ドローン大学校 名古屋キャンパス12期・東京キャンパス19期修了!
In 東京キャンパスIn 名古屋キャンパス
ドローン大学校 名古屋キャンパス12期が東京キャンパス19期が修了いたしました。今回もそれぞれのキャンパスで大勢の受講生をお迎えすることができました。秋風の季節の講習でしたが、受講生と講師陣が一丸となり、笑いあり、涙ありの充実した講座になりました。修了試験に合格された皆さまは、これでドローンビジネスのスタートラインに立てたわけですから、今後日本のドローンビジネスを牽引するドローンパイロットやドローンビジネスマンに飛躍していただきたいと思います。
Drone college Nagoya Campus 12th term・Tokyo Campus 19th term completed!
Drone college Nagoya Campus 12th term has completed Tokyo Campus 19th term. This time, we were able to welcome many students at each campus. Although it was a course in the autumn wind season, the students and the teachers joined together, and it became a full course with laughter and tears. Those who have passed the final exam have now set the starting line for the drone business, so I would like the drone pilots and drone businessmen who will lead the drone business in Japan to leap forward.
ドローン大学校が東京 大手町、名古屋 名駅、瀬戸内 岡山に続き2018年11月に九州 博多キャンパスを開校!
In プレスリリース
Drone college opens Kyushu Hakata Campus in November 2018, following Tokyo Otemachi, Nagoya Nagoya Station, Setouchi Okayama!
Kyushu-Hakata campus will be opened as the fourth campus in November 2018, following Tokyo / Otemachi, Nagoya / Mei Station, Setouchi / Okayama. Drone college aims to meet the growing demand for drone pilots by opening a campus in Kyushu Hakata, where demand for drones is particularly high throughout the country.
朝日新聞デジタル リンク DroneTimes リンク
In すべて
Drones Lab Co., Ltd. and Tenma Advisory Co., Ltd., a group of drone colleges, cooperated in the operation of video transmission using unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) at disaster emergency sites.
Drone Lab Co., Ltd. and Tenma Advisory Co., Ltd., a specialist in video compression and transmission technology, are working together to conduct video transmission operations using unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) at disaster emergency sites. The DMAT (Disaster Dispatch Medical Team), which has already been conducted at the disaster site, uses a system that transmits camera images and biological monitor images to ambulatory hospitals in real time from ambulances by Tenma Advisory Co., Ltd. Can be quickly and accurately transmitted to information hubs such as disaster emergency response headquarters, and by using the camera mounted on the drone to collect information that is the starting point of this system, not only the medical team Real-time information can be shared with all staff and headquarters such as disasters and fire departments, enabling efficient activities. The drone college already has a track record of acquiring knowledge and skills for safe operation of drones for firefighters and rescue workers, and wants to include video compression and transmission of drones in the curriculum. Yes.
ドローン大学校 名古屋キャンパス12期開講!
In 名古屋キャンパス
ドローン大学校 名古屋キャンパス 12期を開講しました。今回お迎えした入校生のなかには、現役の弁護士先生もいらっしゃいました。ドローン大学校を選んでいただいた入校生に感謝しつつ、講義・実技実習に全力で取組みます。
Drone college Nagoya Campus 12th Period!
Drone college Nagoya Campus opened 12th term. Among the enrolled students who were greeted this time, there were also active lawyers. Thanks to the students who chose the drone college, we will do our best in lectures and practical training.
ドローン大学校 東京キャンパス19期開講!
In 東京キャンパス
ドローン大学校 東京キャンパス 19期を開講しました。今回も大勢の入校生を迎えることができ、その中には瀬戸内キャンパスと東京キャンパスに2名入校いただいた運送会社さまもいらっしゃいます。物流、点検、測量、空撮・・・と、入校生がめざす進路は違いますが、安全な運航に必要な知識と技術の習得という目標は、どの入校生にとっても同様です。今回も受講生と講師陣が一丸となって充実した講習になるように全力で取組みます。
Drone college Tokyo Campus 19th Period!
Drones college Tokyo Campus 19th term opened. This year, we were able to welcome a large number of students, including some transportation companies who entered the Setouchi Campus and Tokyo Campus. The courses that students aim for are different from logistics, inspection, surveying, aerial photography, etc., but the goal of acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for safe navigation is the same for all students. We will do our best to ensure that students and teachers come together and become a full course.
