千葉県損害保険代理業協会 京葉支部 × ドローン大学校でイベントを開催
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2024年6月4日(火)千葉県損害保険代理業協会 京葉支部主催の損害保険分野におけるドローンの利活用セミナーおよび体験会をドローン大学校修了生らが担当し開催しました。
Chiba Non-Life Insurance Agents Association, Keiyo Branch × Drone Academy Event
On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, the Keiyo Branch of the Chiba Non-Life Insurance Agents Association hosted a seminar on the use of drones in the field of non-life insurance, as well as a hands-on experience event, with graduates of the Drone University in charge.
In 修了生
Ltd., a company comprised of Drone College graduates, and Nagakute City, Aichi Prefecture, have signed a disaster agreement.
Ltd., formed and established by Drone College graduates in 2023, has concluded an “Agreement on Information Gathering by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in the Event of a Disaster” with Nagakute City, Aichi Prefecture, following the signing of an agreement with Gamagori City, Aichi Prefecture. Nagakute City, Aichi Prefecture, is located in the Owari region of Aichi Prefecture and is a bedroom town of Nagoya City. The city of Nagakute-cho, Aichi County, was incorporated as a city on January 4, 2012, and on November 1, 2022, Ghibli Park, “a park representing the world of Studio Ghibli (Ghibli Inc.),” was opened, attracting attention from all over Japan. Although there have been few major disasters, the city’s population is on the rise, and the city is highly conscious of disaster prevention and safety.
「ドローン大学院生+学科・実地(基本)修了審査合格者限定回転翼航空機(マルチローター)一等無人航空機操縦士技能証明 夜間・目視外講習&修了審査@千葉」を開催しました。
In 修了生
Drone Graduate Students + First Class Unmanned Aircraft Pilot Certificate Nighttime Out-of-sight Training and Completion Examination @ Chiba” was held for those who have passed the academic and practical (basic) examinations.
A nighttime out-of-sight training course and final examination was held in Chiba Prefecture for those who passed the academic examination and practical (basic) examination for the first class unmanned aircraft pilot certificate for rotary-wing aircraft (multirotor). Unfortunately, not all of the participants were able to pass the night and visual examinations, but they put their all into their training and examinations over the two days and left with no regrets. Congratulations to everyone who passed the limited change assessment.
In 修了生
Zenkukei Corporation, a company comprised of Drone College graduates, signed a disaster agreement with Gamagori City, Aichi Prefecture.
On November 22, 2023, Gamagori City in Aichi Prefecture signed a disaster agreement with Zenkukei Corporation, a group of graduates of Drone College, to use drones to gather information in times of disaster. The company will dispatch pilots to assess the damage from the sky, with the aim of promptly rescuing and assisting victims of the disaster. In addition, the drone can take pictures and relay information from the sky in the event of river flooding, and can assess changes in the topography caused by a major earthquake. Furthermore, in the future, the system will also be used to transport relief supplies such as water and simple toilets.
In 修了生
同日後半は「株式会社 全空警 第2号警備新任講習」も行いました。8月19日〜20日に神戸で開催した「第1号警備新任講習修了生」に限り、今回の第2号警備新任講習を受講することで、第1号警備に加え第2号警備の警備員として業務が行えるようになりました。
「株式会社 全空警」というビジネスのステージが生まれたことで、みなさん連帯感が高まり、今後の展開が楽しみになる講習になりました。講義後は、受講生のみなさんが集い懇親会を開催し、全国から集った参加者が活発な情報交換をおこないました。次に集う時には「良い経過連絡を行う」ことを誓い、終日におよぶイベントを締めくくりました。
a corporation composed of drone graduate students and others, visited the headquarters of USEN Corporation and conducted the “No. 2 Security Newcomer Training Course” on the same day. On Friday,
October 6, 2023, Zenkoku Keisatsu, Inc., consisting of drone graduate students, visited the head office of USEN Corporation on the occasion of becoming a distributor of USEN’s products, and heard about the development and sales of security cameras and meal delivery robots. On the second half of the same day, the participants also attended the “All Air Patrol No. 2 Security Guard Course,” which was held in Kobe on August 19 and 20, and only those who had completed the “No. 1 Security Guard Course” were able to work as No. 2 security guards in addition to No. 1 security guards by attending the No. 2 Security Guard Course. The new business stage of “All Air Security Service Co. After the lecture, a reception was held for the participants, who gathered from all over the country for a lively exchange of information. The all-day event concluded with a pledge to “make good progress reports” the next time they meet.
