

In 博多キャンパス



Hakata Campus 3rd Term Completion Ceremony
The 3rd term completion ceremony for the Hakata Campus was held with many students. Some graduates who have already been in the business of drones have come to a meaningful meeting where the story of the drone business continues.



In 博多キャンパス

Hakata Campus 4th period
The 4th term of Hakata Campus has been opened. There are many female students on the Hakata campus, and there are always lectures and practical skills that make you laugh. This year was also a lively practical training with many female students.




In 名古屋キャンパス

Nagoya Campus 15th Completion Ceremony
The 15th graduation ceremony was held with many students. Also, during the graduation ceremony, a graduate who mainly worked as a business consultant gave a lecture on the theme of “entrepreneurship in drone business”. Another feature of the drone college is that there are many graduates with various skills.



In 広島キャンパス

8月3日(土)〜 8月9日(金)の7日間、瀬戸内キャンパス07期が開講されました。今期も大変賑やかな開期となりました。残念ながら、全員揃っての修了とはなりませんでしたが、未修了の方は今後も操縦練習を重ねプロパイロットとして必要な操縦技術を身につけて修了していただきます。
Drone college Setouchi Campus 07th term (SC07) opened
The Setouchi Campus 07 period was held for 7 days from August 3 (Sat) to August 9 (Fri). This season was also very lively. Unfortunately, it wasn't all completed, but those who haven't completed will continue to practice and acquire the necessary maneuvering skills as a professional pilot.


ドローン大学校 東京キャンパス22期(TC22)修了式開催

In 東京キャンパス

ドローン大学校 東京キャンパス22期修了式を開催しました。今回も多くの優秀な修了生を送り出すことができました。また、特別講義では東京キャンパスOBの小川 保先生に「写真師 小川講師がクジラを語る」というタイトルで、ドローンによる洋上撮影についてご講演いただきました。
Drone University Tokyo Campus 22nd Term (TC22) Completion Ceremony
Drone University Tokyo Campus 22nd Term Completion Ceremony was held. We were able to send out many excellent graduates this time. In the special lecture, Dr. Ogawa, an OB of Tokyo Campus, gave a lecture on offshore photography by drone under the title "Photographer Ogawa talks about whales".



In 東京キャンパス

7月21日(日)〜 7月28日(日)の8日間、東京キャンパス23期が開講されました。今期も定員満員の受講生に集まっていただき、大変賑やかな開期となりました。残念ながら、全員揃っての修了とはなりませんでしたが、大勢の修了生を創出することができました。


Drone college Tokyo Campus 23rd term (TC23) opened
The 23rd term of the Tokyo Campus was held for 8 days from July 21 (Sun) to July 28 (Sun). This year, it was a very lively opening period with a full capacity. Unfortunately, it wasn't the completion of all of them, but we were able to create many graduates.


ドローンFES@としま feat.ドローン大学校 開催

In すべて

2019年7月13日(土)〜15日(祝・月)までの3日間「ドローンFES@としま feat.ドローン大学校」を開催しました。このFESは、自然豊かな伊豆諸島の島である利島のロケーションを題材として、撮影実習を行い、利島の観光発展に貢献し、さらに撮影した動画を参加者のポートフォリオとして利用していただけるドローン空撮の実技実習を主な目的とするFESでした。ご参加者はドローンの運航や撮影技術を実務的に体験することで、空撮に関するスキルアップをされました。


Drone FES @ Toshima feat.Drone University We held “Drone FES @ Toshima feat. Drone University” for three days from Saturday, July 13 to 15 (holiday, Monday). This FES is a drone aerial photo that allows you to use the location of Toshima, a rich island of Izu Islands, as a theme for photography training, to contribute to tourism development in Toshima, and to use the videos you have taken as a portfolio of participants. It was FES whose main purpose was practical training. Participants gained practical skills in drone operations and shooting techniques, and improved their skills in aerial photography.  


ドローン大学校 名古屋キャンパス15期(NC15) 修了

In 名古屋キャンパス


  Drone college Nagoya Campus 15nd Term (NC15) Completion Ceremony It was the 15th term of the Nagoya Campus that started with an application for full capacity this term, but there were some students who carried over the completion to the next term, unfortunately not all of them completed, but the drone is safe It was a week in which all the students struggled to get the knowledge and skills necessary for operation.  


ドローン大学校 名古屋キャンパス15期(NC15) 開講

In 名古屋キャンパス



Drone college Nagoya Campus 15th term (NC15) opened The exciting Nagoya campus started with an application for full capacity this term. A wide range of people, from students in their 20s to managers in their 50s, gathered, and it has become a busier period than usual.



ドローン大学校 博多キャンパス3期生(HC3)修了式開催

In 博多キャンパス



Drone college Hakata Campus 3rd year (HC3) completion ceremony Hakata Campus 3rd year graduation ceremony was held in Hakata city. Many of the graduates were not participating because it was held on weekdays, but they vowed to expand their drones into business. I hope that you will lead the drone industry in Kyushu with the 1st and 2nd students.