graduates are also actively involved in activities to promote the knowledge and skills necessary to fly drones among young people, including elementary, junior high, and high school students.



In 修了生



Company Established by Five Drone College Graduates Introduced in Asahi Shimbun

Global Link Corporation, founded by five Drone College graduates, was featured in the May 31, 2023 edition of the Asahi Shimbun (Nagano Prefecture) regarding the SkyFarm ®︎ project in Shinano-cho, Nagano Prefecture.



In 修了生


The company established by five Drone College graduates was introduced in the Shinano Mainichi Newspaper.

On May 28, 2020, the Shinano Mainichi Newspaper reported on the activities of SkyFarm®︎, a company established by five Drone College graduates in Shinano-cho, Nagano Prefecture.



In 修了生


Drone College Alumnus Appointed as a Community Development Cooperation Volunteer in Asahimachi, Yamagata Prefecture, as a Nigiwai Promoter in the Ootani Area

A Drone College graduate was appointed by the mayor of Asahi-machi, Yamagata Prefecture, as a member of the local development cooperation team for the Oya area, which was featured in today’s Yamagata Shimbun.



In 修了生


[Drone College Graduates Only] First Class Unmanned Aircraft Pilot Certificate Overnight Seminar for Classroom and Practical (Desktop and Oral) Examinations @ Hiroshima

As you may know, the Civil Aeronautics Law was revised on December 5, 2023, and a national license system for drones (unmanned aerial vehicles) was started. At present, it is possible to operate a drone up to Level 3 with permission and approval from the Civil Aviation Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism without a national license, but to operate a drone at Level 4, it is necessary to obtain a First Class Unmanned Aircraft Pilot Certificate. In the future, national licenses may become mandatory at all levels.
We sincerely hope that graduate students of the Drone Graduate School, a community of graduates of Drone College, will take the certification exam as soon as possible, and we sincerely hope that as many of you as possible will obtain a national license and enter the drone business. In the past, the Drone Graduate School has held similar events twice, and many graduate students have already passed the first-class unmanned aircraft operator skill certification course exam. And with 14 participants this time around, we are confident that all of them will become first class unmanned aircraft pilots.



In ドローン大学院In 修了生

2023年2月11日(土)〜 12日(日)に開催しました、ドローン大学院イベント「SKYLINK × ドローン大学院 × DRONEY ビジネスマッチングミーティング & 農薬散布•空撮機操縦体験会」の動画が完成しました。撮影〜編集まで全てドローン大学院生が担当しました。



In 東京キャンパスIn 修了生

「Japan Drone 2018「Drone Business Challenge」にて優秀賞受賞」並びに「Japan Drone 2019 「Drone Business Challenge PLUS+」にて JUIDA奨励賞受賞」を受賞した東京キャンパス修了生木村美砂さん(三宅島ドローンパイロットクラブ所属)が朝日新聞の取材を受けました。


Tokyo Campus graduates were interviewed by Asahi Shimbun newspaper.
Ms. Misao Kimura, a Tokyo Campus alumnus (Miyakejima Island Drone Pilots Club member), was interviewed by Asahi Shimbun. Miyakejima Drone Pilots Club) was interviewed by Asahi Shimbun.



In 名古屋キャンパスIn 修了生

ドローン大学校名古屋キャンパス修了生が運航管理スタッフを務める、小沢 諒祐さん率いるドローンチームが愛知県江南市PR大使に任命されました。今後PR大使として江南市の魅力発信に協力されるそうです。


A team of Nagoya Campus alumni was appointed PR ambassadors for Konan City, Aichi Prefecture.

A drone team led by Ryosuke Ozawa, a graduate of the Nagoya Campus of the Drone College, has been appointed as the PR Ambassador of Konan City, Aichi Prefecture. The team will help promote the attractions of Konan City as PR ambassadors.



ドローン大学校 中澤 亨講師撮影の空撮動画が地上波で放送されたました。

In 講師紹介In 修了生

高高度からの空撮を得意とするドローン大学校 中澤 亨講師撮影の空撮動画が「TBS『THE TIME,』5:20〜8:00」にて放送されました。修了生さんが活躍する姿を見ることは出身学校スタッフとしても嬉しいです。

・WSR YouTubeチャンネル


Drone College’s aerial video shot by Toru Nakazawa was broadcast on terrestrial TV.

Drone College’s instructor Toru Nakazawa, who specializes in high-altitude aerial photography, shot an aerial video that was broadcast on TBS’s “THE TIME,” from 5:20 to 8:00 p.m. As a staff member of the school, we are very happy to see graduates of the school in action.