
ドローン大学校が徳島県・神山町・特定非営利活動法人グリーンバレーと連携し「ドローンビジネスワークショップキャンプ @ 神山町」を2019年3月16日・17日・18日に開催!

In プレスリリース

ドローン大学校は ”ドローンのビジネススクール”をスローガンに、 2016年の開校から350名以上の入校生を迎え入れましたが「修了生全員がドローンビジネスに就いている」とは言い難いのが現実です。 ドローンの運航に必要な知識や操縦技術を習得しても、 ドローンで何をするか?の「何」がないとビジネスにはならず、 その「何」とドローンを掛け合わせた新たなビジネスを創造することが成功の可能性を高めることになるでしょう。 今回の「ドローンビジネスワークショップキャンプ @ 神山町」では、 ドローン大学校の講師と修了生が一丸となり、 国内の法令の制限が少ない里山で、 地元の方々と話し合って、 ドローンの新たな利活用を模索し、 空撮、 農業リモートセンシング、 測量、 などの知識と技術で、 里山での新たなドローンビジネスを考えるための機会です。
Drone University holds “Drone Business Workshop Camp @ Kamiyamacho” on March 16, 17, and 18, 2019 in collaboration with Tokushima Prefecture, Kamiyamacho, and the non-profit organization Green Valley!
Drone University welcomed more than 350 students since its opening in 2016 under the slogan “Drone Business School”, but it is difficult to say that all graduates are in drone business . What do you do with a drone even if you acquire the knowledge and maneuvering skills necessary for drone operations? If you don’t have a “what”, you won’t be a business, and creating a new business that combines that “what” with a drone will increase your chances of success. In this “Drone Business Workshop Camp @ Kamiyamacho”, the drone university instructor and graduates will work together, discussing with locals in Satoyama where there are few restrictions on domestic laws and regulations, It is an opportunity to explore new drone business in satoyama by exploring, aerial photography, agricultural remote sensing, surveying, and other knowledge and technologies.
DRONE.JP の記事      Drone times の記事



In 名古屋キャンパス

名古屋キャンパス第14期度修了式を開催しました。今月も多くの優秀な修了生が誕生し、賑やかな修了式となりました。同時開催の特別講義では、当校の講師でもあり、森山環境科学研究所のスタッフでもある森山 誠 先生にご自身の害獣調査等に関する研究報告をご講演いただきました。
Completion ceremony for the 14th term of Nagoya Campus
The 14th term completion ceremony was held at Nagoya Campus. Many outstanding graduates were born this month, and it was a lively completion ceremony. In the special lecture held at the same time, Professor Makoto Moriyama, a lecturer at our school and a staff member at the Moriyama Institute of Environmental Science, gave a lecture on research reports on his own pest surveys.



In 東京キャンパス

東京キャンパス第21期度修了式を開催しました。今月も多くの優秀な修了生が誕生し、賑やかな修了式となりました。同時開催の特別講義では、パーソルプロセス&テクノロジー株式会社ビジネスエンジニアリング事業部ドローンソリューショングループの前田 晋吾 氏に講師をお願いし、同社が行うドローンソリューションについてご講演いただきました。
Tokyo Campus 21st Term Completion Ceremony
Tokyo Campus 21st Term Completion Ceremony was held. Many outstanding graduates were born this month, and it was a lively completion ceremony. In the special lecture held at the same time, Mr. Satoshi Maeda of the Drones Solution Group of Business Engineering Division, Persol Process & Technology Co., Ltd. was invited as a lecturer to give a lecture on the drone solutions provided by the company.



In すべて

Our school president gives a lecture on the theme of drone business at Yokohama West Rotary Club
At the Yokohama West Rotary Club’s February 2019 regular meeting held at the Yokohama Royal Park Hotel, our school director gave a lecture on the theme of “the attractiveness and prospects of drone business”. Everyone attended at a meeting where many managers gathered.



In 広島キャンパス

広島県福山市にて、ドローン大学校 瀬戸内キャンパス4期生修了式を開催しました。修了証の授与に加え、特別講義では、航空機メーカーの回転翼機エンジニアをお招きし、ビジネスに於けるヘリコプターとドローンの可能性などについてご講義を頂き、修了式の後は修了祝賀会も開催いたしました。今回の修了生からすでに農業分野や建築分野で実務予定があるという報告もあり、瀬戸内エリアでのドローンビジネスの息吹を感じました。
Setouchi Campus 4th Grade Completion Ceremony
Drone college Setouchi Campus 4th year graduation ceremony was held in Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture. In addition to awarding a certificate of completion, a special lecture invites an aircraft manufacturer’s rotorcraft engineer to give a lecture on the possibility of helicopters and drones in business. did. There was a report from the graduates that they were already working in the fields of agriculture and architecture, and I felt the breath of the drone business in the Setouchi area.



In 広島キャンパス

Opened Setouchi Campus 5th term (SC5)
From February 19 to February 26, Setouchi Campus 5th (SC5) was held. From Hiroshima to Okayama, we were able to conduct practical classes and practical training by aspiring students gathered from a wide area in Setouchi.



In すべて

日本経済新聞 掲載記事
Drone college and Persol Process & Technology form business alliance
Drone college and Persol Process & Technology Co., Ltd. support practical application from business construction to support development of personnel for companies that are working on drone business use and companies that are considering using drone business The “Drone Utilization Promotion Service” and the “Drone Business Staff Development Service” that trains drone business users for those who are interested in drones and want to work with drones.



In 東京キャンパス

Opened Tokyo Campus 21st (TC21)
Tokyo Campus 21st term (TC21) opened. Despite the cold season, many students participated and the school opened.


葉色解析サービス「いろは」認定オペレーター資格取得講座”ドローン リモートセンシング プログラム”第2期 開催

In すべて

日本唯一の株式会社スカイマティクスの認定校としてドローン大学校が開講する”「いろは」認定オペレーター”の民間資格が取得できるカリキュラム「ドローン リモート センシング プログラム」の第2期を静岡県にて開催しました。今回も当校の優秀な修了生にご参加いただき、実践的なキャンプが行えました。本講座修了生のなかから、優秀なリモートセンシング パイロットが誕生することでしょう。
株式会社スカイマティクス社 HP ▶︎ skymatix.co.jp
ドローン リモート センシング プログラム リンク ▶︎ dronecollege.ac/リモートセンシング/
Leaf color analysis service “Iroha” certified operator qualification course “Drone Remote Sensing Program” 2nd term held
The second term of the “Drone Remote Sensing Program”, a curriculum that allows private qualifications of “Iroha” Certified Operators, held by Drone University as the only certified school of Skymatics in Japan, was held in Shizuoka Prefecture. This time again, our excellent graduates participated in the camp. Out of this course, an excellent remote sensing pilot will be born.



In すべて

Our president at the Omiya Rotary Club gives a talk on the theme of drone business
The president of the school gave a talk on the theme of drone business at the Omiya Rotary Club, cultivated in the history and tradition of 1955. Among the members with various occupations engaged in community service activities, there were many executives such as managers.