In 東京キャンパス
Tokyo Campus 26th Term
With the spread of the “new type of coronavirus infection,” the seminar was held in a closed, dense, and close environment, and alcohol disinfection and mask wearing were strictly adhered to. Once again, we were able to welcome a large number of students to the seminar, which was very lively and positive.
「オンラインサロン ドローン大学院」 ミーティング 2020春 開催
In すべて
ドローン大学校の修了生を中心に構成される「オンラインサロン ドローン大学院」の全国の院生が集い、参加者自らが企画をし、コンテを考え、撮影をし、編集をし、販売を行うところまでを目標としたカンファレンスでした。最終日には参加者全員が自身が撮影した動画を販売することまで行うことができ、全員が新たなドローンビジネスをスタートすることができました。
“Online Salon Drone Graduate School” Meeting Held in Spring 2020
Graduates of the “Online Salon Drone Graduate School”, which consist mainly of graduates of Drone College, gather around the country, and the participants themselves plan, think about, shoot, edit, and sell. It was a conference aimed at up to. On the last day, all the participants could sell the videos they shot, and everyone could start a new drone business.
i-Construction Pix4Dmapperドローン測量プログラム開講
In すべて
ドローン 大学校修了生およびプロ UAVオペレーターを目指す方々で構成するオンラインサロン「ドローン 大学院」が主催する「i-Construction Pix4Dmapperドローン測量プログラム(基礎編)」を一泊二日の合宿形式で開講しました。
i-Construction Pix4Dmapper Drone Surveying Program (Basic)
Drone The “i-Construction Pix4Dmapper Drone Survey Program (Basic Edition)” sponsored by “Drone Graduate”, an online salon made up of college graduates and those who aim to become professional UAV operators, is offered as a one-day and two-day training camp.
The event was held at a time when there was a concern about the spread of the new coronavirus infection, so thorough measures were taken such as checking the overseas travel history of all participants within two weeks, wearing all masks, and constantly venturing indoor lectures. Although the seminar was on a high alert level, it was possible to hold the seminar as scheduled without stopping economic activities, and the students were able to be satisfied. In the fall of this year, “Applied Edition” will be offered。
In メディア
In 広島キャンパス
ドローン大学校 瀬戸内キャンパス09期を開講しました。今回も多くの受講生にお集まりいただき、賑やかに開講することができました。「極寒シーズン」と覚悟をしていましたが、さすがの瀬戸内!東京と比べて暖かく、降雨もなく、ベストコンディションでした。
Setouchi Campus 9th Class
Drone College Setouchi CampusThe 9th term has started. This time, many students gathered and the class was opened lively. I was prepared for the “Fresh Cold Season”, but it was truly Setouchi! It was warmer than Tokyo, without rainfall, and in the best condition.
In 名古屋キャンパス
Nagoya Campus 18th Entry Start!
Two entries have been entered for the 18th phase of the Nagoya Campus, which starts on Friday, April 24, 2020. Drone College will begin pre-school training for the opening of April. Perhaps by the end of April, a drone operator with the knowledge and skills needed to operate a drone safely will be born.
In 博多キャンパス
Hakata Campus 06th entry started!
Entries have started for students entering the 26th Tokyo Campus, which starts on Saturday, May 2, 2020. Drone College will begin pre-entry training for the opening of April. Perhaps in mid-April, a drone operator with the knowledge and skills needed to operate a drone safely will be born.
In 東京キャンパス
Tokyo Campus 26th Entry Start!
Entries for students entering the Tokyo Campus 26th Period, which starts on Friday, April 3, 2020, have begun. Drone College will begin pre-entry training for the opening of April. Perhaps in mid-April, a drone operator with the knowledge and skills needed to operate a drone safely will be born.
In すべて
技術経営戦略を学ぶ講座である、専修大学経営学部特殊講義(技術経営戦略入門) にて、当校理事長がゲスト講師として講義を行いました。日頃、若い学部生にとって、ドローンの情報に触れることは少ないようで、多くの学部生に興味を持って聴講していただきました。
The president of the school gave a lecture at Senshu University School of Business.
The president of the school gave a lecture as a guest lecturer in a special lecture (Introduction to Technology Management Strategy), a course for studying technology management strategy, which is a special lecture at Senshu University College of Business Administration. It seems that young undergraduate students rarely touch the information on drones, and many undergraduate students listened with interest.
In すべて
The chairman of the school gave a lecture at Rikkyo University Graduate School.
The chairman of the school gave a lecture as a guest lecturer at Rikkyo University Graduate School of Business Design “Lecture: Techno Trend 2” with the aim of understanding widely used technologies and related corporate trends. In thinking about business, it is important to be in touch with the information on new technology every day, and many graduate students have been interested in attending.