ドローン大学校修了生らで構成する SkyFarm®︎(スカイファーム)さんが実証試験を実施
In 修了生
ドローン大学校修了生らで構成する SkyFarm®︎(スカイファーム)さんが、実証試験を実施しました。 約4ヶ月間の実証期間を経て、徳島県の名産「木頭ゆず」を対象に、徳島県並びに全農徳島さんとともに行い結果は良好のようで、その様子を NHK徳島で報道されました。 SkyFarm®︎(スカイファーム)さんは、 これからも徳島県の柑橘栽培に貢献して行かれるそうです。
SkyFarm®︎ (SkyFarm), a group of Drone College graduates, conducted a demonstration test
SkyFarm®︎ (SkyFarm), a group of Drone College graduates, conducted a demonstration test. After a four-month demonstration period, they conducted the test with Tokushima Prefecture and Zen-Noh Tokushima for “Kiuto Yuzu,” a specialty of Tokushima Prefecture, with good results, which were reported on NHK Tokushima. SkyFarm®︎ will continue to contribute to citrus cultivation in Tokushima Prefecture.
JAPAN DRONE 2023関連動画を公開しました
In ドローン大学院In 修了生
「JAPAN DRONE 2023」への出展、開期に合わせて開催した、ドローン大学校大同窓会、一等無人航空機操縦者技能証明書取得(学科・机上・口述)一夜漬けセミナーの動画を公開しました。
JAPAN DRONE 2023 related videos are now available!
The videos of the Drone College Alumni Association and the Overnight Seminar for obtaining the First Class Unmanned Aircraft Operator’s Certificate of Competence (classroom, desktop, and oral), which were held in conjunction with the exhibition and opening of JAPAN DRONE 2023, are now available for viewing./p>
ドローン大学校修了生が中日新聞朝刊 総合面に登場!
In 修了生
ドローン大学校名古屋キャンパス修了生の「Re:フライトコンサルティング 尾関 健 代表」が2023年8月5日(土)の中日新聞朝刊 総合面に掲載されました。写真にはドローン大学校の校章と「一等無人航空機操縦士」という文字が輝いています。
Drone College Alumnus Appears on the Chunichi Shimbun’s Morning Edition, General Section!
Drone College Nagoya Campus alumnus Ken OZEKI, Representative of Re: Flight Consulting, was featured in the August 5, 2023 edition of the Chunichi Shimbun’s morning edition. In the photo, the Drone College emblem and the words “First Class Unmanned Aircraft Pilot” shine brightly.
In 修了生In メディア
The Mainichi Newspaper reported on an event held in cooperation with Drone College alumni.
The Mainichi Newspaper’s June 27th edition, page 16, Tokai Wide, featured the drone club activities that have been underway since 2021 at Taki Junior and Senior High School (Konan City, Aichi Prefecture). Drone College graduates are also actively involved in activities to promote the knowledge and skills necessary to fly drones among young people, including elementary, junior high, and high school students.
In 修了生
Company Established by Five Drone College Graduates Introduced in Asahi Shimbun
Global Link Corporation, founded by five Drone College graduates, was featured in the May 31, 2023 edition of the Asahi Shimbun (Nagano Prefecture) regarding the SkyFarm ®︎ project in Shinano-cho, Nagano Prefecture.