ドローン大学校 瀬戸内キャンパス 1期生&2期生合同修了式開催!
In 広島キャンパス
7月の西日本豪雨により延期していたドローン大学校 瀬戸内キャンパス 1期生修了式を2期生と合同の修了式として開催しました。今回も台風24号の通過と重なり、予定していた屋上BBQ修了式は延期となり、急遽ホールとレストランをお借りしての開催となりました。1期生&2期生合同ということで、ホールに入りきらないほどの大人数の修了生にご来場頂き、講師陣も幸せな気持ちでいっぱいになりました。また、同時開催の特別講義には、ドローン ポートの開発も行う、建物の改修専門会社「株式会社ラックス」の代表取締役 山田哲矢氏に講師をお願いし、同社のドローン との関わりやMBAで学ばれた起業家精神などをご講演いただきました。
Drone college Setouchi Campus 1st & 2nd Student Joint Completion Ceremony!
Drone college Setouchi Campus, which was postponed due to the heavy rain in western Japan in July, was held as a joint completion ceremony for the 1st year students. This time, it overlapped with the passage of Typhoon 24, and the planned rooftop BBQ completion ceremony was postponed, and it was held with the rent of a hall and restaurant. As the 1st and 2nd term students joined together, a large number of graduates who could not enter the hall attended, and the teachers were filled with happiness. In addition, for special lectures held at the same time, we asked Dr. Tetsuya Yamada, a representative director of “Lux Co., Ltd.”, a building repair company that also develops drone ports, to learn about the company’s relationship with drones and MBA. He gave a lecture on entrepreneurship.
ドローン大学校 瀬戸内キャンパス 3期開講
In 広島キャンパス
2018年春に開校したドローン 大学校 瀬戸内キャンパスも早くも三期生をお迎えすることができました。今回も大勢の受講生を迎え、とても賑やかな講習と実技を行うことができて、講師陣も幸せいっぱいです!
Drone college Setouchi Campus 3rd period
The drone college that opened in the spring of 2018 Setouchi Campus was also able to welcome third-year students. This time, we have a large number of students, we can do very lively classes and practical skills, and the teachers are happy!
ドローン農薬散布実務実習 東京修了式 開催
In 東京キャンパス
京都〜北海道・旭川で2018年春から始まったドローン農薬散布実務実習 第1期が修了し東京組の修了式を行いました。残念ながら修了生全員のご参加ではありませんでしたが、実習中の思い出話に花が咲き、賑やかな会となりました。
Practicing drone pesticide application in Tokyo
A drone pesticide spraying practical training practice started in the spring of 2018 in Kyoto, Hokkaido and Asahikawa. Unfortunately, not all graduates participated, but the memory of the memoirs during the training bloomed and became a lively party.
2018年9月度 名古屋キャンパス修了式 開催
In 名古屋キャンパス
今月もドローン大学校 名古屋キャンパスから修了生が誕生しました。JUIDA 操縦技能証明証、JUIDA 安全運航管理者証明証、ドローン大学校修了証を授与され、今後はドローンパイロットとしてご活躍されることでしょう。また、同時開催の特別講義では、Terra Drone株式会社 開発事業部の小池章太 氏をおよびして、同社の事業開発についてお話いただき、特別講義後は懇親会も開催しました。
Completion ceremony for Nagoya Campus in September 2018
This month, a graduate was born from the drone college Nagoya campus. You will be awarded a JUIDA pilot skill certificate, a JUIDA safe operation manager certificate, and a drone college completion certificate. At the same special lecture, Mr. Shota Koike of Terra Drone Co., Ltd. Development Division talked about the company’s business development, and a social gathering was held after the special lecture.
In 東京キャンパス
Tokyo Campus completion ceremony held in September
The Tokyo campus completion ceremony was held in September. More than a month, many excellent graduates were born. At the same time, special lectures will be held at 6 branches nationwide and at 2 overseas locations. Laser and photogrammetry using drones will be conducted in Japan and overseas, and high-precision 3D drawings will be created in a short time. Mr. Takamasa Yoshimoto of Terradrone Co., Ltd., which provides useful services for the lecture, gave a lecture on the company’s original technology and in-house developed software.