In すべて
ドローンやエアーモビリティー、そのほかの関連ニュースや情報、話題をできるだけ幅広く、分かりやすく、楽しく、鋭くお届けし、価値ある未来、ドローン前提社会の実現に役立つメディア「DroneTribune(ドローントリビューン)」のコンテンツ「【入門者必見!】ナットク!のドローンスクール選び 「ここでよかった」を見抜く14のチェックポイント」に掲載されました。
Drone college was featured in an article on the drone news site “DroneTribune”.
“DroneTribune” is a media that delivers drones, air mobility, and other related news, information, and topics as widely as possible, easy to understand, fun, and sharp, and helps to realize a valuable future and drone premise society. Must-see for beginners!] Selected by Dr. Natku! ‘S drone school “14 checkpoints to see what was good here”
ドローン大学校 博多キャンパス5期開校
In 博多キャンパス
Drone college Hakata Campus 5th Opening
The 5th term of Hakata Campus, the fourth campus of Drone college, has opened. From this term, the department (lecture) was moved to a new location, and a 4-day course (lecture) was held, and a 4-day practical training was conducted outdoors in a suburban area blessed with fine weather. Attendance
In メディア
Drone college was published in an article of the magazine “Drone.biz”.
“The drone industry is the drone industry” in the special issue “The drone industry’s“ now ”necessary human resources and development” of VOL.3 of the magazine “Drone.biz” (Internal and External Publishing Co., Ltd.) Was n’t it wrong for the school? ”Was posted.